
Youth without regrets: these border guards, who left their lives forever in Chagora...

author:Snowy feelings


The top of the snow-capped mountain is a monument that never fades

Li Liankuan

Click to enter: Part I, the forbidden area of life takes root

Youth without regrets: these border guards, who left their lives forever in Chagora...

Novella: Facing the wind and guarding the border with the snow

It was very hard to go to the top of Chagora Mountain to be on duty, but everyone rushed to go. Soldier Zeng Qingliang had a serious reaction in the mountains, his face was red and swollen, he often had nosebleeds, he could not eat, he could not sleep well, and sometimes in the middle of the night, he was "hypoxic", his chest was stuffy, and he couldn't breathe. His comrades-in-arms had to send him down the mountain for treatment many times, and he said: "I am here to be in the border, not to be hospitalized." If you can't overcome this bit of altitude sickness, what kind of soldiers are the Red Border Guards?!"

In addition to guarding the posts, they also have to undertake heavy border patrol tasks. At the end of July one year, the higher authorities ordered a nine-member team led by a cadre to inspect Qugala at an altitude of 5,700 meters. Company commander Xiao Youen returned from a business trip just two days ago, and insisted on going in person. On the way, the rain poured down with snowflakes, and my clothes were soaked and just dried by the warmth of my body, and then I was wet with showers of rain and snow. The air is getting thinner, the snow is getting thicker and thicker, and it takes a lot of effort to move a step, not to mention that the soldiers are out of breath, and even he, known as the "plateau yak", is so tired that he can't breathe. In order to reach the designated position as soon as possible, he endured the torture of severe stomach pain, held his stomach with both hands, and ploughed a deep snow ditch with his legs......

On one occasion, the higher authorities instructed the company to patrol the gravel and ogola at an altitude of more than 5,500 meters, and Zeng Qingliang, the second squad leader, pestered the company commander for a long time before he got the task. On the way, he had to wade through a 15-meter-wide glacier, and in order to find out the thickness of the ice and the depth of the water, Zeng Qingliang wrapped eight backpack ropes together, tied one end to his waist, and handed the other end to four soldiers to pull in case of accidents. Click, he walked along the ice step by step to the opposite side, the cracking sound of the ice, tugging at everyone's heart, just walked in the middle of the river, only to hear the sound of "plop", the ice collapsed, he fell into the river, the ice water cut the flesh like a knife. His comrades-in-arms hurriedly pulled him ashore, changed his clothes with all his hands, and massaged him with wine for a long time before he regained consciousness.

Marching on the snowfield at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters for several days in a row was a great physical exertion for everyone, and severe cold, strong winds, lack of oxygen, hunger, and fatigue all hit them together. But in order to complete the task, everyone silently persevered. In order to collect information on geography and climate, they gritted their teeth and braved the snow and wind, and continued to observe at the top of the mountain for more than 50 minutes before descending the mountain.

Youth without regrets: these border guards, who left their lives forever in Chagora...

One year, during the Spring Festival, the Chagola outpost received an urgent telegram from the superiors, asking for the immediate dredging of the highway leading to a certain outpost, Li Platoon Commander led six soldiers to set off in time, and it snowed for three days and three nights in a row, and it was snow-capped, and Dongfeng brand cars could only move forward with snow chains, and the snow was deep in some places, so the soldiers had to get out of the car and hoe the snow away, and push the car away. The further you go, the deeper the snow becomes, the car skidding seriously, and by more than 11 o'clock in the evening, there are still more than 30 kilometers away from the destination. Platoon Commander Li called Han Zhigeng, Wang Minggui, and Huang Yi three soldiers to return to the team to report. In the vast snow, the three soldiers lost their way, walked countless circles and turned back, Han Zhigeng's shoes were broken, his feet were broken by ice cubes, and he was dizzy and swollen. Platoon Commander Li immediately carried Han Zhigeng into the car, took off the fur coat he was wearing and covered Han Zhigeng. Six officers and men spent a whole day and night in the snow, eating all dry food, waiting for the troops to come to the rescue. In the end, all 6 people suffered frostbite, 3 were hospitalized, and 2 had their feet sawed off. Han Zhigeng's feet were sawed off.

Desolation, lack of oxygen, and loneliness were nothing in the Chagora Army! The health of the officers and men was seriously affected, and they suffered from a variety of diseases to varying degrees. During my interview, I learned that Hu Tongde, the first sentry chief of the Chagola outpost, had a particularly difficult environment in the early days of the construction of the outpost, and while leading the officers and men to patrol and perform duties, he organized the officers and men to build simple houses; despite the severe cold of more than minus 20 degrees, he insisted on digging the frozen soil layer little by little with a hammer, and carried the soil up the mountain dozens of miles away from the outpost, beating adobe, and building houses.

After several months of hard work, the first simple dormitory was finally built in the life forbidden area. He worked in the outpost for more than 10 years, suffered from high-altitude heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases, took medicine for a long time, and was organizationally forcibly transferred to work in low-altitude troops.

A 27-year-old platoon commander, Xu Jiajun, had just returned home from a sabbatical leave on the border patrol line for eight days when he died violently in his hometown due to the impact of air waves from a low altitude, leaving behind a child under the age of two. Another cadre, Fan Deju, after graduating from the military academy, was assigned to work at the Chagola outpost for several years.

Due to his illness due to overwork, he suffered unbearable liver pain at about 2 o'clock in the evening, and the battalion sent a car to send him to an army hospital in Shigatse for treatment, where the doctor diagnosed him with advanced liver cancer and urgently needed to be transferred to the mainland for treatment. The troops were promptly sent to the General Hospital of the Chengdu Military Region for hospitalization. After a period of treatment, the condition did not improve, the body was losing weight day by day, one meter six or seven tall, weighing only 70 pounds, knowing that time was short, so he wanted to ask the army leaders to go back to the Chagola outpost in the last time of his life. The troops met his request and arranged for two warriors to carry him up the mountain, but he resolutely disagreed, and relied on strong perseverance to climb the main peak of Chagora. After returning to the mainland for more than two months, he passed away......

(To be continued)

Youth without regrets: these border guards, who left their lives forever in Chagora...

(Note: The illustrations in this article are all from the Internet)

About the Author: 

Li Liankuan: pen name Gao Yuan, served in the Tibet Plateau Army and the Sichuan Provincial Military Region Army, served as a soldier for more than 20 years, has been engaged in military propaganda work for a long time, and has successively written more than 2,000 literary works and press releases such as "The Song of Naitula", "Five Hundred Miles of Clouds and Moon", "At the Southern Foot of the Himalayas", "Under the Same Country", "Snow Lotus, Blooming in the Himalayas", "Fighting at the Third Pole of the Earth", etc., which have been published by "Xinhua News Agency", "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "People's Liberation Army Daily", "Central People's Radio", "Battle Banner Daily", etc. Newspapers and magazines such as "Southwest Militia" and "Tibet Daily" have been adopted, and many manuscripts have won awards.

Youth without regrets: these border guards, who left their lives forever in Chagora...

Author: Li Liankuan