
Sihong public welfare job recruitment announcement

author:Wei Sihong


来源 | 爱泗洪微信公众号

编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

Due to the needs of work, upon approval, we are now open to the public to recruit staff for public welfare positions. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Recruiting unit, position and number

A total of 13 staff members for public welfare positions were openly recruited from the public. The recruiting unit, recruitment position, planned number of recruits and related requirements are detailed in the attachment.

Second, the recruitment target

Socially oriented recruitment

3. Recruitment conditions and requirements

(1) Applicants should meet the following conditions:

1. Have a household registration in Sihong County;

2. Law-abiding, dedicated, good conduct and hard-working spirit;

3. Have the physical condition to perform duties normally;

4. Have other qualifications and conditions required by the recruitment position, please refer to the "Job Profile Form" (Annex 1) for details;

(2) Those who have any of the following circumstances shall not apply for the examination:

1. Active-duty military personnel;

2. Personnel in public welfare positions in the county who are currently on the job or have resigned for less than one year are not allowed to apply for the examination;

3. Those who are currently undergoing disciplinary review or supervision investigation, or who are suspected of violating the law or committing crimes and are under investigation, or who have violated criminal laws and have been exempted from criminal punishment, or who have previously received criminal punishment or re-education through labor for crimes;

4. Those who have been expelled from public office, membership in the Party, membership in the Youth League, or higher education status;

5. Dismissed by an organ or public institution for less than 5 years;

6. Those who have received a sanction such as having a major demerit recorded, demotion, dismissal, probation (Party or school) probation, or reduction of post level for less than 3 years, or the period of punishment has not yet expired;

7. The 2023 annual evaluation of the staff of government organs and public institutions is incompetent (unqualified), or the 2022 and 2023 annual evaluations are basically competent (basically qualified);

8. Candidates who have been found to have "more serious untrustworthy conduct" for less than 3 years, or "serious untrustworthy conduct" for less than 5 years, as well as those who have been included in the "List of Persons Objecting to Military Service" and implemented joint disciplinary action for social untrustworthiness in the city (for details, please refer to Su Zheng Ban Fa [2013] No. 100, Su Zheng Ban Fa [2014] No. 114, Su Gongtong No. 2015 (28), Su Ren She Fa [2015] No. 190, Hong Zheng Ban Fa [2015] No. 97 and other documents, or consultation, inquire into the county Public Credit Information Center);

9. Those who have a husband and wife relationship, a direct blood relationship, a collateral blood relationship within three generations, or a close in-law relationship with the responsible personnel of the unit shall not apply for the organizational (personnel), discipline inspection and supervision, auditing and financial positions of the unit;

10. Other circumstances that are not allowed to apply for the examination according to laws and regulations.

4. Recruitment procedures and methods

The open recruitment work is organized by the Sihong County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and is implemented in accordance with the steps of issuing recruitment announcements, on-site registration, qualification review, written examination, interview, physical examination, inspection, publicity, and employment filing.

(1) Publish recruitment announcements

In accordance with the principle of "prior notification, openness and transparency", the recruitment information will be publicly released to the public through the Sihong County People's Government website and other media before registration.

(2) On-site registration, qualification review, registration and payment

1. Applicants must bring the original and photocopies of their ID cards, graduation certificates, household registration books and other relevant materials, and 3 recent two-inch photos of themselves with the same bottom and bareheaded, and fill in the "2024 Sihong County Open Recruitment of Public Welfare Position Staff Registration Form" on the spot.

2. Registration time: April 22-24, 2024 working hours (09:00-12:00 in the morning, 14:00-17:30 in the afternoon).

3. Registration location: the hall on the first floor of the Sihong County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau (Changjiang East Road, Sihong County).

4. Qualification review: The Sihong County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will conduct on-site qualification review of the applicants according to the recruitment announcement.

5. Registration and payment: After the applicant passes the qualification review, the written test registration fee of 100 yuan/person will be paid on the spot. Only those who have completed the confirmation of payment can be regarded as having registered for the position.

6. Candidates can only use the second-generation ID card within the validity period to choose a position for registration, and the valid resident ID card used for registration and examination must be consistent, otherwise the examination qualification will be cancelled.

7. Opening ratio: There is no opening ratio.

8. Time and place of receiving the admission ticket for the written examination: On the morning of April 26, 2024, during working hours (09:00-12:00), collect the admission ticket at the registration point.

9. After the candidate registers successfully, he or she should keep the contact number filled in the "Registration Form" in normal use and unblocked, and the responsibility and consequences shall be borne by the candidate due to personal reasons (such as wrong number, number change, shutdown, etc.) that affect the recruitment work.

10. Candidates must apply for the examination in good faith, and the qualification review will run through the entire recruitment process.

(3) Written examination

It is organized and implemented by the county human resources and social security bureau.

