
手部常见疾病 | 腱鞘炎和腱鞘囊肿你分得清吗?

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Tenosynovitis and ganglion cysts are two common hand conditions that can affect patients' daily life and productivity. While both diseases are related to tendon sheaths, their causes, symptoms, treatments, and precautions differ. This article will distinguish and elaborate on tenosynovitis and ganglion cyst from these aspects to help you better understand these two diseases.


Tenosynovitis is caused by inflammation of the tendon sheath, which is usually caused by prolonged repetitive hand movements or trauma. For example, people who regularly type, draw, or play musical instruments may develop tenosynovitis. In addition, some systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also cause tenosynovitis.

Ganglion cysts are cystic masses that form as a result of a buildup of fluid in the joint capsule or tendon sheath. This fluid is usually viscous, and the formation of cysts may be related to abnormal secretion of synovial fluid or micro-tears in the tendon sheath. Ganglion cysts are more common in areas such as wrists, finger joints, etc.


Typical symptoms of tenosynovitis include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the hands or wrists. Pain is exacerbated when people perform hand activities, especially repetitive movements. Sometimes, people with tenosynovitis also have limited finger movement and even stamping.

手部常见疾病 | 腱鞘炎和腱鞘囊肿你分得清吗?

Ganglion cysts are characterized by one or more lumps on the hand or wrist. These lumps are usually painless, but they can also cause pain or discomfort if they press on nearby nerves or tendon sheaths. The size of the cyst may change over time, sometimes increasing after minor trauma or hand movement.

手部常见疾病 | 腱鞘炎和腱鞘囊肿你分得清吗?


Treatment of tenosynovitis usually includes rest, cold compresses, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and physical therapy. In some severe cases, braces or surgery may be required. Physical therapy includes hand exercises and stretching exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and improving joint flexibility.

手部常见疾病 | 腱鞘炎和腱鞘囊肿你分得清吗?

Treatment of ganglion cysts focuses on relieving symptoms and removing the mass. Non-surgical treatments include aspiration and steroid injections to reduce the size and inflammation of the cyst. In some cases, surgical removal may be necessary if the cyst recurs or affects function.

手部常见疾病 | 腱鞘炎和腱鞘囊肿你分得清吗?


The key to preventing tenosynovitis is to reduce repetitive movements of the hand and avoid prolonged single postures. Regular hand stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as maintaining good posture while working, can help prevent tenosynovitis from occurring. In addition, proper rest and avoiding overexertion are also important precautions.

The prevention of ganglion cysts is similar to that of tenosynovitis, focusing on avoiding prolonged repetitive hand movements and maintaining good hand posture. In addition, if there is any discomfort or pain in the hands, you should seek medical attention promptly to avoid worsening of the symptoms.

From the above elaboration, we can understand that although tenosynovitis and ganglion cysts are both related to tenosynatum, they are different in terms of etiology, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Understanding these differences can help us better identify and deal with both diseases, thereby reducing their impact on our lives and work. If you have symptoms, you should seek medical attention and follow your doctor's advice for treatment and recovery.

Source: Bone Food

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