
Huang Hanliang said

author:Heart-to-heart culture

Huang Hanliang, a native of Chongming, Shanghai, studied at Chongming Datong Middle School in his early years and graduated from the Central Agricultural Broadcasting School. He served in Unit 83302 of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He worked in his hometown and countryside for a long time until he retired. © This article is published with authorization, please contact this official account for reprinting, submission and consultation.

Said Rak

The lanterns are colorful, the firecrackers are ringing in unison, the relatives and friends are full, pushing the cups and changing the lamps, and they are jubilant and lively. Yes, the family is having a wedding with their relatives and relatives. The wedding in Chongming, the hometown, is very particular, and there is an activity called burning the main platform on the second day of the wedding, which is intended to invite the ancestors and ancestors to the present feast.

After the main table is burned, green onions should be planted. The green onions are brought with the bride's dowry, and are placed on the main stage or next to the foot of the stage. The bridegroom tied his red belt and blue girdle, and put the pastries and sweets on the main table in his waist pocket, and of course had to carry hundreds of coins. The bridegroom holds an onion in one hand and an axe in the other, while the bride holds a jug of old wine. In a suitable position to the southeast of the house, the bridegroom uses an axe to chop up the earth and plant the green onions, while the bride sprinkles the old wine evenly on the edges of the green onions. The planting of shallots is over.

Onion, homophonic cong, hope that the offspring will be smart and clever;

Immediately afterwards, the bridegroom stands in the middle of the hall or throws sweets, pastries and coins from his waist pocket on the balcony of the building. At this time, men, women, and children have been waiting for a heart, and when the candies, cakes, and coins scattered by the women of the day are scattered, people are scrambling and shouting, leaning forward and backward, making a mess, some stuffing food into their mouths, and some putting coins in their pockets...... For the sake of "sweetness", for "high", for "wealth", for a few good mouths, it is simply a sweep.

Onions can be used to cook vegetables every day;

Let's talk about it. Herbaceae, whose scientific name is Chinese evergreen, is the only perennial herbaceous flower under the genus Liliaceae. It has many aliases, such as millennium, throat-opening sword, nine-section lotus, winter withering, iron flat dan, ebony poison, white sand grass, snake sword and so on. Native to the southern part of the continent, it has a long history of cultivation in the continent and is a very popular and excellent ornamental plant. The leaves are emerald green, evergreen in all seasons, in winter, the green leaves are matched with red fruits, elegant and beautiful, and there is a beautiful implication of eternal youth, health and longevity, friendship and longevity, wealth and auspiciousness. It has not only been favored by the emperors of previous dynasties, but also loved by the common people. During the Spring Festival, some families put bonsai indoors to celebrate the festival.

Huang Hanliang said

Do you still remember the 2008 Olympic Games hosted in the mainland, the lyrics in the song "Beijing Welcomes You" say:

"My family grows evergreen,

Open every legend,

Sowing seeds for traditional soils,

Make memories for you. ”

The evergreen in this song is the Chinese evergreen. It has become a messenger of friendship between athletes and peoples of all countries in the world.

In 1688, Chen Haozi's horticultural book "Flower Mirror" talked about the time of the canopy and said: "Build a house and move to relocate, hire and govern the pond, the child is born, all happy events, all without it, as for the auspicious slogan, as for the marriage coin, although not to take the living, but also to cut the silk silk, Xiao its shape to replace it, and with the auspicious grass, onions, pine four products, side by side in the pot, also vulgar also." ”

There is no doubt that Chongming, my hometown, has been planted since history. You see, in addition to the above-mentioned young men and women getting married and transplanting the roots, the small nan period is too burned, not only to catch lots, according to the preferences of the little ones to predict their future, but also to plant onions, I wish the little ones studious, intelligent and lucky, but the onions are planted and changed roles, and the parents of the little ones are implemented.

In addition, when you build a new house and move into a new house, you must also transplant onions. for peace and good luck.

Huang Hanliang said

Also, when people die of old age, they are buried in peace. Some families plant onions on the graves of the deceased, praying for the good of heaven and the eternal survival of the spirit. Bless future generations with longevity and good health.

The transplantation of ramens mainly depends on the ramification. It is customary not to plant it at home. What should I do? Take materials from the nearest place and dig up other people's transplants by the side of their houses. There are a lot of things to do about digging other people's roots:

The first is to choose people. It is necessary to choose a family with a good family style, good character, good family background, and prosperous people.

The second is to poop secretly. Observe well in advance during the day, and then dig in the dead of night without anyone knowing, commonly known as "stealing".

The third is the position of the canopy. It must be on the sunny side in front of the house, not on the sunny side of the back of the house.

Fourth, talk about compensation. After digging a pit and dividing the plants, you should put a few coins in the mud pit where you took the seeds, in order to comfort yourself: "I am paid to take the seeds". Then fill the mud pit with dirt.

In addition to satisfying people's ornamental and psychological pursuits, it also has a certain medicinal value. It is a traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the heart and diuretic. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diphtheria, myocarditis, sore throat, rabies bites, bacillary dysentery, rheumatic heart disease, heart failure, external treatment of bruises, snake bites, burns, mastitis, carbuncle swelling and poison, etc.

Huang Hanliang said

The cultivation of the rake is always extensive, not arrogant or delicate, like semi-shady, warm, moist, well-ventilated environment, not too drought-tolerant, slightly cold-tolerant. Avoid direct sunlight and stagnant water. Sometimes there are aphids and white spot infestation, which must be controlled in time.


I wish it will bring good luck and good luck to the people of my hometown, such as the Chongming people say "the turtle (sound: chicken) forehead horn head", and the people in downtown Shanghai say "the forehead head touches the ceiling".

Chongming Island, known as Yingzhou in ancient times. Some people compare her to a pearl in the mouth of the giant dragon of the Yangtze River, some people compare her to a spring silkworm according to her shape, and I compare her to a giant tortoise.

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Huang Hanliang said

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