
No one can teach you the ability to think for yourself?

author:Beijing Lens Bathroom

#爆料 ##独立思考#

No one can teach you the ability to think for yourself? Yes

Participation in social practice is a key way to develop independent thinking skills. In practice, we can not only get in touch with the real world and understand all kinds of complex situations, but also exercise our thinking ability and problem-solving ability through our own actions and decisions. Through continuous experimentation, exploration, reflection and improvement, we can gradually form our own independent thinking ability and form our own opinions and opinions.

No one can teach you the ability to think for yourself?

Although utopia can also help us think, it often only stays at the theoretical level and lacks practical experience and feelings. Utopian dreams do not allow us to truly understand the complexity and variability of the world, nor can we truly experience the difficulties and challenges in solving problems. Therefore, fantasy cannot really exercise our ability to think independently.

"The Theory of Contradiction" tells us not to try to solve all problems at once, because there are still problems behind the problems. The problem is the contradiction. Contradictions are universal and absolute, existing in all processes of the development of things, and running through all processes. Life is also a contradiction that constantly arises and resolves itself in the objects and processes themselves;

The essence of no idea is actually a lack of understanding of the commonality of things, and there is no basic framework for the cognition of things, so I don't know where to start. They are cautious in everything they do, they are worried about what they say or do wrongly, and they are always worried that they will say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing; they set a lot of goals and make a lot of plans, and often they start to do another thing before they have finished one thing, and as a result, they can't do a good job; they seem to be looking for methods, ideas, and inspiration every day, thinking that they know a lot, but when they encounter problems, they are still blinded. When thinking and analyzing in the face of new problems, many people will be blind and clueless, which is a typical person who does not have the ability to think independently for the time being.

No one can teach you the ability to think for yourself?

The fundamental difference between a thing and other things lies in the particularity of things, that is, each thing has its own unique place. In order to form the ability to think independently, it is definitely necessary to participate in social practice and polish it in practice, rather than relying on utopian dreams. The ability to think independently is tempered by an effective process, not a showmanship.

In the process of tempering, we need to keep trying, exploring, reflecting and improving, and constantly challenge our thinking limitations and cognitive boundaries. We need to be brave enough to face various problems and challenges, actively look for solutions, and constantly adjust and optimize in practice. In this process, we can not only improve our thinking ability, but also cultivate our own innovative spirit and creativity.

The ability to think independently is not a fancy, superficial ability, but a tangible, valuable skill. It can help us better understand the world, better respond to various problems and challenges, and better realize our values and goals. Therefore, we should pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of independent thinking ability, and temper our independent thinking ability through participating in social practice, continuous experimentation and exploration, and become a person with thoughts, insight and action.

No one can teach you the ability to think for yourself?

Dear Lens family, only through effective practice and experience can we truly exercise our ability to think independently and realize our own values and goals.

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