
Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

author:Affection and dew

This morning, I went to the notary public and made a will. In the will, I clearly wrote that when I die, all my remaining property will be given to my daughter and son-in-law.

I did the math, and at present I have 200,000 yuan in savings and 800,000 yuan of demolition money that I only got after the New Year. In addition to that, as a retired teacher, I have a pension of almost 7,000 per month.

I estimated that my pension would be enough for my old age and enough for me to see a doctor. I also thought that if I suffered from an incurable disease, I would just give up the treatment and not do the thing of throwing money into the water and still suffering. In this way, the property I can leave to my daughter and son-in-law should be 1 million.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

After making a will, I took a photo and sent it to the circle of friends, on the one hand, as an archive, so that relatives and friends would know about this matter, so as to save the trouble in the future, and secondly, to completely dispel the thoughts of my son and daughter-in-law, so that they would stop bothering me about money.

Speaking of which, you may wonder why I made a will to give all my property to my daughter and son-in-law, when I have a son and a daughter-in-law, but I never thought about my son?

The bystanders did not understand, and neither did the relatives at home. Less than half an hour after the circle of friends was posted, my eldest brother called me and told me to stay calm and not act impulsively.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

As soon as I hung up the eldest brother's phone, my son's call came, and I didn't answer because I knew that my son didn't have good words. My son didn't give up, made seven or eight phone calls to me, and sent dozens of text messages.

At first, my son asked me in a kind voice if my son-in-law had poured me ecstasy soup and asked me not to listen to them. Eventually, my son was visibly angry and asked me if my brain was in the water.

I replied decisively: "It's not me who has water in my brain, but you, an unfilial son." From the moment you cut off my grandson and let my daughter have the surname, you are not my son anymore, I only have a daughter, who will you give your daughter if you don't give your property to? Don't talk nonsense, you don't have to appear in front of me, I said, you are not my son anymore. ”

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

I am 63 years old, and I was born on January 23, 1961 in a small mountain village.

My parents have a total of four children, I am the youngest, and the worst one, only because my mother was pregnant with me when the house was flooded, living a life of worrying about the next meal, I can't supplement my mother, a pregnant woman, with nutrition. If it weren't for my grandparents helping me every once in a while, I wouldn't have been able to hold on to the moment I was born.

Looking at me as frail and sick as a child, my parents felt very guilty, and they were also worried about my future, worried that I would not be able to do farm work because I was not in good health, and I would have no way to live in the future. Therefore, they had to send me to school because it was the only way for me to survive.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

My brothers and sisters also felt sorry for me and gave me the opportunity to study, and with the full support of my family, I successfully completed my studies and was admitted to a middle school in 1976.

After graduating, I was assigned to work as a Chinese teacher in a primary school in the town, which saved my family from farming, much to the joy and relief of my family.

In 1983, I was 22 years old, and I was old enough to talk about marriage. Through the introduction of the matchmaker, I met my wife. Although my wife's family conditions are not good, my wife is well-known for being capable and virtuous, and my parents also think that I need to marry a capable daughter-in-law, so I got together with my wife.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

After I got married, I was responsible for teaching and educating people, spending a lot of time and energy on work, and my wife was responsible for farming and earning money to support the family.

At the beginning of 1986, my wife gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, and the daughter was ten minutes older than the son, and she was an older sister. That day, I was waiting for the good news at the door of the delivery room, and I watched the two children who were smiling and grinning, wanting to hold both the son and the daughter, and the hurried appearance caused a burst of good-natured laughter. It was under the guidance of my mother that I was able to hold two children at the same time.

Looking at the two delicate babies, I felt the mysterious and powerful power of the bloodline, and my heart became extremely soft. I swear that I will treat my children well and do everything I can to make them live a good life.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

However, in the process of raising my children, I was still influenced by traditional thinking and preferred my son. Although I am not too bad for my daughter, I should give food and drink, buy clothes, and let go to school, but the care I give to my daughter is far less than that of my son.

I don't care so much about my daughter's academic performance, just because I think my daughter can study as far as she can study, and it doesn't matter if she can't go on, she won't have to worry about a good life after finding a good man to marry.

Fortunately, my daughter is a good child who knows how to be motivated, although we don't care much about her, but her academic performance is still very good, not only admitted to 211 University, but also admitted to 985 University as a graduate student. After graduation, her daughter joined a Fortune 500 company and lived a worry-free life.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

What makes me feel a headache is that compared to my daughter, my son's academic performance is much worse than that of his dragon and phoenix sister.

