
What is Israel afraid of?

author:Military sub-plane

Up to now, the Palestinian resistance group intifada marked by the "Al-Aqsa flood" has erupted for 184 days, during which the Palestinian people have faced the murderous Israeli invading forces and shared their hatred in the narrow Gaza Strip and composed a hymn to national independence and freedom.

What is Israel afraid of?

No, the Israeli army is ready to run away. According to Xinhua News Agency, citing the Israel Defense Forces, on April 7, local time, an Israeli military spokesman revealed that the Israeli army is ready to withdraw all troops from the southern Gaza Strip, including Khan Younis.

What is Israel afraid of?

Israel's retreat

With the large-scale withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, there may not be many Israeli troops remaining in the Gaza Strip.

What is Israel afraid of?

In terms of the course of the operation, the Israeli army entered the Gaza Strip in early November last year, when it was almost exhausted, and all the field armies that could be counted entered the Gaza Strip. Then, in January 2024, after about 3 months of fighting, the Israeli army first announced the withdrawal of 5 brigades from the northern Gaza Strip, including the 1st "Gorani" Brigade, the 84th "Jivati" Brigade, the 401st Armored Brigade and other units, at this time, the Israeli army also left the 36th Armored Division in the central Gaza Strip, and the 98th Paratrooper Division was transferred in the Khan Younis direction.

What is Israel afraid of?

In any case, the fighting in the northern Gaza Strip was largely over, and calm had largely returned to the camps in Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahiya, and the northern Gaza Strip, where the fighting had been raging for months, and resistance groups had begun to take to the streets again. After the Israeli army has basically withdrawn from the northern Gaza Strip, only the Khan Younis area in the south-central part of the Gaza Strip is still engaged in large-scale fighting, and the participating forces are mainly the 98th Paratrooper Division and the 143rd Territorial Division.

What is Israel afraid of?

Although the Israeli army is still entrenched in Khan Younis, judging from the intensity of fighting between the two sides in recent months, the combat intensity of the Israeli army in Khan Younis has dropped greatly compared with the first three months, and there are many fewer combat videos of resistance groups using rocket launchers to bombard Israeli armored vehicles, proving that both sides have fought enough.

What is Israel afraid of?

At the same time, the Israeli army continued to do all kinds of rotten work in Khan Younis, showing off all kinds of miscellaneous items looted from the homes of ordinary Palestinians, and even baby toys and women's underwear, exposing the true nature of poor imperialism, to put it mildly, and inflicting great mental torture on people. Now, these Zionists have finally gotten out of Khan Younis, and it can be regarded as a disgraceful end to this stinky and long Khan Younis raid.

What is Israel afraid of?

Israeli follow-up

So what might the Zionists do next, and what are the strategic prospects for the great uprising of the Palestinian people? Big Ivan took a look at the comments of the bigwigs on the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Khan Younis, and everyone has the same opinion, but let's summarize it personally:

What is Israel afraid of?

First, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Khan Younis, including the previous withdrawal from the northern Gaza Strip, does not mean that the Israeli army will completely abandon its attack on Gaza. Although the Arab countries and even the United States have drawn a red line for Israel, judging from the current level of criticism of the "humorous old Hu", it is possible that the Israeli army will launch a frenzied attack on Rafah in order to save Netanyahu's political life, further massacre the Palestinian people, and bring the Gaza Strip over and over again.

What is Israel afraid of?

More likely, the Israeli army's strategy is gradually adjusting, judging by the recent sudden incursion of the Israeli army into the Hefa hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, which has been carrying out massacres for half a month, and massacring hundreds of innocent Palestinians. In the case of an all-out attack, a grate of troops, and a sweep with nets that have yielded no success, the Israeli army may be inclined to use this so-called precision strike, a surprise attack, and see the opportunity to suddenly send a force into the Gaza Strip to surround and carry out a massacre at a certain point.

What is Israel afraid of?

It is possible that this kind of massacre has no intelligence support and no results to speak of, and it is purely to vent anger and massacre Palestinians, and the main bully is that the resistance groups are in fact not capable of forcefully blocking the advance of Israeli armored forces. Even if the Israeli army withdraws from the Gaza Strip, there is a possibility that the Gaza Strip will continue to be followed by a series of surprise sweeps, "key breakthroughs", and continued massacres of Palestinians in order to harass the pace of reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.

What is Israel afraid of?

Second, it cannot be ruled out that the Israeli army wants to further expand the conflict. Although the Israeli army has not eliminated the Palestinian resistance organization during the six-month conflict in Gaza, the resistance organization is basically intact, and the Israeli special forces have not found any captured Israeli prisoners and detainees, which proves that the Israeli army is really not good at fighting.

