
《波坦尼庄园》现已登陆Xbox主机与PC 同步加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass

author:The game knew it early

《波坦尼庄园 Botany Manor》现已登陆Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、Windows PC。 现已加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass(主机版+PC版)。

Welcome to 19th-century England and to the sprawling botanical estate. You'll take on the role of Arabella Greene, a retired botanist from the estate, exploring the inside and outside of the building, studying forgotten plants and helping them find their ideal habitat. Take care of each plant and discover their mysterious qualities......

《波坦尼庄园》现已登陆Xbox主机与PC 同步加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass

Game Features:

Potany Manor is a first-person puzzle game set in a Victorian manor in England.

You'll be Arabella Greene, a botanist in 1890, writing her own monograph on botanical research, The Little Forgotten Flower.

Explore an accurately reconstructed England estate and study how to make the seeds of rare plants sprout and bloom.

Set in the scenic countryside, there are plenty of rooms and gardens to discover.

Mysterious clues are scattered throughout the manor for you to explore, including letter books, posters, and fantastic Victorian installations.

Although the plants you grow are the product of fantasy and fiction, they also refer to real-world natural phenomena, so they sometimes require unusual ideas. As long as you pay close attention to the nooks and crannies of the estate and the various objects, you can definitely create ideal conditions for the growth of various plants.

As you walk through room after room, you'll learn more about Arabella's life and career, as well as the problems and problems she faced in her pursuit of science because of her gender.

The tranquil setting of the Botani Estate is perfect for stopping and sniffing roses at any time.

《波坦尼庄园》现已登陆Xbox主机与PC 同步加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass
《波坦尼庄园》现已登陆Xbox主机与PC 同步加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass
《波坦尼庄园》现已登陆Xbox主机与PC 同步加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass

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