
Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

author:Dr. Sun's class

My sister grew up in a poor rural family. My father died in an accident at an early age, and my mother was bedridden for a long time, so the heavy burden of the whole family was concentrated on my sister, who was only 18 years old. In order to make ends meet, my sister had to drop out of school and go out to work.

That summer, my sister came to the city to work. The conditions in the factory are harsh, the wages are meager, and even the basic livelihood is difficult to maintain. One day, a man threw an olive branch to my sister and said that if she was willing to do some "special work", she could get paid handsomely. My sister agreed without much thought.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

Since then, my sister has been reduced to a woman who has lost her footing. Her life is completely reduced to a dirty and shady underground market, and she has to deal with all kinds of middle-aged men every day. Despite the shame and despair in her heart, my sister could only grit her teeth and persevere in order to support her seriously ill mother.

A year later, my sister took the opportunity of an outing to escape this gloomy environment and come to work in a small, remote country in Southeast Asia. Although the environment is harsh, the salary is not bad. My sister finally had some savings, and she was secretly determined to work hard and earn enough money to return to her hometown to visit her mother.

However, the good times did not last long, and soon after my sister was caught by a wealthy businessman and forced to become his mistress. This wealthy businessman indulged my sister in every way and bought her expensive clothes and jewelry, so that she could feel a luxurious life that she had never experienced before. But at the cost of having to accompany the rich merchant on his travels and deal with all sorts of dirty sexual demands. Sometimes, the wealthy businessman would invite his business partners to "enjoy" my sister.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

After a few years, my sister finally saved enough money and took advantage of the opportunity of the rich businessman to escape quietly and smuggle back to her motherland. She can't wait to return to her hometown and see her elderly mother.

But when my sister returned to her hometown, she found that her mother had passed away before her. Grief-stricken, my sister sat helplessly in front of her mother's grave, crying silently. She regretted that she had not come back earlier to take care of her mother, and her guilt and grief were intertwined, and my sister was eager to follow her immediately.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

At this moment, a well-wisher in the village told her that her mother had been talking about finding her daughter who had been missing for many years before she died. Hearing this, my sister's heart was immediately filled with her mother's warm love. She is determined to live well and repay her mother for her nurturing kindness.

In order to survive, my sister started doing odd jobs in the village again. One day, a villager came to her and said that several people in the village had been sick one after another, and they were very sick. My sister's heart sank, worried about whether she had contracted some disease while working outside, and quietly went to the county hospital for a check-up.

To my sister's surprise, the test results showed that she was living with HIV. When the doctor told her the news, my sister broke down. She felt hopeless and panicked like never before, and she didn't know how to face the impending death.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

The doctor advised my sister to actively cooperate with the treatment and try to prolong her life. But my sister knew in her heart that she might not be able to recover. She fears that if the villagers find out that they are infected, they will be discriminated against and ostracized. So my sister decided to silently hide her illness and wait quietly for death in her hometown alone, enduring endless loneliness and suffering.

My sister's heart wasn't completely hopeless, though. She was always worried about the villagers who were getting sick one after another, and her heart was full of worry, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had inadvertently transmitted the virus to them while working outside. So, she began to secretly inquire about the situation of those who were sick, and pieced together the truth bit by bit.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

It turned out that during the years when my sister was away from home to work, she was once favored by a villager's son, and unknowingly became his sex partner. The villager's son later introduced my sister to several other wealthy people and treated her as a "commodity" that could be rented out. Due to a lack of sex education and HIV prevention knowledge, these people not only did not take any precautions, but spread the virus to other villagers.

After learning this terrible truth, my sister was tormented in her heart. She regretted that she did not bravely ask for help from the outside world, but chose to hide her illness. If the disease had been detected and effectively controlled at that time, perhaps such serious consequences would not have been caused, and this tragedy could have been avoided.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

Eventually, my sister decided to pluck up the courage to go to the villagers she had infected, tell them about her condition, and persuade them to get checked and treated immediately. While doing so may expose oneself to more discrimination and exclusion, my sister understands that this is the only way to minimize the tragedy of more people contracting HIV.

