
What is the disease of chicken pulling water? What medicine is good for chicken pulling water? This article tells you

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

The problem of chicken pulling water is very common, if the water can not be controlled, the chicken will gradually emaciate, dehydrated, and die, directly causing economic losses to breeding friends, so we must understand what causes chicken pulling water is caused by it, and how to treat it. Today we will talk about these issues.

What is the disease of chicken pulling water? What medicine is good for chicken pulling water? This article tells you

Chickens can be caused by a variety of diseases, such as: Mycoplasma synovial fluid infection, heat stress in chickens, bacterial enteritis in chickens, etc., these problems may cause chickens to pull watery feces.

1. Caused by heat stress

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, the flock may experience heat stress when the temperature rises and the chicken's body temperature rises. Chickens will drink a lot of water to reduce body temperature and heat dissipation, and excessive water consumption will cause the chicken to increase the amount of water in the body and directly expel it, pulling water and pooping.

For the problem of chicken pulling water and stool caused by heat stress, we can use: Weikuang Swordsman + Changyi Swordsman for comprehensive treatment, which can relieve heat stress, regulate the intestines of chickens, and alleviate the symptoms of chicken pulling water. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen cooling and ventilation to promote the recovery of chickens as soon as possible.

What is the disease of chicken pulling water? What medicine is good for chicken pulling water? This article tells you

2. Bacterial enteritis

Bacterial enteritis is an intestinal disease caused by bacterial infection, and common pathogens include Salmonella, E. coli, etc. When chickens ingest contaminated food or water, the bacteria multiply and cause intestinal inflammation, which can lead to watery poop.

For the problem of chicken stool caused by this reason, we must first use: Likang Swordsman + Enrofloxacin for treatment, and at the same time we must do a good job in cleaning and disinfection of the breeding environment, reduce the number of bacteria in the environment, and block the spread of germs.

What is the disease of chicken pulling water? What medicine is good for chicken pulling water? This article tells you

3. Mycoplasma synovial fluid cyst infection

Mycoplasma synovial fluid infection is a common disease in chicken breeding, chickens will have respiratory symptoms and arthritis, some sick chickens will be paralyzed, hanging wings, shrinking their heads and fried feathers, pulling watery loose stools, and the feces will turn white after drying.

If the chicken is infected with Mycoplasma synovocha, we can use: Slippery Swordsman + Doxycycline, which can treat the disease and relieve the symptoms.

What is the disease of chicken pulling water? What medicine is good for chicken pulling water? This article tells you

The above is an introduction to the common causes and treatment measures of chicken stool, I hope it will be useful to you. Follow me and learn the knowledge and technology of poultry farming every day!