
Build a loyal, clean and responsible discipline inspection and supervision iron army

author:Study Times

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of the discipline inspection and supervision cadre team, and in 2023, he will personally point out the topic and personally deploy the education and rectification of the national discipline inspection and supervision cadre team. After a year of inward education and rectification, the contingent of discipline inspection and supervision cadres has shown a new style and new atmosphere in terms of political loyalty, strict management system, ability to perform duties, and discipline and work style. We must deeply study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, strengthen team building with the spirit of thorough self-revolution, always be absolutely loyal, absolutely reliable, and absolutely pure, and hand over qualified answers to the party and the people on the new journey.

We will never stop strengthening our theoretical armament and building political loyalty, and always be a loyal guardian of the party and the people

Only loyalty is true. Loyalty to the party is the genetic blood engraved in the bones of the discipline inspection and supervision contingent, and it is the most distinctive political character of discipline inspection and supervision cadres. In the course of education and rectification, we have taken the cultivation of political loyalty as the primary goal, strengthened theoretical arming, grasped the education of party spirit, and significantly strengthened the political consciousness of discipline inspection and supervision cadres in firmly supporting the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards." Loyalty to the party is always important and practiced. On the new journey, discipline inspection and supervision cadres must inherit the red gene, take a clear stand on politics, and forge loyalty to the party with a clear heart.

Strengthen the theoretical armament to build a solid foundation of loyalty. Political firmness stems from theoretical sobriety. After the ideological refining of theme education and educational rectification, I feel more and more that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is broad and profound, and is a scientific truth based on the foundation of the times, answering the questions of the times, and leading the changes of the times. With affection and reverence, we will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a compulsory course, the first course, and a lifelong course, comprehensively and systematically, seriously and seriously, and learn more pure loyalty, firmer beliefs, and stronger responsibility. Highlight the key points, promote work with learning, deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, the important exposition of comprehensive and strict governance of the party and discipline inspection and supervision work, and truly figure out the reason why our party should self-revolution, understand why it can self-revolution, understand the practical requirements of how to promote self-revolution, and use the worldview and methodology of "six must be adhered to" to make the ideas and measures for the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work more scientific, stricter and more effective.

Demonstrate loyalty with firm ideals and beliefs. Ideals and convictions are the root and soul of communists and the foundation of discipline inspection and supervision cadres. We must always keep in mind the oath we made in the face of the bright red party flag when we joined the party, often ask ourselves who we are and what we want to do, inherit and carry forward the fine tradition and style of discipline inspection and supervision organs that were born because of the party and fight for the party, stick to the original intention, bravely undertake the mission, and make an oath and answer it all our lives. Constantly temper the cultivation of party spirit, often benchmark with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions and the requirements of the Party Central Committee, scan the party constitution, party rules and party discipline, deeply absorb the firm ideals and beliefs contained in General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, strengthen the exercise of party spirit, and improve the ideological nutrition of the spiritual realm and moral level, consciously inherit the great spirit of party building, inherit the spirit of Jiao Yulu, the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, and the spirit of Dabie Mountain, continue to repair the "heart and mind" of the communists, and truly clean up the source from the ideological source. Consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan, so that the iron heart follows the party, and the nine deaths do not regret.

In order to achieve the "two maintenance" test of loyalty. Discipline inspection and supervision cadres' loyalty to the party is concrete and practical, and must be embodied in the actions and results of fulfilling their duties. We have always taken the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions, especially the important requirements for Henan's work, as a top priority and political element, established and improved the working mechanism of special class promotion, special person responsibility, and special supervision, and focused on strengthening the whole-process supervision of the implementation of major national strategies such as the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the high-quality development of the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and the rise of the central region, so as to promote the implementation of the regulations, the implementation of each item, and the effectiveness of everything. Strictly enforce political discipline and political rules, focus on political loyalty, political security, political responsibility, political stance, and intra-party political life, strengthen supervision, promptly discover and strive to solve the "seven haves" problem, and resolutely prevent leading cadres from becoming spokespersons and agents of interest groups and powerful groups. Always believe in the organization, rely on the organization, obey the organization, be a "transparent person" in front of the organization, not a "two-faced person", and work with the Party Central Committee with one heart and one mind at all times and under all circumstances.