In this way, despite the imminent death of her own life, my sister searched for the villagers she had infected one by one, confessed to them and advised them to seek medical attention as soon as possible. What she didn't expect was that instead of scolding her, some people expressed understanding and sympathy. They knew that my sister was also a victim and that she had unfortunately become a source of HIV transmission.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

You must know these knowledge points about HIV/AIDS

AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a fatal disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection that severely affects the function of the body's immune system. Over time, if left untreated, HIV can destroy the body's immune system, leaving patients vulnerable to a variety of diseases and potentially dying from infections that would normally not be fatal.

How HIV is transmitted: HIV is usually transmitted in the following ways:

Sexual transmission: Unsafe sex is the most common mode of transmission of HIV.

Blood-borne transmission: such as the use of unsterilized syringes, blood transfusions, etc.

Mother-to-child transmission: during pregnancy, childbirth, or through breastfeeding.

Organ transplant or human tissue transplant.

HIV is not spread through everyday contact: this includes hugging, shaking hands, sharing utensils, mosquito bites, etc.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

Recognize the early symptoms of AIDS: About 50%-90% of people develop flu-like symptoms within a few weeks of HIV infection, which is known as acute HIV infection. These symptoms include persistent fever, severe sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash on the skin all over the body, which are often common signs of infection.

Testing and diagnosis: Testing for HIV includes rapid tests and laboratory tests. Once the test is positive, a series of further tests are required to confirm the diagnosis and ensure an accurate picture of the individual's health.

Treatment: Although there is no cure for AIDS, there are highly effective antiretroviral regimens that can effectively control viral replication and enable HIV-positive people to live long-term and healthy lives.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

Prevention: Safer sex (e.g., condom use), avoidance of syringe sharing, HIV screening, and avoidance of mother-to-child transmission are all effective ways to prevent HIV infection.

Social and psychological support: HIV-positive people may face social stigma and psychological stress, and it is important to provide appropriate social and psychological support.

According to the latest World Health Organization statistics, millions of people around the world live in the shadow of HIV, which vividly illustrates the severity and scale of the global epidemic. The Chinese Government and health organizations at all levels are actively engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.

Myths about HIV/AIDS: There are many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS that not only affect the understanding of the disease, but can also lead to discrimination and prejudice in society. For example, the notion that "AIDS is specific to certain groups" is false, and in fact, AIDS can affect anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, race, age or geographic location.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

Another misconception is that "AIDS cannot be treated". In fact, with the continuous innovation and advancement of medical technology, remarkable and remarkable progress has been made in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. With antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV can be highly inhibited, significantly slowing the progression of the disease and allowing patients to live longer and significantly improve their quality of life.

In addition to this, there are misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted, such as the belief that HIV can be transmitted through everyday contact such as shaking hands with people living with HIV, sharing utensils, or using public restrooms. These beliefs are completely wrong, because HIV is mainly transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, or breast milk, and does not contribute to the transmission of HIV through everyday contact, such as shaking hands, sharing dishes, or using public restrooms.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

We need to strengthen publicity and education to raise public awareness and understanding of HIV/AIDS, so as to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against people living with HIV/AIDS, and at the same time promote the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. With the right knowledge and attitudes, we can better support and help those affected by HIV/AIDS and contribute to building a more inclusive and healthy society.

International Cooperation and Protection in Everyday Life: The international community has carried out extensive cooperation in the research and prevention of HIV/AIDS, and individuals should also take corresponding protective measures in their daily lives to jointly fight AIDS.

Equally important is HIV/AIDS education, and knowing and disseminating the right knowledge can help reduce panic and misunderstandings, and break down social prejudice and discrimination against HIV/AIDS. And this, as the ancient philosopher Confucius said: "To know is to know, not to know is not to know, is to know." Meaning: to know is to know, not to know is not to know, this is true knowledge. The same applies to our understanding of HIV/AIDS – only with true understanding can we make the right judgments and choices.

Why is there more and more AIDS in the countryside? My sister is also unfortunately suffering from AIDS, which explains everything

At present, although HIV/AIDS is still a global public health problem, with the advancement of medical technology and the deepening of global cooperation, we have reason to believe that there will be more breakthroughs and hope in the future. Therefore, it is important for everyone to constantly update their knowledge and maintain a positive attitude towards life, so that they can better adapt to the changing environment and better cope with life's challenges. Finally, let us remember that "the way to prevent disease is to know", and only when we are equipped with sufficient knowledge can we better protect ourselves and others and build a healthy society.

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