
Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?

author:Starry dreams
Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?

"Frequent urination, urgency, painful urination...... the familiar advertising slogan Everyone should still remember that the impression was that the advertisement was a man at that time, but in fact, urinary tract infections seem to favor women, why is this?

Physiological reasons

First of all, because of the special physiological structure of women, the location of the urinary tract is very close to the vagina and anus, unlike men, the urethral opening and the anus are still a long distance, so the risk of infection will naturally be greatly increased.

Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?


There are many microflora in a woman's vagina, and the vagina itself is inseparable from these flora, but the urethra needs a sterile environment. Therefore, if bacteria come to the door, it will cause a big war, and the urethra will have to drive the enemy away in order to live a comfortable life.

The perianal digestive flora is a potential pathogen for the urethra. Therefore, women must pay attention to hygiene, and underwear must be hand washed separately.

Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?

Urethral length

The urethra of women is about 4-5 cm long and 0.6 cm in diameter, short and straight.

In men, the urethra can be 16-22 cm long, and it is much more difficult for bacteria to travel upward.

The female urethra is inherently short, straight, and more relaxed than the male urethra, not to mention the surrounding bacteria from the vagina and anus, which increases the risk of female urinary tract infections.

Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?

Special times

In women, the secretion of progesterone increases during special periods, such as pregnancy, which leads to weakened ureteral peristalsis and decreased ability to expel bacteria.

In addition, the uterus is enlarged and compressed, resulting in poor urine flow, so pregnant women are more likely to develop urinary tract infections. That's why, although frequent urination can sometimes occur during pregnancy due to uterine pressure, it is not recommended for pregnant women to reduce the number of toilet trips by drinking less water. The excretion of urine constantly washes the urethra and is necessary to keep the urethra clean properly.

Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?

Bad habits

Bad lifestyle habits such as holding urine for a long time and sitting for a long time will allow urine to stay in the bladder for a long time, and bacteria can take advantage of it, which will also increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

There is a difference between men and women, and there is naturally a difference. Therefore, male friends, don't blame your wife, always blame you for throwing your underwear in the washing machine to wash it is unhygienic. Caring for women, from her point of view, because women do not have some natural advantages over men. #春日生活打卡季#

Are urinary tract infections more favoured in women?