
Write the "Railway Construction Answer Sheet" for High-quality Development

author:Study Times

In the face of the complex and severe internal and external situation and the increasingly fierce market competition, China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Railway Construction) is guided by the party's innovation theory in the new era, fully focuses on high-quality development, comprehensively promotes the deepening and upgrading of reform, and earnestly improves quality and efficiency, promotes innovation, prevents risks, and strengthens party building, so as to ensure the realization of the goal of "stable growth of one profit and continuous optimization of five rates", and constantly create a new situation of high-quality development of enterprises.

Promote both quantity and quality, and continuously consolidate the foundation for high-quality development. Keeping an eye on the goal of "building a world-class enterprise", we insist on taking high-quality development as the last word, seize opportunities, take the initiative, expand the market, strengthen production, and increase efficiency, so as to ensure reasonable growth in quantity and effective improvement in quality.

The first is to improve the quality of operation and dance the leading business. Closely follow the national strategy, take the initiative to study and judge the market, grasp the policy trend, strengthen the operation of public recruitment projects, general contracting projects and overseas spot projects, and stabilize the five traditional markets of railway, highway, urban rail, municipal administration and housing construction. Expand the four emerging businesses of water, energy, mining and finance, as well as strategic emerging businesses. Strengthen the quality assessment of business contracting, select high-profit and high-value-added industries to focus on deep cultivation, and accelerate the layout of strategic emerging industries. Adhere to the "overseas first" strategy, steadily improve the quality of overseas operations, build the "Belt and Road" with high quality, enhance the ability of global allocation of various factors, enhance the control and competitiveness in the global industrial chain value chain, actively participate in the formulation of international standards, and create a higher level of "Chinese standards" and "Chinese solutions". Firmly establish the concept of "doing a good job in construction is the best management", comprehensively implement the integration of production and operation, and truly realize the promotion and rolling development by doing.

The second is to strengthen production management and build high-quality projects. Deeply practice the "three modernizations" concept of intensive development, professional operation and lean management, accelerate the integration of the "four chains" of industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain and capital chain, strictly implement the "five lines" requirements of the bottom line, red line, high-voltage line, lifeline and guarantee line necessary for high-quality development, further improve the level of refined management of the whole cycle of the project, firmly grasp the "three main lines" of technology, economy and capital, and enhance the performance ability of each project department, and resolutely adhere to the "six bottom lines" of safety, quality, efficiency, construction period, environmental protection and reputation to build the project into a high-quality project.

The third is to highlight value creation and promote quality and efficiency. Adhere to the management of efficiency, highlight cost management, strengthen the construction of "digital intelligent railway construction", enhance data penetration, data interconnection, credit evaluation, economic analysis and compliance supervision functions, promote the integration of industry and finance, and enhance economic vitality and resilience. Promote the steady improvement of a number of indicators such as the amount of new contracts signed by enterprises, industrial profits, and return on assets.

Deepen reform and innovation, and effectively activate the momentum of high-quality development. Resolutely implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, gnaw "hard bones" and wade into the "deep water area" with an enterprising attitude, and inject strong momentum into the development of enterprises.

The first is to deepen reform in an all-round way and form a long-term mechanism. We will further implement the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises, enhance core functions, and improve core competitiveness. Focus on improving the level of corporate governance, improve the rules of procedure of the party committee, the board of directors and managers, effectively play the role of the "baton" and "wind vane" of assessment, comprehensively deepen the reform of the three systems, and optimize and improve the three career development channels of cadres, experts and craftsmen. We should carry out the mechanism of competition for management personnel to take up posts, adjust the final rank, and withdraw from the incompetent, and establish the correct orientation of the capable to be promoted, the mediocre to be demoted, and the inferior to be eliminated. Improve the precise, flexible, standardized and efficient income distribution system.

The second is to optimize the industrial layout and improve management efficiency. Comprehensively optimize the allocation of resources, integrate regional headquarters enterprises, optimize regional layout, business layout, investment layout, asset layout, and overseas business layout, and build a regional industrial chain length. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises, and promote the deep integration of technology and business. Pay close attention to resource management and control, achieve intensive management, further promote the project management model, and maintain the relative stability of the project management team. Make good use of the policy "toolbox", implement excess profit rewards, actively explore models such as simulated shares, internal contracting, and option equity incentives, and tap the potential of project management to create benefits.

The third is to adhere to innovation-driven and cultivate strategic emerging industries. Focusing on major national strategies such as transportation power, manufacturing power, "dual carbon" strategy, and digital China, we will strengthen the industry's cutting-edge leading original technologies, "stuck neck" technologies and other key core technologies. Systematically promote the construction of scientific and technological innovation systems and mechanisms, innovation platforms, and scientific and technological talent teams, accelerate the pace of scientific and technological output, and continuously enhance the right to speak on international standards. We will continue to strengthen the innovation of high-tech design, construction, equipment and product technology in the fields of bridges, tunnels, housing construction and steel structures, and promote new technologies, new materials and new equipment such as new energy equipment, bamboo winding and slag utilization, so as to form a number of green construction technologies with significant competitiveness. Strengthen the research of basic, cutting-edge and disruptive technologies, continuously give birth to new industries, new models and new kinetic energy, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the "iron construction strength" of national scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

Strengthen risk management and control, and resolutely build a safety barrier for high-quality development. To achieve high-quality development, we must coordinate the two major events of development and security, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, strengthen the system concept, and take excellent measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the enterprise.