1. Time and place of written test: see admission ticket;

2. The content of the written test: The content of the written test is "comprehensive knowledge and ability quality". The total score is 100 points. This written examination takes the form of a closed-book examination, and does not specify the scope of the tutorial book and examination, nor does it entrust any institution to hold a tutoring training course. The results of the written test will be announced on the website the Sihong County People's Government.

Candidates must pass the written test with a score of 60 points, otherwise they will be disqualified from proceeding to the next stage of the process.

(4) Interview

After the written test, according to the written test results from high to low scores, the candidates for the interview will be determined according to the proportion of 3 times the number of job recruitment plans. If the ratio of the number of participants in the interview to the number of recruitment plans is less than 3:1, the interview will be organized according to the actual number of qualified people.

Determine who will be interviewed. Candidates who enter the interview need to pay an interview fee of 100 yuan/person, and the list will be published on the website Sihong County People's Government.

The interview will be organized and implemented by the county human resources and social security bureau, and the time and place of the interview will be notified separately (candidates are requested to pay attention to the announcement of the Sihong County People's Government website).

Interviews take the form of structured interviews. The maximum score of the interview is 100 points, and the candidate must achieve 60 points of pass. Candidates will be informed of the results of the interview on the spot.

After the interview, the comprehensive score of the candidates will be calculated according to the proportion of the written test score and the interview score accounting for 50% respectively, and the comprehensive score will be published on the website Sihong County People's Government.

Candidates for physical examination are determined. According to the candidates' comprehensive scores from high to low, the physical examination candidates are determined according to the ratio of 1:1 of the number of job recruitment plans (when the comprehensive score is the same, it is determined according to the job requirements; when there are no job requirements or the job requirements are the same, they are sorted according to the interview scores; if the interview scores are still the same, a separate examination will be organized to determine). The list of candidates for physical examination will be published on the website the Sihong County People's Government.

(5) Physical examination and inspection

1. Physical examination. The physical examination work shall be organized by the county human resources and social security bureau, and the physical examination standards shall be implemented with reference to the General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servants (Trial). The time and place of the physical examination will be notified separately, and the cost of the physical examination shall be borne by the candidates.

2. Investigation. Those who pass the physical examination shall be inspected by the county human resources and social security bureau. The inspection is to be carried out with reference to the "Jiangsu Provincial Measures for the Recruitment and Investigation of Civil Servants (Trial)", and the personal credit situation and illegal and criminal records of the subject of the investigation are included in the scope of the investigation.

(6) Publicity, employment and treatment

The candidates who pass the inspection are determined to be hired, and the list will be publicized on the website Sihong County People's Government for 7 working days. After the expiration of the publicity period, if there are no problems or the problems reflected do not affect the employment, the recruiting unit shall go through the employment formalities in accordance with the procedures; if the reported problems affect the employment after being verified by the recruiting unit, the recruiting unit shall cancel the employment qualifications. The probationary period is 1 month, and if the probationary period is unqualified, the labor contract shall be terminated by the recruiting unit.

In the inspection, physical examination, and publicity stage, if there is a vacancy due to various reasons (such as the results of the inspection and physical examination are unqualified, the candidates do not meet the policy provisions and are disqualified from the inspection, physical examination, and employment qualifications, or the candidates voluntarily give up the inspection, physical examination, and employment qualifications, etc.), the candidates will be filled in order according to the candidates' comprehensive scores from high to low scores in the interview for this position. The comprehensive results of the candidates are valid for one year after the announcement, and after the end of this employment, if there is a vacancy in the recruited position, it can be filled in order from high to low scores among the candidates in this recruitment position. The treatment shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents, and social insurance shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the state.

5. Discipline and supervision

Candidates must truthfully provide relevant certificates and fill in the registration form truthfully and accurately. Those who commit fraud will be disqualified from the examination and employment after verification, and the relevant personnel will be held responsible.

This open recruitment work strictly implements "openness, equality, competition, and merit"

adhere to the implementation of the implementation in accordance with the prescribed procedures, conditions and standards, and strictly prohibit fraud and favoritism. Recruitment work is subject to the supervision of discipline inspection and supervision organs and society, and once it is verified that staff members who violate examinations, employment discipline, or dereliction of duty and make mistakes that cause adverse consequences, they will be severely dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.

Tel: 0527-80829210.

Supervision telephone: 0527-89885276 (Sihong County Commission for Discipline Inspection stationed in the 11th Discipline Inspection Group).

6. This announcement shall be interpreted by the Sihong County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

Sihong public welfare job recruitment announcement

Attachment 1: 2024 Sihong County Open Recruitment of Public Welfare Position Staff Job Profile Table

Appendix 2: Conditions for the Identification of Persons with Employment Difficulties

Sihong County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

April 9, 2024

In the blink of an eye, I have been busy all day,

The editor's eyes are almost blind,

1 pc

Sihong public welfare job recruitment announcement

1 piece, 1 flower

Sihong public welfare job recruitment announcement

5 hairs,

Let's sponsor bottle eye drops!

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