
Can wheelchairs be shared? This community can be →

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In the "Linkingxin Living Room" in the Jiangjiaqiao residential area of Ouyang Road Street, brand new wheelchairs have recently been neatly placed, and the borrowed residents can use these shared wheelchairs for free as long as they register with the staff, which is very convenient and fast. With the help of this policy, recently, Mr. Zhang, an elderly man in the community, needed to go to the hospital after his leg and foot injury, and his family applied for a shared wheelchair for him. Mr. Zhang was put in a wheelchair and arrived at the hospital from his home.

Can wheelchairs be shared? This community can be →

Residents rent wheelchairs

A small shared wheelchair has been widely praised for solving the problem of difficult travel for special groups in the community, and the setting of the wheelchair originated from the idea of a community resident.

Not long ago, an old party member living in the Jiangjiaqiao residential area used the street's "No. 1 Listening" social opinion collection platform to reflect that as he grew older, he needed a wheelchair to travel on the way to seek medical treatment, but the number of wheelchairs in the community was not enough to meet the demand.

In order to better understand the needs of this veteran party member and the difficulties faced by residents in other similar situations, the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the street went deep into the community to conduct on-site inspections. During the inspection, it was found that many old communities generally have problems such as imperfect barrier-free facilities and steep stairs, which will affect the normal life of people with reduced mobility.

After learning about this situation, the street contacted the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, actively coordinated the resources of all parties, and finally successfully won the donation of the caring enterprise. In this way, the problems that have plagued this group of special residents for a long time have been effectively alleviated.

Can wheelchairs be shared? This community can be →

Wheelchair rental registration

Nowadays, wheelchairs are placed in the "Linking's Lounge" in the community, which is convenient for residents in need to borrow at any time, and the reception staff of the Linking's Parlor composed of "troikas" are responsible for the recording of lending and daily maintenance.

Can wheelchairs be shared? This community can be →

Residents rent wheelchairs

Next, Ouyang Road Street will continue to adhere to the people-oriented principle and continue to launch more similar services, so that the people have more sense of gain, happiness and security.

Reporter: Lu Xuejiao

Image: Ouyang Road street

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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