Temper the ability and style, strengthen the performance of duties, never stop, and always be a brave soldier who is upright, disciplined and anti-corruption

The most responsible is to see the backbone, and the most is to show the spirit of struggle. In the course of education and rectification, we have paid attention to combining the enhancement of spirit and spirit with the enhancement of ability and ability, grasped the integration and integration, deepened the uprightness and discipline and anti-corruption, and the total number of cases investigated and dealt with ranked among the top in the country, maintaining the strong intensity and high-pressure situation of uprightness, discipline and anti-corruption. As an important force in promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party, discipline inspection and supervision organs must absolutely not turn back, slacken, or be merciful in the struggle against corruption, and must unswervingly carry out the upright style, discipline, and anti-corruption work to the end.

Continue to forge the spirit of "dare to fight". Courage to fight is the most distinctive spiritual character of a warrior. The discipline inspection and supervision contingent works entirely for safeguarding the interests of the party and the people and serves the people thoroughly. In the face of major issues of right and wrong and major issues of principle, it is necessary to take a clear-cut stand, stand up confidently and confidently to express our attitude, clarify the facts, correct mistakes, and display the political principles, political stand, and political responsibility of discipline inspection and supervision cadres. In the face of the still grim and complicated situation of uprightness, discipline and anti-corruption, we must dare to attack, maintain a zero-tolerance attitude, undiminished determination to eradicate the disease with fierce medicine, and not loosen the scale of severe punishment. In the face of unhealthy tendencies and corrupt phenomena, we must be resolute and resolute, dare to wage the most resolute and thorough struggle against all acts that run counter to the party's nature and purpose, and against all factors that affect the party's advanced nature and weaken the party's purity.

Continue to temper the ability to "fight". Being able to fight is the most basic requirement for a warrior. The fight against corruption is a major political struggle that we cannot afford to lose and must never lose, and we must learn to struggle and grow and improve in the course of struggle. Strengthen political experience and ability, persist in implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, responding to major struggles and emergencies, and investigating and handling cases of violations of discipline and law, enhance political sensitivity and political discernment, be good at discovering political problems from emerging and tendentious problems, capture political hidden dangers, and improve the ability to look at and investigate corruption and unhealthy trends from a political perspective. Strengthen education and training empowerment, continue to carry out menu-based and on-demand pragmatic and effective training according to the personalized and differentiated needs of different levels, different positions, and different cadres, and focus on carrying out rotational training for supervision officials, guiding cadres to learn discipline inspection and supervision laws and regulations, enhancing the ability to accurately enforce discipline and law enforcement, and better performing duties and missions. Strengthen practice and training to increase capacity, use the front line of supervision and discipline enforcement as a "training ground" for tempering cadres, implement the mechanism of "sending up and hanging down", carry out job rotation exchanges on a regular basis, select and send cadres to study and exercise in the front line of supervision and inspection, review and investigation, inspection and inspection, and letters and visits, and constantly improve the ability to accurately discover problems, handle cases in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, and do a good job in ideological and political work, and strive to become "pioneers" of discipline inspection and supervision who can recruit and fight well.

Continue to hand over the answer sheet of "victory". Victory is the highest value pursued by a warrior. It is necessary to continue to exert efforts and advance in depth, constantly win new victories in the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle, and demonstrate the realm feelings of the soldiers of the Iron Army who wish the party and the country and serve the party and the country. We must resolutely win the battle of tackling tough problems and protracted battles in the construction of discipline and work style, accurately grasp the development trend and phased characteristics of the building of party style and clean government, persist in grasping party spirit, party style, and party discipline at the same time, take discipline building as a fundamental policy, deepen discipline education, and strictly enforce discipline, so that iron discipline can truly be transformed into the daily habits and conscious observance of party members and cadres; Bureaucracy, and strive to create a clean and upright political ecology and a good environment for development. Resolutely win the battle against corruption, improve the mechanism for analyzing and judging the political ecology, soberly understand the new situation and new trends in the anti-corruption struggle, deeply analyze the soil and conditions for the emergence of corruption, prescribe the right medicine and precise treatment, and promote the integration of those who dare not be corrupt, cannot be corrupted, and While always maintaining the high-pressure situation of anti-corruption and punishing evil, we should deepen reform to stop the breeding and spread of corruption, do in-depth and practical work to promote reform and promote governance, accelerate the construction of clean and honest government, promote the normalization and long-term effect of preventing and controlling corruption, and comprehensively consolidate the overwhelming victory of development.

