
Colorful activities escort the growth of children's hearts

author:Tianjin Peace

In order to further promote the healthy physical and mental development of adolescents and children, and to guide minors to establish correct values, in the past few days, schools in our district have carried out various social activities, focusing on optimizing the environment for minors' growth, and constantly improving and improving the education network that combines school, family, and society.

Anshan Province Elementary School

In order to cultivate a new culture that attaches importance to environmental protection and pursues low-carbon fashion, and at the same time strengthens students' awareness of scientific electricity use and the concept of energy and environmental protection development. A few days ago, Anshan Road Primary School and Heping Power Supply Service Center jointly launched the "Focus on Double Carbon and Green Development" co-construction activity.

During the activity, the two teachers of the Peace Power Supply Service Center started from the actual life of the students, combined with their own professional knowledge, and explained from the four aspects of "what is 'double carbon'", "why do we want to achieve double carbon", "countries around the world are in action" and "what can I do for double carbon" through vivid PPT display and interactive Q&A.

Colorful activities escort the growth of children's hearts

The teachers led the students to understand the knowledge of "double carbon", understand the concepts of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", share energy conservation and emission reduction measures, and called on students to start from themselves, start from small things, and contribute to the achievement of the "double carbon" goal by changing their lifestyles. In the interactive session, the students enthusiastically raised their hands to answer questions and put forward their own ideas, and everyone proposed to start from small things, save one kilowatt-hour of electricity, save a drop of water, and make their own contributions to sustainable development.

Xikang Road Elementary School

A few days ago, Xikang Road Primary School held the launching ceremony of the 2024 school-family-community collaborative education series of activities, aiming to strengthen the tripartite cooperation between the school, family and society, and jointly contribute to the growth and development of children.

Colorful activities escort the growth of children's hearts

The launching ceremony kicked off with the children's chorus "Country", and the children of the Nuanyang Choir of Xikang Road Primary School expressed their love for the motherland with pure voices and innocent smiles.

Colorful activities escort the growth of children's hearts

In the textbook drama "Reading for the Rise of China", the young actors brought the inspirational story of the young Zhou Enlai to the audience.

Colorful activities escort the growth of children's hearts

In this event, the school also invited five outstanding teacher representatives to conduct a home-school education salon discussion with the theme of "The Beauty of 'Education' in Both Directions". The five teachers shared their own home-school communication cases one by one, and shared some of their experiences and experiences in home-school co-education from the aspects of the transformation of students with learning difficulties, students' emotional management, and the cultivation of students' reading interests, which benefited the participating parents a lot.

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