
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!

author:Huailai posted
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!

In spring, when the temperature rises and the air dries out, it is a high incidence period for forest and grassland fires. What are the hazards of forest fires? How to prevent forest fires?

About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!

Note: All the content of this official account may not be reproduced without permission!

Source: People's Daily Online

Editor|Zhang Shugang

Review|Niu Fei, Zhang Xin, Li Yue, review|Zhao Liangge

About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!
About forest fire prevention, these things need to know!