
Perspective of "strange phenomenon" in rural areas: the elderly who are seriously ill refuse treatment, and the hidden truth behind it is thought-provoking

author:Haijinwan writer

In recent years, there has been a "strange phenomenon" in rural areas that has attracted attention: many elderly people choose not to be hospitalized or receive treatment after being diagnosed with a serious illness. This behavior not only deviates from the conventional medical concept, but also arouses widespread attention and deep reflection from all walks of life. At the same time, another more subtle "strange phenomenon" is also quietly breeding in rural areas, and it needs people's attention and interpretation.


According to the survey, more and more elderly people in rural areas show unusual calmness and resistance to treatment after learning that they are suffering from serious diseases. They often refuse to receive further examination and treatment from the hospital on the grounds that they are too old to be cured. This phenomenon is not unique, but is widespread in many rural areas and is on the rise.

So, what is the reason for the emergence of this "strange phenomenon"? First, economic factors cannot be ignored. Due to the limited economic conditions of their families, many elderly people in rural areas choose to give up treatment because they are worried that the high cost of treatment will bring a heavy burden to their families. Secondly, the influence of traditional ideas is also one of the important reasons. In rural areas, the elderly often hold the concept of "life and death, wealth and prosperity", believing that illness is predestined and treatment is not of much significance. In addition, some elderly people also choose to give up treatment due to distrust of hospitals and medical technology, as well as fear of the pain that may arise during the treatment process.

Perspective of "strange phenomenon" in rural areas: the elderly who are seriously ill refuse treatment, and the hidden truth behind it is thought-provoking

However, there are deeper social problems hidden behind this. With the exodus of young rural laborers, many elderly people have become left-behind elderly people, who lack the companionship and care of their children, and often feel helpless and lonely in the face of illness. This lack of emotion and loneliness makes them resistant to treatment.

At the same time, another "strange phenomenon" is gradually emerging in the countryside. That is, more and more elderly people in rural areas are beginning to seek non-traditional treatment methods, such as traditional Chinese medicine, home remedies, etc. Perhaps out of concern for the economic cost, or out of distrust of modern medicine, or perhaps influenced by those around them, they began to try these seemingly "gentler" treatments. However, these non-traditional treatments often lack scientific basis and clinical validation, and their efficacy and safety are difficult to guarantee, and may even bring greater risks to the health of the elderly.

Perspective of "strange phenomenon" in rural areas: the elderly who are seriously ill refuse treatment, and the hidden truth behind it is thought-provoking

The emergence of this phenomenon not only reflects the helplessness and confusion of the elderly in rural areas in the face of diseases, but also exposes the lack of medical resources and the imperfection of medical services in rural areas. Therefore, we need to think deeply about how to improve the medical conditions in rural areas and improve the level of medical services, so that the elderly can enjoy more scientific and effective treatment.

In view of this "strange phenomenon," the government and all sectors of society should attach great importance to it. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase investment in rural medical services, improve the level of diagnosis and treatment and service quality of rural medical institutions, and enable the elderly to enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorsteps. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen health education and publicity, improve the health awareness and scientific literacy of the elderly, let them understand the dangers of diseases and the importance of treatment, and guide them to establish a correct concept of seeking medical treatment.

Perspective of "strange phenomenon" in rural areas: the elderly who are seriously ill refuse treatment, and the hidden truth behind it is thought-provoking

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the spiritual needs of the elderly in rural areas and strengthen their care and companionship. Through the establishment of a sound social support system, such as community service centers, associations for the elderly, etc., to provide psychological comfort and social support for the elderly, so that they no longer feel lonely and helpless in the face of illness.

In short, the "strange phenomenon" of the elderly in rural areas choosing to give up treatment in the face of major diseases hides complex social problems. We need to work together to solve this problem by improving medical conditions, strengthening health education and publicity, and paying attention to the spiritual needs of the elderly. #农村身边事 ##为什么农村医疗条件越来越好, but fewer and fewer people go to the hospital ##爆料#