Adhere to honesty and integrity, maintain physical health, never relax, and always be a fearless warrior of self-revolution

Supervisors must accept supervision themselves; those who enforce discipline must strictly observe discipline; and those who fight corruption must be honest and not corrupt. In the course of education and rectification, from the very beginning, we have made clear a strict attitude, set strict standards, and enforced strict discipline, and resolutely eliminated the black sheep. Iron striking must be self-hard, pure ranks are endless, we must carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, always maintain the consciousness and firmness of self-cutting carrion, frequent cleaning of the courtyard, and ensure that the disciplined forces are dedicated to the public, upright, and spotless.

Strict self-discipline in the normalization of inspection and rectification. Examining and rectifying problems is a dynamic process, and we must resolutely overcome the mentality of accomplishing a single battle, work hard for a long time, and make unremitting efforts. Combined with inspections and inspections, internal supervision and research, centralized discipline education, and case quality evaluation, urge and promote cadres to take the initiative to pick up a microscope to find their own lesions, and normalize the inspection of whether there are still problems such as lack of faith, political vacillation, abandonment of principles, improper work style, abuse of power, and failure to be honest and honest, and actively rectify them, turning the process of solving problems into a process of correcting mistakes and self-purification, and constantly improving the realm of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility. Deepen the use of cases to promote education and reform and governance, use the people and things around them to carry out warning education, promote cadres to conduct in-depth and detailed comparative inspections, "see the unvirtuous and introspect", and always maintain a high degree of vigilance against "corrosion" and "hunting", so that they are upright and self-hard.

In the normalization of the elimination of black sheep, there is a positive atmosphere. Eliminating the black sheep is not a one-time task, and we must abandon the mentality of "passing the test" and "turning the page", and continue to purify the political ecology of the whole system. Adhere to the zero-tolerance attitude unchanged, always maintain a strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere, and be highly vigilant against the discipline violations and law enforcement violations in the discipline inspection and supervision team. Persist in unswervingly focusing on investigation and punishment, strictly investigate and severely punish such acts as using cases for personal gain, shielding for personal gain, running amok and leaking air, and colluding with internal and external parties, and strictly hold accountable the leading groups of discipline inspection and supervision organs and their principal responsible persons who do not handle cases or suppress cases, and resolutely readjust cadres who are not suitable for working in the discipline inspection and supervision system in a timely manner. Persist in strict management and strict governance, strengthen daily supervision, carry out full-coverage and regular heart-to-heart talks, promptly remind and seriously criticize emerging and tendentious problems, and educate and guide cadres to be strict and strict in self-restraint, and be willing to be lonely "gatekeepers" of discipline and law.

Prevent risks in the normalization of rules and regulations. System construction is a long-term and systematic project, and it is necessary to check and fill in the gaps, continue to deepen, and prevent and control the risks of the operation of discipline inspection and supervision powers from the institutional level. Persist in the integration of investigation, reform, and governance, deeply analyze the deep-seated reasons behind the frequent and widespread problems, identify the risk points in the operation of discipline inspection and supervision powers, deepen the "fine decoration" of system construction, and promptly formulate, revise, or refine and improve institutional mechanisms such as the inspection of cadres' political quality, the standardized use of review and investigation measures, the education and management and supervision of the team, and the quality and process control of cases, further clarify the boundaries of power, improve internal control mechanisms, and continuously improve the standardization, legalization, and regularization of discipline inspection and supervision work. Continue to do a good job in the implementation of the system, strictly implement the party constitution and party rules and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission on regulating the online words and deeds of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, strictly prohibiting illegal drinking, and a series of system regulations, strengthen the supervision and inspection of implementation, strengthen the rigid constraints of the system, educate cadres to consciously abide by the system, strictly implement the system, resolutely maintain the system, get used to working and living in a supervised and constrained environment, and be a good benchmark and example of compliance with rules and disciplines.

(The author is a member of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Provincial Supervision Commission)