
The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

author:A school dad with an attitude

In the winter of 1937, the Japanese army attacked Shandong, and Han Fuyu fled without a fight. Li Yu, then secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, decided to mobilize the people to resist Japan, and after careful organization, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee led more than 10 armed uprisings, including Hebei, Lubian, Northwest Shandong, Tianfu Mountain, Heitie Mountain, Niutou Town, and Culai Mountain, and raised a number of anti-Japanese guerrilla units. Most of the guerrillas were enthusiastic young men and students, who had not undergone rigorous military training, and the Shandong Provincial Party Committee at that time was also very short of military cadres.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Li Yu

After Chairman Mao learned about it, he sent Zhang Jingwu, Wu Kehua, Hu Qicai and others to Shandong with a large number of anti-university members to help Li Yu train the troops. Wu Kehua, Hu Qicai, and others were all famous generals who had experienced a hundred battles, and under their strict training, the combat effectiveness of the anti-Japanese guerrillas was greatly enhanced. In order to pinch these guerrillas together to form a fist and strike at the enemy more effectively, in the winter of 1938, more than 10 anti-Japanese armed forces operating in Shandong were reorganized into the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, which had 10 detachments and an independent regiment under its jurisdiction, with a total strength of more than 25,000 people.

After the establishment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, under the command of Zhang Jingwu and Li Yu, it fought fiercely with the Japanese puppet army many times. At that time, the strength and weapons of the Eighth Route Army were inferior to those of the opponent, and if they wanted to win the battle, they had to grasp the enemy's every move, which required those bold and careful scouts to engage in intelligence. At that time, among the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, the most famous scout was none other than Liu Xikun.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Liu Xikun is a native of Hengtai, Shandong, born in 1916, and has practiced martial arts since he was a child. In January 1938, he joined the 5th Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation led by Liao Rongbiao as a guard. At the end of that year, the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army was established, and Liu Xikun entered the Fourth Detachment as a scout. He is shrewd, strong in martial arts, and bold and careful, and has successfully completed the reconnaissance tasks assigned by his superiors many times.

At the beginning of June 1939, Liao Rongbiao decided to lead his troops to uproot the Japanese stronghold in Suozhen. In order to find out the deployment of troops and firepower in the stronghold, Liu Xikun was ordered to go to investigate. He disguised himself as a businessman, and it took him half a month to finally figure out the situation and draw a sketch. At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon of June 17, Liu Xikun left Suozhen with a sketch and rushed to the station of the fourth detachment.

When he was about to walk to Shahe Village, he ran into a Japanese puppet army that went to the countryside to loot. At this time, it was too late to dodge, Liu Xikun was bold and walked over to the enemy generously. If he had stayed in peacetime, he would have been stopped and interrogated by the enemy. But today, the Japanese puppet army has looted a lot of property in the countryside, as well as some chickens, ducks and grain, which are carried on their shoulders, and they are all tired and panting, so they did not interrogate Liu Xikun.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Unexpectedly, a puppet soldier at the end of the team recognized him and immediately shouted. In this way, Liu Xikun's identity was exposed, and the little devil threw away the looted things and outflanked him. Liu Xikun took out two grenades from his body and threw them over, killing several Japanese puppet soldiers in an instant, and the remaining enemies immediately lay on the ground and fired. The squadron leader of the little devil had heard of Liu Xikun's name many times, and knew that he was a famous reconnaissance hero of the Eighth Route Army, so he wanted to capture him alive, so he ordered his subordinates not to shoot at the vital point when they fired.

In this way, the enemy had scruples when he opened fire, and Liu Xikun took the opportunity to run into an empty house at the east end of Shahe Village. The Japanese puppet army that arrived later surrounded the house, and the leader of the devil squadron sent a puppet soldier to shout, saying that as long as Liu Xikun surrendered, he would be allowed to enjoy glory and wealth. Liu Xikun raised his hand and shot the hat on the head of the puppet soldier who shouted.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Seeing that the persuasion failed, the little devil began to attack the courtyard. Liu Xikun was a sharpshooter, and he fired his bow left and right, knocking down several enemies in an instant. The leader of the devil squadron was also quite smart, and while shooting from the front to attract Liu Xikun's attention, he ordered a team of puppet soldiers to go around the back of the house to dig a wall, ready to flank him. A little devil took advantage of Liu Xikun's lack of time to take care of it, jumped into the house through the window, and pounced on him with a bright bayonet.

Liu Xikun has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and has practiced a good kung fu, especially good at using iron sand palms, he dodged the little devil's bayonet with a light flash. Immediately raised his right hand, and slammed an iron sand palm on the little devil's neck, sending him to the west on the spot. At this time, the puppet army behind the house had already begun to dig the wall, and Liu Xikun had an idea, and immediately stripped off the clothes on the little devil's body and put them on himself, and put on a steel helmet.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Liu Xikun

Then he jumped up, jumped on the beam, stabbed the back roof, and stood on the slope behind the house, pointing to the southwest direction and shouting at the puppet army digging the wall: "Eight Geya Road, Liu Xikun's side has escaped, chase quickly!" At this time, it was almost dusk, Liu Xikun was wearing the clothes of a little devil again, and no one in the puppet army looked closely, so they obediently obeyed his command and chased in the southwest direction.

Liu Xikun jumped out of the room, crossed the back wall, and then ran out of the village along the path, returned safely to the station of the four detachments, and handed over the information from the reconnaissance to Liao Rongbiao, the commander of the detachment, and made a great contribution to the troops to uproot the stronghold of Suozhen. Two months later, Liu Xikun got on the train of the Japanese army transporting munitions in Qingdao, and when he passed through the Zihe Bridge, he cooperated with the ambush troops inside and outside to seize all the munitions on the train, which greatly alleviated the plight of the troops due to the lack of ammunition, and was awarded a third-class meritorious service.

The Eighth Route scout was surrounded, and a miracle happened when his fate was hanging by a thread: the puppet army obediently obeyed his command

Due to his many meritorious contributions, Liu Xikun was promoted to the head of the reconnaissance section of the fourth detachment, and was praised by Liao Rongbiao as "a reconnaissance hero who is both wise and brave, and resourceful". After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Xikun participated in the Liberation War with the troops. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as director of the Air Force Administration and died of illness in 1986 at the age of 70.