
After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

author:Physical Education University Student Intention
After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

Under Fan Zhiyi's "assist", Xinliaozu has earned enough attention.

Text: Lin Yuan

"Now Xiao Fan has developed in this area (the entertainment industry), but I still hope that he can return to football, he is a football man after all. Seeing us football behind, you should do it. I think he still wants to do football in his heart, he is still a football man in his bones, and he doesn't have everything without football. As the Asian Footballer of the Year and General Fan in the past, where is the name of football, and what else would you have if you didn't have football?"

In January 2024, Fan Zhiyi's mentor Xu Genbao said in an interview with the media.

Today, 3 months later, Liaoning Ironman Football Club of the Chinese Football League officially announced that 55-year-old Fan Zhiyi has joined as the head of the coaching staff and technical director of the men's first team.

However, Fan Zhiyi quickly responded on social media: "I just participated in this incident out of my personal love and feelings for football, and I participated in this incident with the attitude of helping the team build a coaching team, and I do not hold any actual position in the team!"

The majority of fans have different attitudes towards this matter:

"Isn't this just that we didn't talk about it beforehand? Just give Lao Fan the title of deputy manager of the club, why is it so complicated. ”

"What do you mean? mascot?"

"Lao Fan doesn't have a certificate, so he can't be a head coach. ”

"What is the flowering of style and style? ”

"Benchmark Hidetoshi Nakata. ”

Media person Yan Qiuqiu also revealed: "As far as I know, Fan Zhiyi's itinerary this year is full. There are variety shows, commentary on major events, their own live broadcasts, and even the possibility of starring in film and television dramas. ”


From the court to the set, he finally became the king of variety shows in 9 years, with a salary of tens of millions

If you count from Hunan Satellite TV's "Everyday Upward" in 2015, Fan Zhiyi's variety show career has lasted for 9 years, with a total salary of tens of millions.

During the variety show rookie period, Fan Zhiyi partnered with the man at the "top of the food chain" - Bell.

At that time, Bei Ye took Fan Zhiyi to challenge the wilderness, eating rat meat in the ice and snow, and climbing snowy mountains at high altitudes.

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

At the top of the snow-capped mountain, Fan Zhiyi sighed with emotion to Bei Ye: "People always have to have a goal, and when they reach a new journey, they will want to have a new goal." ”

Since then, "General Fan" has gone farther and farther on the road of variety shows.

According to incomplete statistics, since his retirement, Fan Zhiyi has hosted or participated in more than 20 variety shows, starred in 1 movie and 1 serial, and played an important role in many brand advertising TVCs, which can be said to be unparalleled in football.

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

Fan Zhiyi has a personal film and television page on Douban, and the five works with the largest number of favorites are "Flowers", "Transcendence", "Tucao Conference Season 5", "Let's Run, Season 2" and "Hahahahaha Season 3".

Fan Zhiyi's burly figure and his signature shrugging move left a somewhat majestic and even fierce impression. It is said that some program teams were very worried about Fan Zhiyi's fiery temper in the early stage of filming, and were afraid that he would have friction with the guests during the recording of the show.

However, whether on the court or in variety shows, Fan Zhiyi has "golden sentences" released everywhere he goes.

In "Tucao Conference Season 5", in less than 10 minutes of talk show performance, Fan Zhiyi was full of firepower, not only throwing out the classic famous words of the national football team that year: "Don't even want your face!", put it on the head of the men's basketball team, and even pointed to "What level is the men's basketball team now, just a few people, Zhou Qi is playing center, and he doesn't have the ability to know how to fight!"

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

He also once played a joke with the fans, attributing his temper to the fans: "These people are really scolding, do you know how loud the voice is? The scolding has made my temper worse now, and I am now carrying it in my ears!"

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

Back in the first year of A, Fan Zhiyi's monthly salary reached 2,500 yuan, only 500 yuan less than that of the then Shenhua coach Xu Genbao, which only a few players could do at that time.

In the recent hit variety show "Hahahahaha Season 4", Fan Zhiyi has become a resident guest and the first resident sports star since the establishment of the show.

I have to admit that in the past 30 years, Fan Zhiyi has continued to occupy the front page of Chinese football, and the audience on and off the field is surprisingly good. He not only helped the traffic of events and programs to be full, but also left many "famous scenes" in the history of sports variety shows, which are always talked about by people.

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu


A football career line that is covered by variety shows

In 2006, at the age of 37, Fan Zhiyi officially ended his playing career.

