
Wake up at 1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night, mostly because the liver and blood are insufficient, soak in water to nourish the liver and replenish the blood, so that you can fall asleep on the bed

author:Guardians of Chinese medicine

On a calm night, Aunt Zhang, a retired teacher, once again experienced the troubles she was familiar with. The clock pointed to 1 a.m., and she woke up from a sweet dream, so silent that she could almost hear her heartbeat. This is not the first time. In the past few months, like many of her peers, she has often woken up at this time, tossing and turning, and having difficulty falling back asleep. After some inquiry and research, she learned that it might be related to insufficient blood in the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is regarded as an important organ that regulates blood and emotions, and the imbalance of its function can profoundly affect our quality of life.

Wake up at 1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night, mostly because the liver and blood are insufficient, soak in water to nourish the liver and replenish the blood, so that you can fall asleep on the bed

Liver blood insufficiency and its potential effects

Liver blood insufficiency, a medical term that sounds a little distant, is actually closely related to our lives. It is not just a simple physiological phenomenon, but a complex health issue that encompasses multiple levels, both physical and emotional.

1. The quality of sleep is affected: Just like Auntie Zhang's example, people with insufficient liver blood often wake up at certain times during the night, which echoes the theory of Chinese medicine that the liver is responsible for the storage and regeneration of blood during the sub-hour (1 to 3 o'clock at night). If there is not enough blood in the liver, this process cannot be supported, resulting in disrupted sleep.

2. Mood swings: The liver is believed to be closely related to emotion regulation, especially anger and depression in TCM. When there is enough blood in the liver, people are better able to manage their emotions, and conversely, insufficient blood in the liver can lead to decreased ability to manage emotions and increased mood swings.

3. Other effects on the body: Insufficient liver blood may also lead to dull complexion, dry eyes, dry hair, and even irregular menstruation. These manifestations may go unnoticed in everyday life, but they are signals from the body that there is an inner imbalance.

By understanding the effects of liver blood deficiency in depth, we can not only better recognize our physical condition, but also take appropriate measures to improve it.

Wake up at 1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night, mostly because the liver and blood are insufficient, soak in water to nourish the liver and replenish the blood, so that you can fall asleep on the bed

Awakening in the middle of the night: a hidden signal of insufficient blood in the liver

Many people will find themselves waking up frequently at 1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night, which is not just a small sleep problem, but a health warning from the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this time period belongs to the "liver time", which is responsible for detoxification and blood regulation, and is an important organ of our body. During the night, the liver begins to work, carrying out the detoxification and regeneration of the blood. If there is not enough blood in the liver, its function is blocked, which may cause the person to wake up during this time.

Insufficient blood in the liver not only affects sleep, but also causes symptoms such as mood swings, tiredness, and a dull complexion. This is because the liver is considered to be the main organ that regulates emotions in Chinese medicine, and blood is an indispensable substance for maintaining the normal function of the human body. When the liver blood is sufficient, the body's emotional, sleep, and physiological functions will be more balanced and coordinated.

Wake up at 1-3 o'clock in the middle of the night, mostly because the liver and blood are insufficient, soak in water to nourish the liver and replenish the blood, so that you can fall asleep on the bed

Natural Herbs: Guardians of the night's tranquility

In view of the problem of liver and blood insufficiency, Chinese medicine has abundant natural medicinal resources that can be utilized. Here are two common Chinese herbal medicines that can help nourish the liver and blood.

Angelica: a blood tonic holy product

Angelica sinensis is known as a holy product for blood replenishment, rich in nutrients, which can promote blood production and improve blood circulation. It can not only replenish blood, but also invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, which has a good effect on improving sleep problems caused by insufficient liver blood. Slicing angelica or using dried products and drinking it daily with hot water can help relieve nighttime awakenings caused by insufficient liver blood.

Goji berries: a good product for nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes

Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and trace elements such as iron and zinc, which have excellent effects on nourishing the liver and eyes, nourishing the kidneys and invigorating essence. Drinking water soaked in wolfberry can not only help improve eyesight, but also enhance the function of the liver, which has a good auxiliary effect on nourishing the liver and replenishing blood. Add an appropriate amount of clean wolfberries to hot water to make tea and drink, which is simple and convenient.

When using these natural herbs, it is necessary to pay attention to individual differences, such as pregnant women and patients with specific diseases should be used with caution and it is recommended to do it under the guidance of a professional. Through the rational use of these natural herbs, not only can the problem of liver blood deficiency be improved, but also the overall health can be improved, so that you can sleep peacefully at night and stay away from waking up in the middle of the night.