
Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

author:Armament in depth

Yellen's second visit to China after serving as Treasury Secretary brought more goodwill and more sincerity in cooperation. The latest projections of the Congressional Budget Office warn that the US federal debt could be higher than it was during World War II in 10 years. That is, the US debt has reached a wartime state, and the operation of the entire country is no longer sustainable. Against this backdrop, Yellen visited China again. Yellen's visit to China this time is obviously with a demand for cooperation, and there is a lot more goodwill and sincerity than before. After Yellen arrived in China, she was the first to go to the streets to familiarize herself with and understand the local culture, showing her closeness and understanding of China.

Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

At the end of Yellen's five-day trip, Yellen once again stressed that she would not seek decoupling from China, expressing a strong desire for cooperation. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen held a press conference in Beijing on the afternoon of April 8, and she once again said that she does not seek decoupling from China, China and the United States have close economic ties, and decoupling will bring disastrous consequences. Yellen made a similar statement after arriving in China, and now she has made a similar statement again, which shows that Yellen has indeed shown sufficient sincerity and a strong desire to cooperate this time. Yellen is very clear that between China and the United States, you have me, I have you, and any unilateral confrontation cannot succeed, and the final result will be a lose-lose situation.

We also actively cooperate with the cooperation that Yellen wants, because China has always been the promoter of China-US cooperation. On the issue of China-US cooperation, China has always taken a positive attitude and has always upheld an open attitude. Although the United States has been undermining Sino-US cooperation, imposing a bottomless and unprincipled blockade and suppression of China, and even suppressing Chinese companies without a way out, China still actively promotes China-US cooperation with the mentality of a major country. China has always considered issues from the perspective of the overall international situation and from the standpoint of the overall interests of China and the United States, and has never done anything that affects Sino-US relations based on narrow interests like the United States.

Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

Yellen's desire for cooperation has been realized, and China and the United States have reached important agreements in four key areas. After talks with Yellen on April 5 and 6, China reached important agreements on four important areas: balanced economic growth, financial stability, sustainable finance, and anti-money laundering cooperation between China and the United States and the global economy. It is reported that this time China and the United States have unanimously agreed to hold discussions in the above-mentioned areas, which is also very rare. In the past, the United States always emphasized the competition between China and the United States, and always tried to force China to submit through inferior means, but this time the United States began to change its posture and take the initiative to reach an agreement with China. Against the backdrop of the United States' loss of principled bottom line against China, it is rare to reach such an agreement.

It is reported that during the talks, China and the United States also had in-depth, candid, pragmatic and constructive exchanges on the macroeconomic situation between the two countries and the world, China-US economic relations and global challenges. It is rare for the word "unanimous agreement" to appear in bilateral talks between China and the United States, and this agreement in four important areas shows that the United States also recognizes the reality that neither China nor the United States can do without the other. In the past period, the United States has tried to play a hard line, talked a lot about decoupling and breaking the chain, and tried to separate the development of the United States from China. However, after paying a huge price, the United States found that even if the United States does not like China, it cannot do without China at all, otherwise it will pay a huge price.

Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

The balanced growth of the U.S.-China and global economies is a matter of interest to both China and the United States, as well as global interests, and it is important for China and the United States to agree on discussions and exchanges. It is very certain that China's development is conducive to the development of the United States, but the so-called hardliners in the United States regard China's development as an enemy of the United States, and this is obviously very wrong. During her talks with China, Yellen realized the importance of balanced economic growth between China and the United States and the global economy, and was willing to discuss and exchange views with China, which is very meaningful. China and the United States are the world's top two economies, and frank exchanges between China and the United States to achieve balanced development are of great significance to China and the United States and the whole world.

Financial stability, sustainable finance, and anti-money laundering cooperation are also of greatest concern to the United States. In addition to the issue of balanced growth between China and the United States and the global economy, Yellen has also reached important agreements with China in the areas of financial stability, sustainable finance, and anti-money laundering. These three areas are of the greatest concern to the United States, because the hegemony of the US dollar is beginning to be challenged, and the US debt has reached a very dangerous situation and may collapse at any time. Against this backdrop, the United States urgently needs to communicate with China in these areas and engage in practical cooperation with China. China is an important buyer of U.S. debt, and the United States especially needs China to play an important role in stabilizing U.S. debt.

Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

Before Yellen left, the United States played a shady trick in an attempt to exert more strategic pressure on China. However, China and the United States have just reached an important consensus, and Yellen has not left China, and the United States has begun to play tricks. According to Xinhua News Agency, the "US-UK-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership" (AUKUS) will join new members, such as Japan, which is about to start formal negotiations. In response to this news, Mao Ning said that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, in disregard of the widespread concerns of regional countries and the international community about the risk of nuclear proliferation, have continuously released signals of the expansion of the so-called "trilateral security partnership", lured some countries into joining the partnership, intensified the Asia-Pacific arms race, and undermined regional peace and stability.

Obviously, the trick played by the United States is to bring Japan into the US-led "US-UK-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership" and then create a confrontational organization similar to NATO in Asia. According to relevant reports, the defense ministers of the United States, Britain, and Australia will announce on 8 August that they will start talks related to the expansion of the second pillar of the "Aukus." The second pillar involves cooperation in quantum computing, undersea, hypersonics, artificial intelligence, and cyber technologies. Once Japan joins, it is possible for Japan to have nuclear submarines like Australia, which is definitely a dangerous signal. Japan's real entry into "AUKUS" will not only encourage the emergence of militarism in Japan, but will also be the beginning of the development of "AUKUS" into an Asian version of NATO.

Yellen's wish came true, China and the United States reached an agreement on four major areas, and before people left, the United States played a trick

Yellen has gotten what she wants in cooperation with China, but the United States still has the wrong concept and mentality when dealing with China. Yellen reached agreement with China on a number of key issues, but before Yellen left, the United States began to play tricks around China, trying to include Japan as a member of "AUKUS". In addition, the United States has also made unreasonable criticisms of China on issues such as Sino-Russian cooperation, and this shows that there are still obvious problems in the sincerity of cooperation and the observance of its promises on the part of the United States. It can be said that we still cannot put too much trust in the United States.