
Food recommendation: Chestnut shallot grilled chicken, coriander bursting dan, hanging frost balls preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Chestnut shallot grilled chicken, coriander bursting dan, hanging frost balls preparation method

Grilled chicken with chestnut shallots

Material Selection:

It is best to choose the Lingwei chicken produced in Sanyao Village, Xi'an City, which has a feeding cycle of about one year, a net weight of more than 1,000 grams, and a tender and fat meat. You can also choose the fatter meat of the three yellow chicken instead. This dish uses green onions to "remove the leaves and leave white", I choose the red water green onion from Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province, which is white and long, and the aroma is strong, especially the green onions harvested after the frost, which has the strongest aroma.

Flying water over oil:

1: Cut 150 grams of white onion into two-inch long pieces, add 50% hot oil and fry over low heat until the surface is golden brown, then remove and place in the middle of the bottom of the basin.

2: 12 raw chestnuts, cut crosses on the skin, cook and peel, then fry in 70% hot oil until the color is yellow, remove and place on both sides of the bottom of the basin for use.

3, chicken slaughter and clean, soak in water for 2-3 hours, remove the fishy smell and blood water into the cold water pot, heat over low heat until the water bubbles fish eye bubbles, beat off the foam and fish out, on the surface of the chicken evenly smeared a layer of honey for use.

4: Heat the pan to 80% heat, add the honey-smeared chicken, fry over low heat until the surface is golden brown, and drain the oil.


1, cold water into the pot can not only maintain the tenderness of the chicken, but also can completely remove the blood water. A few drops of liquor are added to remove the fishiness effect.

2, when frying chicken, the oil temperature should be kept at 80% heat, otherwise the surface of the chicken is not easy to evenly color.


Place the chicken belly upwards on the shallots and chestnuts, drizzle 30 grams of shallot oil, take 3 pieces of crushed ginger, 3 star anise, 1 piece of cinnamon, 30 pieces of cumin, 1 grass fruit into the ingredients, place it on the top of the chicken, mix 5 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of soy sauce, and 100 grams of broth into a sauce evenly poured on the chicken, seal the plastic wrap, and steam it in the steaming box for 3 hours.

The flavor type of this dish is salty and fresh five-spice, which is derived from solid spices. But the spices can not be directly put on the chicken to steam, so the steamed chicken flavor is not strong, how to maximize the release of five spices? The answer is to roast the spices first:

First set the oven to the top and bottom heat of 120 ° C, put the star anise, cinnamon, cumin, grass fruit in the tray, bake in the oven for 7 minutes, fully stimulate the aroma, with such spices steamed grilled chicken will have a rich five-flavor.

Cooking process:

Take out the steamed chicken, tear off the plastic wrap, pick out the spices, put the juice out of the tail, put the chicken into the dish, pour the juice into the pot, boil and pour a little water starch evenly, drizzle on the chicken and serve.

Food recommendation: Chestnut shallot grilled chicken, coriander bursting dan, hanging frost balls preparation method

Coriander bursts into dan

Features: crisp and tender taste, delicious and delicious.

Flavor type: salty and umami.

Ingredients: beef blinds 400 g.

Seasonings: 30 grams of coriander, 5 grams of shredded green onion, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of refined salt, 130 grams of cooked vegetable oil, 10 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of pepper.


1. Wash the sheep and cut the skin longitudinally like a comb. In boiling water, put a few peppercorns, mix with a small half bowl of cold water, then add the sandan and blanch until it is seven ripe, remove the water control, add garlic slices, coriander segments, salt and pepper and grasp well.

2: Put cooking wine, vinegar and salt into a small bowl and mix well to form a sauce.

3, the pot into the bottom of the oil to burn to 70% or 80% hot, down into the sandan, turn the pot, and then adjust the sauce mixed in advance, and then stir-fry a few times, and finally use the hand spoon to push and fry a few times, from the pot to plate.

Production key:

There are two requirements for hot sandan. First, the water can not be boiled, the water into the water, out of the water should be rapid, otherwise it is easy to become old, resulting in a soft collapse after frying. Second, the maturity of The dan should reach 70%, not too raw, otherwise it is easy to produce water when stir-frying.

Food recommendation: Chestnut shallot grilled chicken, coriander bursting dan, hanging frost balls preparation method

Hanging frost balls

Hanging frost is the traditional cooking technique of Shandong cuisine, hanging frost balls are also a chef's examination dish, the test point is how to evenly hang powder-like frost-like sugar on the raw materials.

1, balls production: fat, lean meat according to 1:1 mixing, 500 grams of meat stuffing added 50 grams of onion and ginger water, 5 grams of salt, 1 egg, steamed bun (soaked soft in advance, dried, crushed) 50 grams of clockwise stir hard, and then balls into balls, hang even egg white paste, into 50% hot oil fried and set aside.

Technical points:

When mixing meat filling, adding steamed buns has three functions, the first is to increase the taste of wheat, the second is to be able to absorb animal fats and proteins, so that these nutrients will not be lost in the frying process, and third, add the steamed buns, the inside of the balls become fluffy, the taste is softer, even if the balls are cooled, they will not shrink.

2, the pot into the sugar 200 grams (actual consumption of 50 grams), pour in ginger juice water 125 grams, low heat fry until the sugar melts, continue to heat until the sugar liquid grunts and bubbles, pour in the fried balls, quickly stir from the fire, until the balls are evenly glued to a layer of white frosting can be out of the pot.

1, the traditional use of water to fry sugar, here in the water mixed with a little ginger juice, the purpose is to use ginger flavor slightly to suppress the sweetness, to avoid the balls are too sweet.

2, sugar liquid fried to bubbling when the ginger juice water in volatilization, at this time into the balls, away from the fire stirring, sugar liquid began to cool down, and then reduced to powdery particles, this is the "back to the sand", is the best time for raw materials to hang frost; if you continue to heat, the sugar liquid from large bubbles into small bubbles, which means that the moisture of ginger juice water has evaporated, began to consume the water in the sugar, at this time into the raw materials, is the best time to pull silk.