
French Ambassador to China: France and Europe deal with China based on their own interests, and a "sovereign and strong" Europe is in the interests of China

author:Strait Net

According to the South China Morning Post, an English-language media in Hong Kong, reported on April 9 that French Ambassador to China Bertrand Lortholary said in an exclusive interview with the newspaper a few days ago that France and Europe deal with China based on their own interests, and a "sovereignty first" and "strong" Europe is beneficial to China, "China must understand that everything Europe is doing now is for itself and for the future of Europe." ”

He stressed that people-to-people exchanges are at the core of the relationship between France and China, and that France has formulated an ambitious cultural exchange plan in China this year, revealing that France hopes to resume the number of French students studying in China to the pre-pandemic level, or even exceed the pre-pandemic level. He promised that in terms of tourism, after three years, visa applications would be processed efficiently.

Bai Yutang also said that France and China have no competition in Africa, and that the economic and social development, peace and stability of African countries are in the interests of France and China.

French Ambassador to China: France and Europe deal with China based on their own interests, and a "sovereign and strong" Europe is in the interests of China

Bertrand Lortholary, French Ambassador to China (Source: South China Morning Post, Hong Kong)

Bai Yutang was appointed ambassador to China by French President Emmanuel Macron on February 14 last year. He studied Chinese at the French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures before joining the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1997. From 2005 to 2008, he served for the first time in China as Political Counsellor of the French Embassy in China. Prior to his appointment as ambassador to China, he was Director General of the Department of Asia and Oceania at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and after a year as ambassador to China, Bai Yutang shared his views on Sino-French relations with the South China Morning Post.

Economic and trade relations

In terms of economic and trade relations, Bai Yutang said that France wants to ensure that the partnership between France and China is deepened, so that this relationship is more balanced and sustainable in the future.

He mentioned that China is the main trading partner of France and Europe, and similarly, the EU is also the main partner and main market of the Chinese economy.

"We need to make sure that our companies compete on a level playing field, playing by the same rules, the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). We also need to ensure that our company has the same opportunities in the Chinese market as Chinese companies in the European market. Last week, the Minister of the Interior of Céjour (France, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs) also reviewed this goal in Beijing. Bai Yutang said.

He went on to refer to the EU's recent trade problems with China, saying that "China must understand that everything Europe is doing now is for itself and for Europe's future".

The French ambassador to China said that the EU is committed to promoting its own interests and that it is willing to compete on an equal footing with the United States, China and all other countries on economic and trade issues, "We are not doing this against anyone, certainly not against China or any other country." ”

He stressed that the sovereignty of Europe is of paramount importance to the French government and people, and that France's current and future goal is to be a "strong Europe", "We believe that this is not only in the interests of the European Union, but also important for China, where Europe is the main pole of world stability and fair trade." ”

Asked if he was concerned that China's technological development would lead to "structural competition" between China and European countries, Bai Yutang said that technological upgrading is a good thing for all countries, and hoped that innovative and traditional enterprises would be able to compete in a fair way, and reiterated that European and Chinese companies should enjoy the same opportunities.

He referred to the anti-dumping investigation by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce into brandy originating in the European Union, which he said concerns French brandy, which accounts for more than 90 percent of the European brandy market.

"French brandy is a major symbol for the French. That is why France is disappointed by this measure. The investigation is still ongoing, and of course, all businesses are working with the Chinese government. Bai Yutang said.

According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, on April 8, Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, held a discussion with French brandy enterprises and industry associations in Paris, France, to exchange views on the cooperation between the French brandy industry and China. Wang Wentao pointed out that China's anti-dumping investigation on EU brandy was initiated at the request of the domestic industry, and does not target any specific EU member state, and does not pre-set the results of the investigation, and China will carry out the investigation in an open and transparent manner in accordance with Chinese laws and WTO rules, so as to fully protect the rights of stakeholders.

French Ambassador to China: France and Europe deal with China based on their own interests, and a "sovereign and strong" Europe is in the interests of China

Source: Ministry of Commerce of China

Political and Cultural Exchange

Bai Yutang said that 2023 has been a very successful year for Franco-Chinese relations, with many high-level exchanges between the two sides. 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the Year of French Chinese Tourism, which is of great significance given that people-to-people exchanges are at the core of the relationship between the two countries.

He revealed that for the Year of Cultural Tourism, France has developed an "ambitious cultural plan" in China, and this year it is expected to hold more than 300 large-scale cultural events in more than 30 cities.

"We want these events to reach the widest possible Chinese audience," and "not just the elite of major cities," Bai said, adding that the events will be held in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, as well as Hohhot and Shenyang.

He announced that the main event will start on April 1, in addition to the "Forbidden City and Versailles" exhibition that has been opened in the Forbidden City, other top French cultural institutions will also come to China for exchanges, and the Comédie Française will bring the musicals "Les Miserables" and "Notre Dame de Paris" to perform in China.

French Ambassador to China: France and Europe deal with China based on their own interests, and a "sovereign and strong" Europe is in the interests of China

Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China

At the same time, he expressed his welcome to Chinese athletes to participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and looked forward to foreign athletes coming to France to share the event.

In terms of study exchanges, Bai Yutang said, for example, that the number of Chinese students studying in France has almost returned to the level of 2019, with more than 25,000 Chinese students studying in France, and the French authorities have begun to extend the visa validity of Chinese students who have studied in France, because these students are "ambassadors" between countries.

On the other hand, he said that before the pandemic, there were about 10,000 French students studying in China, but now the number is much lower, and France hopes to attract more French students to study in China in the coming months.

Bai Yutang believes that these international students will be at the helm of Franco-Chinese relations for the next 20-30 years, and France hopes to work hard to restore the number of French students in China to the pre-pandemic level, or even exceed the pre-epidemic level, in order to build the future.

"It is essential for young French people to understand what is happening in China, about China's developments, its opportunities and the difficulties it faces. Bai Yutang said that France wants international students to cover all professions, and needs not only future engineers, but also artists, political researchers, and humanities researchers.

He also gave a look forward to tourism exchanges between the two countries, saying that with the increase in flights, France confirmed that "after three years, visa applications can be processed efficiently." ”

The Ukrainian crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and interests in Africa

France will continue to support Ukraine until "ensuring that Europe's long-term security interests are safeguarded," and that Europe is tireless in defending its interests, Bai said.

He said that France believes that China has a key role to play in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and that in the past two years, France has held close consultations with China on this issue, including high-level dialogues.

As for the current round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Bai Yutang said that the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic and is creating an "unacceptable" situation.

He mentioned that while France will not ignore the "unjustified terrorist attack" launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7 last year, it supports a sustained humanitarian ceasefire and an eventual long-term ceasefire, as well as a political solution based on the two-state solution.

When asked about Sino-French relations in Africa, Bai Yutang said that African partners enjoy stability, security, economic and social opportunities, which are in the interests of China and France, "On this issue, we will consult regularly and there will be no competition." ”

In this exclusive interview, the veteran French diplomat also expressed hope for greater cooperation with China on climate change, biodiversity, global health and sustainable development.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Sejourne visited China on the 1st of this month, which was the second visit by a French foreign minister to China in less than six months after former French Foreign Minister Colonna in November last year.


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