
Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

author:Shukuri Musume

With the arrival of spring, the climate gradually warms, but it also brings dry weather. During such a season, people often feel discomfort such as dry throat and dry skin. And at this time, eating more foods that can moisten the lungs and dry up is essential to maintain good health. Among them, duck meat is a very nutritious ingredient, not only delicious, but also has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, which is the best choice for spring health.

Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

Duck meat is rich in high-quality protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin E, which can help the body resist free radical damage and delay aging. In addition, duck meat is also rich in niacin, which can reduce blood lipids. In contrast, duck meat has a lower fat content than pork and is easier for the body to digest and absorb, making it a rare and good choice for those who pursue a healthy diet.

Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

In the case of a dry climate in spring, duck meat is considered to be a moisturizing food. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that duck meat has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, nourishing yin and nourishing the stomach, especially suitable for spring health and consumption. Eating duck meat can moisten the lungs and dry the lungs, help relieve symptoms such as cough and throat discomfort caused by dry weather, and make people more comfortable in spring.

So, how do you eat duck in the spring? Here are two delicious duck recipes.

Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

Recommended Recipe 1: [Bloody Duck]

Ingredients: fresh duck meat, fresh blood cake, ginger slices, green onions, white wine, salt, light soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, cooking oil

Here's how:

1. Chop the ducklings into small pieces, wash off the blood, and control the water for later use. Cut the blood cake into small pieces, add oil to the pot and cook it until it is six or seven hot, put in the blood cake, fry the crispy, and remove it for later use.

2. Leave a little cooking oil in the pot, add the duck head, duck feet, duck wings, duck legs, etc. and stir-fry until golden brown, then put in the duck meat, add bay leaves, dried red peppers, star anise, etc., stir-fry to get water, about 10 minutes. Finally, add a little sweet noodle sauce, ginger slices, green onions, and white wine, and continue to stir-fry for a while.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water, cover the pot, boil over high heat, continue to cook for 15 minutes, add salt, light soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, stir-fry until the flavor is absorbed, stir-fry until the soup is thick, add red pepper and ginger, and stir-fry evenly.

Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

Recommended Recipe 2: [Beer Duck]

Ingredients: 1 duck, 500ml beer, green pepper, ginger slices, garlic cloves, salt, sugar, pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking oil

Here's how:

1. Chop the duck into small pieces, soak it in water and wash it with water, wash off the blood, drain it and set aside;

2. Pour cooking oil into the pot, add the duck meat and stir-fry for about 10 minutes, stir-fry until there is no water, add ginger slices, garlic cloves, green onions, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, stir-fry until colored, pour in beer, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, and stew the duck meat.

3. Add a little salt, continue to simmer, reduce the juice over high heat, add the green pepper cubes, and stir-fry until the green pepper is broken.

Eat more of this meat in spring, replenish the lungs and clear dryness, increase immunity and strengthen the physique, which is cheaper than pork, especially to satisfy cravings

Whether it is a bloody duck or a beer duck, it is a combination of the tenderness of duck meat and other ingredients, which is rich in taste and nutrition. In the dry climate of spring, eating these delicious duck dishes can not only enjoy the food, but also nourish the body, strengthen the immune system, and make the body healthier. So let's eat more duck meat this spring to replenish the lungs and dry up and not cough all year round!

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