
Say goodbye to lady cosmetics!


In the era of the global economic environment, even rich women have begun to downgrade their consumption.

Say goodbye to lady cosmetics!


Say goodbye to lady cosmetics!

It turned out that the money spent was the same, and the effect was even better. It turns out that the cream of several thousand yuan is nothing more than that. The expensive price actually includes many links such as advertising, flavoring, and packaging design. The extra money is an IQ tax. It's just that I'm happy.

Say goodbye to lady cosmetics!

In addition, the life of big-name beauty brands in the Chinese market is not as good as it used to be. Our own makeup is getting better and better. Domestic products such as fermented color and flower Xizi have even entered the field of Japanese cosmetics. The quality and color tone are very much in line with that of the Asian yellow race, and we often have attractive ingenuity in packaging design. It is not inferior to Japanese and Korean products at all. The degree of effort of domestic products is even higher than that of big brands, and I bought a lot of them myself. 最近喜欢上了酵色的水精华口红,高级元气、滋润冰凉、清新自然、非常‬显肤色。 国货‬真的‬很懂‬我们‬。

Say goodbye to lady cosmetics!

如今‬,许多年轻人改变了消费习惯,不做美甲、不看直播、不叫外卖,鞋子美妆等也改用国货。 确是‬人间清醒时,是该和昂贵的大牌说再见的时候了。

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