
The spring breeze is ten miles of star-studded!"Enjoy the new horse", go to the financial island food feast

In spring, Beilonghu Financial Island is full of vitality and vitality.

When night falls, the rich fireworks rise on the lakeside, accompanied by music, and the extraordinarily lively and prosperous cultural exchange feast kicks off here.

On April 9, the 2024 China (Henan)-ASEAN People-to-People Exchange Month was launched in Zhengzhou, and as one of the most distinctive activities, the "Taste of Singapore and Malaysia" Singapore and Malaysia Food Street of the "ASEAN Market" theme exhibition and sales event was officially opened in the evening of the same day on Beilonghu Financial Island, Zhengdong New District.

The spring breeze is ten miles of star-studded!"Enjoy the new horse", go to the financial island food feast

The opening ceremony of the street was wonderful, and the spring breeze was ten miles of starlight

Rise, rise, welcome treasure, leap...... The vivid and lively lion dance performance attracted the attention of the audience, and the atmosphere was lively for a while.

A gong sounded, and the street officially opened. Visual enjoyment, cultural exchange. Zanal El Abidine bin Yahya, a famous tea master from Malaysia, first brought the tea performance.

Pulled tea is Malaysia's national drink, made from a blend of Malaysian black tea and condensed milk, in a similar form to the long-spouted teapot tea ceremony in the mainland. Accompanied by the gentle and slow pulling and melodious Nanyang music, tea and milk are mixed together, and are repeatedly poured between the teacups, pulled back and forth, so it is called "pulling tea". As the distance between the two teacups gets farther and farther away, the tea and milk are further integrated, and the taste of the pulled tea is also stronger.

A gastronomic feast, exotic. The Royal Southeast Asian Dance Company pushed the atmosphere to a climax, and four dancers dressed in special costumes danced "Happy Dance" barefoot on the stage, receiving bursts of applause from the audience.

The spring breeze is ten miles of star-studded!"Enjoy the new horse", go to the financial island food feast

The food gathers to amaze the taste buds, and the culture is waiting to be seen

The highlight is the special food from Singapore and Malaysia. Nasi lemak, satay, Peranakan ...... A total of 50 food stalls were launched on site, with a variety of delicacies.

"There are so many kinds, and they are all picky. Ms. Zhang and her girlfriend made an appointment to go shopping together after work, "We all like oyster roast very much, and when we saw it, we immediately bought one, and it tasted very authentic." ”

Eating in your mouth, looking at your eyes, the bustling streets are crowded with people, all looking for their favorite food. "I hope that if we hold more events like this, we can eat all kinds of delicious food. "Bringing my daughter here is just the right time for her to experience different cultures." ”

Also eye-catching is the check-in and dressing area in the entrance plaza. Pick up the check-in brochure from the staff, go to the Singapore, Malaysia and tropical beach areas to take photos and check in, and send them to social platforms, you can collect five stamps and experience the national costumes of ASEAN countries for free, leaving unforgettable memories.

There were also student volunteers from Henan Agricultural Vocational College. Xiao Liu, a first-year student majoring in culinary technology and nutrition at the school, was assigned to work as an assistant to Zanal El Abidine bin Yahya at a Malayra tea stall.

The spring breeze is ten miles of star-studded!"Enjoy the new horse", go to the financial island food feast

"I am very happy to be able to participate in this event, which not only gives us the opportunity to practice, but also to be able to learn from the masters, which is a great honor. Xiao Liu said.

This is a "gluttonous feast" of vision and taste, and it is also an exchange and collision between cultures.

Long Wei, a Myanmar expert from the International Communication Center for South Asia and Southeast Asia in Yunnan Province, said after visiting the food street: "I am very happy to be able to participate in the cultural exchange activities between China and ASEAN in Zhengzhou. It is hoped that more such events will be held, so that more Chinese friends can feel the unique customs of ASEAN countries and further promote cultural exchanges between the two sides. ”

Across the mountains and seas, thousands of miles hand in hand. Food is enriched by collisions, and culture is colorful by exchanges.

Zhengguan News reporter Liu Di/Wen Ma Jian/Photo


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