His first coaching job after retiring was coaching Suzhou's first professional football team, Suzhou Tops.

At that time, Suzhou Jobs was in arrears, and even if Fan Zhiyi brought Diadora Diadona as a jersey sponsor for the team, he was unable to fill the club's funding gap. Five months later, Fan Zhiyi parted ways with the team.

In 2009, Fan Zhiyi, as the coach of the Shanghai East Asia Youth Team, led the Shanghai U16 team to participate in the "Eleventh Games" men's football group B competition and successfully reached the quarterfinals.

In 2010, Fan Zhiyi took over Shanghai East Asia and led the team to compete in the Chinese League, but was dismissed due to the failure of "surpassing".

In 2018, when he was the head coach of Shanghai Shenhua Reserve Team, Fan Zhiyi was dissatisfied with the referee's decision and acted irrationally, and since then he has temporarily retired from the professional football bench.

The trigger was a match between Shanghai Shenhua Reserves and Shanghai SIPG Reserves. Towards the end of the game, the Shanghai Shenhua offensive player fell to the ground, and the referee did not blow the penalty. After the game, Fan Zhiyi was exposed to "hitting, insulting and threatening the referee." ”

On the night after the incident, Shanghai Shenhua suspended Fan Zhiyi. Fan Zhiyi was eventually banned by the Chinese Football Association for one year and fined 200,000 yuan.

Regarding his own punishment, Fan Zhiyi once said, "I have nothing to say, I can also understand the situation of the referee on the field, only train the players well and help the players improve their level, this is the most important thing, but I think we must dare to face and take responsibility." ”

Since then, Fan Zhiyi has not left football-related positions. During his tenure as vice chairman of the Shanghai Football Association, he focused on youth competitions and also devoted time and energy to youth training at Genbao Football Base.


Liaoning Iron Man shouted out the goal of "rushing over".

The commercial development of the club has been accelerated

In March 2024, Jin Yan, deputy general manager of Liaoning Ironman Football Club of the Chinese League, said at the pre-season press conference that this year, Liaoning Ironman Football Club put forward the goal of surpassing in the new season, and the club has made full preparations for this.

Shenyang football is indeed facing a situation that cannot be ignored, that is, the lack of a star like Fan Zhiyi who has national recognition and can focus on the public eye. This puts the Shenyang ball market at a disadvantage in the market competition.

This new Liaozu team has attracted much attention as a membership-based club, and this time it has successfully "broken the circle" through the scandal with Fan Zhiyi, and it is estimated that it has saved millions of yuan in publicity costs.

According to reports, in the Liaoning Ironmen's home match against Suzhou Dongwu last weekend, Fan Zhiyi appeared at the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center Stadium, which also confirmed that he was helping the new Liaozu from the side.

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

"On the occasion of Liaoning's football restructuring to seek a new take-off, I am willing to use what I have learned (and) my football resources to help Liaoning Football rebuild its glory, because as a former national team player, everyone can see my complex, and my belief has never changed, and I will cherish such an opportunity to learn in a sense. In an interview with Dongti, Fan Zhiyi said.

According to the official announcement of Liaoning Iron Man, Sun Wei, who led the team to participate in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games as the coach of the National Olympic Games, will work with Fan Zhiyi as the deputy head of the coaching staff, deputy technical director and first executive coach. Li Yingfa and Li Shubin, who are also famous players in Liaofu, will also serve as technical advisers to the club.

After starring in 20 variety shows + "Flowers", "Internet celebrity" Fan Zhiyi returned to Xinliaozu

There is indeed a successful precedent for the A-A club to help the club "surpass". In 2022, Wei Qun and Yao Xia will lead Chengdu Rongcheng to complete the super business as executives, and the club's popularity is now not inferior to that of Sichuan Quanxing, once again creating China's famous "Gold Medal Ball City".

Since the start of this season's Chinese League, Liaoning Ironman has won 1, drawn 2 and lost 2, and is currently ranked 11th in the league, and the team's attendance rate has climbed slowly. However, the team's market development work has been carried out rapidly, and it has just signed two local famous enterprises, Huishan Dairy and Daoguang Twenty-five.

This time, no matter how promising the prospect of the new Liaozu is, at least the attention has increased visibly, and the prospect of increasing the attendance rate is promising.

"Brother Refund Money" He Sheng's statement expressed the thoughts of many fans: "Anyway, this wave of traffic is full, it's time to consider watching an iron man game." ”

Note: The pictures used in this article are from Liaoning Iron Man and the Internet

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