
"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

author:Tangerine Entertainment

Today's variety show market continues to expand, and under the seemingly promising surface, there are still phenomena such as lack of content innovation, insufficient long-tail effect, and serious homogenization. With the gradual improvement of the aesthetics of the new generation of audience groups and the increasingly diverse needs, how to stand out in a "red sea" has become an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in the current variety shows.

The weekly in-studio fun entertainment variety show "Hello, Saturday" jointly broadcast by Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV is still strong in the fierce competition and is in the position of the industry leader. With factors such as innovative theme settings, wonderful game sessions, and a strong lineup of guests, it has received a bumper harvest in terms of ratings and word-of-mouth, and has been an evergreen tree on the screen since its broadcast. The topics derived from the program frequently appear on the hot searches on various platforms, and they have a huge amount of communication. In the program broadcast on April 6, there are a total of 319+ hot searches on the whole network, including 10 on the main Weibo hot search list, 12 on the Weibo entertainment list, and 122+ on the short video platform.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

The theme of the program covers a wide range of diverse explorations to meet the needs of the audience

In the era of short videos, the characteristics of fragmented communication and the lack of audience attention have brought great challenges to the development of long variety shows. If variety shows want to gain popularity, the content and theme need to keep pace with the times, keep close to the public's emotions, and catch the audience's attention. "Hello, Saturday" meets the needs of young people today, and plans an all-encompassing theme that can resonate widely, so that the audience can watch variety shows often and often, eliminating the possibility of aesthetic fatigue caused by homogeneous content.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

The "Good Six Renewal Plan" recently launched by "Hello, Saturday" is a good example. This episode of the program focuses on the agricultural field that other variety shows rarely pay attention to, giving modern agriculture and new farmers a window to show. In this episode, the theme of agriculture is used throughout, cleverly combined with the game session. At the beginning, He Jiong and Ding Chengxin laid the foundation for the agricultural theme of this episode by discussing their past experience in planting plants and crops. In the subsequent quiz games and pot grabbing battles, questions such as "please name the beneficial insects in the three crops", "please name the tools in the three types of farmland", and "name the three most desired agricultural machinery" are all closely related to agriculture. This episode of the program can not only increase the exposure of agriculture, but also enable the audience to increase their knowledge while watching the program.

The game link innovates and innovates to enhance the experience of chasing comprehensive

If a good theme is compared to the framework of "Hello, Saturday", then the rich and interesting game links are the filling within the framework. "Hello, Saturday" is constantly introducing new and fun game items, and the old games are not static, but will change new ways to play according to the theme of the current issue. Whether you like sweet, hilarious, exciting or knowledgeable games, "Hello, Saturday" can satisfy you.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

"321 Look Here" is one of the most popular games in Hello Saturday, and the game has been upgraded in "Good Six Renewal Days". In this edition of the water splashing game, when one side scores 3 points, teammates from both teams can come on stage to support the water splashing. Zhang Yanqi splashed water three times on his opponents in the game, and his power was comparable to three "water slaps". This change in the water game made the guests more nervous during the game, and the competition format was more intense.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

The game in "Ideal Guardian Battle" presents a different style, and in "Ideal Prediction", the contestants hold hands and chat, asking each other questions to tug at each other's heartstrings. Wei Zheming and Wu Xuanyi made their hearts beat faster by arranging their hair, drawing circles on their palms and other physical interactions, and Wei Zheming's ears were so red that they seemed to be about to burn. Sun Qian asked Chen Jingke if he had saved his own photos, and replied that she chose Chen Jingke in the game because she liked it, which made Chen Jingke's heart rate soar to 137. In the same program, the supine stand-up and handing roses and answering games are also full of pink bubbles, and the sweet game session meets the audience's needs for sugar, making the relevant hot searches of this episode of the show rush to the top of the list of major platforms.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

The equally impressive slippery chase game is a hilarious art style that is easy to decompress. Shi Kai and Tang Jiuzhou frequently wrestled when playing games, and a variety of falling postures could produce a wrestling book. They kept falling and then getting back up, and they fell out of an inspirational feeling. Huang Zihongfan and Yang Di were locked by their teammates in the team battle, and they were dragged forward without any struggle, and the land was almost dragged clean by them! Land Rover seemed to have turned on the old lady's switch in the game, he crooked his mouth, trembling and taking small steps, and the variety show effect was full. The slippery chase game has frequently exploded, and has received excellent feedback on the short video platform, and the second creation video has also continued to emerge, which is deeply loved by the audience.

The star lineup is carefully matched, and the guests are full of highlights

For a variety show, the guest lineup is closely related to the popularity and influence of the show, and a good lineup can promote the program to increase ratings and even shape the brand image of the show. "Hello, Saturday" stands out in a number of variety shows with a strong lineup of guests.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

Qin Xiaoxian and Ding Chengxin, members of the good 6th regiment who are resident in "Hello, Saturday", have honed their extraordinary tacit understanding in one game after another. In the game "321 Look Here", the game combination of the two is almost invincible all over the world, Qin Xiaoxian's reflexes and Ding Chengxin's "water slap" make the game very enjoyable. They used their personal charm and expertise to add many highlights to the show, and many viewers entered the pit "Hello, Saturday" because of this tacit understanding of the brothers, and called on them to be bound in the water game.

"Hello, Saturday" empowers variety shows with innovation and creates a "ceiling" of variety shows in the studio

The collocation and complementarity of the guest lineup are also crucial, and the recent episodes of "Hello, Saturday" invited 0713 and the people of the courtyard to gather on Hao Sixth Street, and the audience called Hao Liu "the god of group portraits". The guests in the acquaintance bureau are more open and open-minded in playing games, and they are more "ruthless" in jokes and jokes. Shi Kai and Huang Zihongfan seemed to be acting in the splashing game, preparing for the game before the game, and performing after the game, and being complained by their teammates that they had to act in a short drama no matter whether they won or lost. The clever collocation of the guest lineup in the program makes the guests complement each other, and the program is more vivid and interesting.

In addition, variety show guests can also bring certain social effects to the show. "Hello, Saturday" invited 10 farming teenagers from ten diligent days, and the teenagers brought their own tulips, vegetables and rape flowers, and also showed the audience the remote drip irrigation and remote fertilization system of "black technology" for farming, so that the people watching the show have a more intuitive experience of rejuvenating agriculture with science and technology. The mainland is a big agricultural country, and the participation of ten diligent days can arouse the audience's attention and discussion on agriculture to a certain extent. At the same time, these ten new farmers presented a positive image and positive attitude towards agriculture in "Hello, Saturday", which had a certain role model for the audience.

"Hello, Saturday" conforms to the development trend, is rooted in the emotional value and appeal of the audience, and constantly launches high-quality content that is in line with the spirit of the times and resonates with the audience's thinking. It continues to innovate in terms of theme, form and lineup, bursting out with infinite vitality and vitality, and absorbing the inexhaustible power of the program's great progress in the development of diversified innovation and high-quality products. "Hello, Saturday" can not only entertain the spirit of the audience, but also provide them with abundant value, and is a high-quality model in the field of variety shows.