In order to improve my son's academic performance, I not only tutored my homework myself, made a study plan for my son, but also asked my colleagues to help me buy a lot of tutoring materials for my son. However, when his son took the college entrance examination, he did not perform well and was only admitted to one or two books.

I was not satisfied with my son's college entrance examination results, so I let my son repeat his studies for a year. Unexpectedly, my son's exam in the second year was even worse, and he didn't even get two books, so he could only read three. At this point, I have to admit that my son is not the material for studying, so I have to go with him.

In 2010, his 24-year-old son decided to get married and marry his colleagues. My wife and I did not object to this family affair and chose to respect our son's opinion.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

In order to help my son marry a daughter-in-law, my wife and I almost emptied our savings, bought a house for our son in the provincial capital, not to mention, but also gave the woman's family bride price money, and bought three gold, so that two years later, when our daughter got married, we couldn't afford to give a decent dowry, so we could only give the bride price money to our daughter intact.

At that time, I noticed the selfish face of my daughter-in-law, because when I decided to give the bride price money to my daughter to marry, my daughter-in-law had a lot of opinions, she thought that the bride price should be kept and should not be taken away by my daughter. My wife and I ignored her, and my daughter-in-law was angry about it for a long time.

What we didn't expect was that the daughter-in-law who asked us for so much money when we got married, asked us to serve during the confinement twice, and asked us to contribute money and efforts to bring the baby was not satisfied, so she actually started the idea of my grandson's surname and wanted my little grandson to take his mother's surname.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

In 2017, my daughter-in-law gave birth to a little grandson, and before I could be happy for long, my father-in-law brazenly put forward the request for a second child with the mother's surname, saying that it is like this now.

Naturally, I couldn't accept it, so I quarreled with my father-in-law, but they didn't give up, and my daughter-in-law also wanted her little grandson to take her surname.

I resolutely objected to it, and I didn't agree to anything, but my son actually gave in, agreed to his daughter-in-law's unreasonable demand, and said that we were old-fashioned: "Dad, isn't it just a surname? What's the big deal? Now the two children have different surnames, which is normal!"

"What is normal or abnormal? I spent so much money to marry you a daughter-in-law, but my grandson doesn't have my surname, is there such a reason in the world? I don't care, my grandson must have my surname, I can't accept that my grandson doesn't have my surname. ”

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

However, no matter how much I protested, it did not change their decision. Seeing my little grandson become a member of Lao Ding's family, I felt heartbroken and returned to my hometown with my wife.

Four years ago, my wife passed away due to illness, which was the last straw that broke the relationship between me and my son. During the period when my wife was seriously ill, I made countless phone calls to my son and daughter-in-law, hoping that they would come back to take care of my wife and spend the last time with her, and my wife kept thinking about missing her children and grandchildren, but they didn't hurry back until my wife closed her eyes. After attending my wife's funeral, they hurried back under the banner of going to work, and they didn't bother to ask me about the elderly.

It wasn't until I retired two years ago that my son called me as soon as possible: "Dad, I heard that the teacher's pension is very high, how much is your monthly pension?"

My son also said that they planned to change houses, to buy a school district house, and asked me to go to his house for the elderly, and bring their social security cards to pay off the mortgage, but I unceremoniously refused.

Today, I made a will to give 1 million to my son-in-law, and my son was anxious: Are you in the water?

My son didn't give up, so he ran home to me and asked me to give him his social security card: "Dad, you have to give me money sooner or later, isn't it different to give it now?

I didn't pay attention to him, my son yelled at me in a hurry, and he was still rummaging through the cabinets at home, but fortunately I called my son-in-law in time, so I couldn't get him to get the social security card as he wished.

After that, I went to my daughter's house and stayed at her house for two years. In the past two years, I have been carefully taken care of by my daughter and son-in-law, and as for my son, every time I call, I cry poor, and I don't leave my social security card, so that when I see my son's phone number now, I choose to hang up directly.

When the news of the demolition of my hometown came, my son and daughter-in-law came to me seven or eight times, and persuaded me to go to their house with both hard and soft measures.

Looking at the demolition money that had come down, in order to be quiet, I made a decision and made a will to leave them all to my daughter and son-in-law.

My son's decision to let my grandson take his mother's surname in disregard of my wishes has broken my heart. And what my wife did before he died made me feel even more desperate. Since he is cold and unfilial to the extreme, then I should not have this son!

Fortunately, I have money in my hands, and my daughter and son-in-law are filial, so I don't have to worry about living in my old age.

(The story material is provided by the people around the author, and the love is responsible for sorting it out.) If you'd like to share your story, please let us know. )