
Life is a cycle, everything in the world is in a cycle To put it more broadly, the earth is constantly circling in circles. Even if you lie still, you are "sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day." not only rotation,

author:Native Henan

Life is a reincarnation, and everything in the world is reincarnated

In the grand scheme of things, the earth is constantly going round and round.

Even if you lie still, you are "sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day." Not only rotation, but also orbiting the sun. The rotation has the cycle of day and night, and the revolution has the cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Not only the earth, but all the stars in the universe are in circles, some have circular orbits, and more have elliptical orbits. Why do you think it's turning? Isn't it okay if it doesn't turn? It's really not easy to explain.

In short, in the vast universe, there is simply not a single star that does not rotate.

At the lesser level, the ant is also circling in circles, and it circles around its burrow.

Ants are also busy all their lives. You can't tell what it's up to, but it just can't stop. Around a tree, around a hole, life is endless, and it does not stop in circles.

Little Swallow is also busy again and again. In the winter it flies to the warm south, and in the spring it flies back to peck at new mud and build new nests, year after year.

History is also constantly repeating and reincarnating.

If you read history, you will find that all dynasties have followed roughly the same trajectory.

The founder of the new dynasty cut off other people's heads and became the emperor, making great efforts to govern the country, showing great ambitions, and shocking the Quartet. The heirs of the descendants gradually became arrogant and lascivious, corrupt and degenerate, so the dynasty was overthrown, and a new dynasty appeared, and then the head of the emperor of the previous dynasty was cut off, and the story of the previous dynasty was continued. You sang and I appeared, but a group of actors were changed, and even the storyline was roughly the same.

In fact, this life is also repetition and reincarnation.

The red stripes come, and then the red stripes go. Wealth, status, and glory cannot be kept, life does not bring it, and death does not take it away. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. The more passionate the relationship, the easier it is to turn against each other. Always keep meeting and saying goodbye.

The moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have joys and sorrows. Thirty years in the east of the river, thirty years in the west of the river. In the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people.

Life goes round and round, and in the end, you have to go back to the original point.

No matter how high your official position is, you will eventually return to the common people. The main department and the deputy department, the last piece of walking, the main bureau and the deputy bureau, the last ending, the main and deputy department, the last walk. No matter how much money you make, you have to return to society in the end, and you don't take a cent with you when you leave. No matter how close your relationship with someone is, it will end up flat.

The young man went to wander, the middle-aged wanted to dig up, and the old man became a monk.

From God's point of view, life is not much more noble than that of horses, donkeys, and dogs, it is a process from birth to death, and it will be governed and restricted by the laws of reincarnation in the universe.

In life, still water can flow long.

If things are urgent, they will be slow, and if they are slow, they will be safe.

Let life wait patiently, what you gain will be lost, and what you lose will come back.

Life is a cycle, everything in the world is in a cycle To put it more broadly, the earth is constantly circling in circles. Even if you lie still, you are "sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day." not only rotation,
Life is a cycle, everything in the world is in a cycle To put it more broadly, the earth is constantly circling in circles. Even if you lie still, you are "sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day." not only rotation,
Life is a cycle, everything in the world is in a cycle To put it more broadly, the earth is constantly circling in circles. Even if you lie still, you are "sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day." not only rotation,