What is Israel afraid of?

However, we must also point out that the main force of the Israeli army still exists, and after reorganization, it still has a relatively strong combat capability. After these units were transferred to the Golan Heights in the north and southern Lebanon, they still have relatively strong armored offensive capabilities, not to mention that the Israeli Air Force has suffered no losses in the operation, and at the same time, the US military continues to replenish the Israeli Air Force with aviation weapons and ammunition. Therefore, all things considered, the Israeli army is sure to carry out a new campaign offensive in the Golan Heights and in the direction of southern Lebanon.

What is Israel afraid of?

Now, the Iranian armed forces have announced that they will retaliate against Israel, but the timing and intensity of the retaliation are in Iran's hands, and it is estimated that the Israelis have spent several sleepless nights so far. Retaliation by the Iranian army and the Revolutionary Guards has not yet arrived, but since the Iranian army wants to retaliate, and the bull of the "humorous old beard" has been blown out, the Israelis probably have to think about retaliating once the Iranian army carries out the retaliation.

What is Israel afraid of?

According to the reaction of the Israeli side, Big Ivan's point of view, it is no longer interesting for Israel to attack the Gaza Strip again, and it will not be able to destroy the resistance groups if it fights again, and it is not shocking enough as a reaction to Iran's retaliation; and the air attack on Iran itself is too costly and difficult, after all, Iraq is not the Saddam Hussein of the past, and even if the Israeli army can send a few planes to attack Iran itself, the damage caused is very limited。

What is Israel afraid of?

So, this is not okay, that is not okay, if Iran retaliates against Israel, such as launching a missile attack on Israeli embassies abroad, or even using missiles to strike Israel proper, then Israel's possible response, Big Ivan's view, is that it is possible to strike southern Lebanon, or southern Syria. After all, southern Lebanon is an important base of Allah and a thorn in Israel's side for so many years, and now the Israeli army wants to fight, just to uproot Allah in southern Lebanon.

What is Israel afraid of?

Of course, we all know that with the strength of the Israeli army in the battle for Gaza, it is pure nonsense to uproot the Allah Party led by Secretary Na...... But for the "humorous old Hu", there is no longer so much care, and the bull that says that "Iran does not dare to retaliate, and retaliation will inevitably be destroyed" has been blown out, and if the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps wants to retaliate, Netanyahu will not be "super tough against tough", then his political career can be declared over. If the Israeli army really wants the Northern Expedition to Allah, it is really rushing ducks to the shelf, and if you don't fight, you have to fight - it's a matter of attitude, and whether you can't win is a matter of ability, right?

What is Israel afraid of?

Syria is also a possible direction for Israel to strike at compared to Lebanon. After all, in the direction of the Golan Heights, Israel has a topographical advantage, and the Syrian Arab Republic army is relatively weak, and the main forces are either around Damascus or in the north Aleppo and Idlib are fighting with the "Al-Nusrah Front", and the defense in the direction of the Golan Heights is relatively weak and has no topographical advantage. Therefore, the Israeli army is sure to take advantage of the weak defense of the Syrian army to come up with a wave of surprise attacks and bully Syria.

What is Israel afraid of?

Of course, Syria is not easy to provoke, and the recent emergency transfer of military police units and the National Guard SOBR to the Golan Heights by the Russian military cluster in Syria proves that Russia and Syria have judged the possibility of the Israeli army changing the direction of the offensive and have made corresponding preparations. When the time comes, the Israeli army will be blocked by the Russian military police force, and it will depend on whether Israel is crazy enough to dare to provoke Russia.

What is Israel afraid of?

Therefore, at this juncture, the Israeli army has suddenly announced the basic withdrawal of troops from the Gaza Strip: on the one hand, it proves that Israel's messy offensive in the Gaza Strip should really not be able to continue, and the follow-up may be changed to a full-scale sweep as a key raid, and then create a few more "Hefa hospital massacres" On the other hand, it also means that the Israeli army may take the risk of launching a new military adventure against South Lebanon or Syria and carry out a large-scale invasion of these two countries in the event of retaliation by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

What is Israel afraid of?

But seriously, don't look at the fact that the Zionists are still aggressive, but they have already fallen into strategic disadvantage, even if they attack Lebanon or Syria, it is a new manifestation of the Zionist regime's tactical and playful behavior. This kind of strategically haphazard turmoil may lead the Zionists further to their demise, and the ultimate victory of the struggle and the independence and freedom of the nation will surely belong to the peace-loving Palestinians and even the people of the Middle East, and we will only say that.

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