The first is to strengthen risk prevention and control and achieve stable development. We should further improve our political position, enhance our awareness of the overall situation, effectively prevent and resolve risk events in various fields such as production, operation, and financial funds, and resolve contradictions at the grassroots level and solve them at the first time. We will continue to improve the "big risk control and big supervision" system, promote the operation and use of the "cloud risk control monitoring center", effectively promote the coordination and integration of supervision systems at all levels, improve the self-supervision, monitoring and correction capabilities of major risk sources and economic management activities, prevent problems before they occur, continue to effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas, and promote the safe and stable development of enterprises.

The second is to build a strong line of defense and improve the level of intrinsic safety. Firmly establish the safety development concept of "people first, life first", adhere to high-quality development and high-level safety and benign interaction, and strictly implement the safety production responsibility system. We will carry out the three-year action of "tackling the root cause of safety production", promote the standardization and informatization of safety production, standardize on-site safety management, optimize the business processes related to safety evaluation and assessment, improve the relevant functions of the safety evaluation information platform for subcontractors, comprehensively promote the development and construction of safety evaluation and assessment systems, solve safety bottlenecks with institutional innovation, coordinate source governance, system governance and comprehensive management, and strive to improve the intrinsic safety level of enterprises.

The third is to improve the compliance system and achieve standardized management. Continue to promote the construction of "rule of law railway construction", implement "penetrating" management, and realize the standardization, institutionalization and process of enterprise management. Continue to improve the work efficiency and policy research capabilities of headquarters at all levels, carry out system combing, revision and completion in an orderly manner, strengthen the compliance awareness of cadres and employees, improve the level of internal control management, and truly achieve rules to follow, rules must be followed, and violations must be investigated; The management process is scientific and serious, vigorously protects the legal rights and interests of intellectual property rights, forms a long-term mechanism for intellectual property protection, dynamically updates the warning list of partners, and continues to play the role of risk warning, and carries out special compliance evaluation work throughout the system to improve the ability of self-examination and self-correction.

Focus on concentrating on the soul and continue to strengthen the guarantee of high-quality development. Adhere to the leadership of high-quality party building to ensure the high-quality development of enterprises, integrate the party's leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, and run party building work through the whole process of enterprise reform and development, production, operation and management.

The first is to take the quasi-political direction and strengthen the role of central enterprises. Upholding the party's leadership and strengthening party building are the "root" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises. We should take a clear stand on politics, carry out theme education in a solid manner, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards". With the "great man of the country" in mind, we will promote the deep integration of party building and the work of the production and operation center, focus on the main responsibilities and main business, earnestly assume the economic, political and social responsibilities of central enterprises, serve the central work of the party, serve the overall situation of the country, and play a good role as a "pillar" and "ballast stone".

The second is to focus on the first resource and realize the talent to strengthen the enterprise. Adhere to the correct selection and employment orientation, highlight the political, quality, and structural barriers, continue to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, and cultivate, introduce, and make good use of talents in an all-round way. Strengthen the construction of high-end leading talents and expert teams such as academicians and survey and design masters, accelerate the cultivation of compound talents in foreign economic cooperation, as well as talents in short supply such as specialization, specialization, special innovation, and digital transformation, smooth the growth channel of talents, strengthen employee career planning, training and education, increase cadre exchanges and the selection of young cadres, stimulate the vitality of the talent team, and gather "first resources" for the high-quality development of enterprises.

The third is to continue the red blood and devote itself to cultural empowerment. China Railway Construction is a military transformation enterprise, is a team inheriting the "red gene", in different historical stages, always around the overall strategic situation of the party and the country, shoulder the mission, and strive to be the first. Through the continuous integration of publicity resources, expand communication channels, build an all-media integrated communication pattern, tell the story of railway construction, spread the culture of railway construction, and earnestly undertake the mission and task of "raising the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, educating new people, revitalizing culture, and showing the image". Adhere to the power of culture to cast the soul and educate people, learn and practice the first batch of ten spirits of China Railway Construction with the spirit of the railway soldiers as the source, increase the cultivation of sub-cultural sub-brands, encourage the majority of cadres and employees to carry forward the glorious tradition, strengthen the mission, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of the enterprise.

In the face of new opportunities, new challenges and new changes, China Railway Construction will fully implement the new development concept, anchor the primary task of high-quality development, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and write the "Railway Construction Answer Sheet" on the new journey of realizing Chinese-style modernization and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

(The author is Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.)