
Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

author:Small poplar 🐑

"Lost and Found: The Story Behind the High-speed Scattering of 800,000 Silver Ingots"

On April 8, a jaw-dropping highway spill accident sparked widespread concern. It turned out that when a bus with a Zhejiang license plate was transporting more than 200 kilograms of silver ingots worth 800,000 yuan, some silver ingots fell from the carriage onto the highway and were accidentally run over by passing vehicles, causing a unilateral traffic accident.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

After the accident, the driver, Mr. Zhang, was in a hurry, hoping that the traffic police department could recover the lost silver ingot as soon as possible. It is gratifying that the police of the Dacheng Brigade of the high-speed traffic police responded in a timely manner, and through careful investigation and evidence collection, they finally succeeded in recovering all the lost silver ingots within only 20 hours after the accident, recovering huge economic losses for the owner.

This seemingly ordinary traffic accident caused by spills turns out to have such a tortuous story behind it. The silver ingot fell from the transport truck and was picked up by others, how the police's serial tracking finally solved the case, let's take a look at the wonderful details behind this.

Accident scene: Traffic damage caused by "silver ingots rain".

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

At about 11 o'clock on March 28, the Dacheng Brigade of the Hebei Expressway Traffic Police received a report that a small car had suffered a traffic accident at 138 kilometers of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway.

Mr. Li, the policeman, told the police that he was driving on the Jingtai Expressway when he suddenly encountered some silver metal pieces scattered on the road. After these pieces of metal were run over by his car, they were bounced up and hit the front of the car, causing a certain degree of damage to the vehicle.

After the police arrived at the scene, they first investigated the situation at the scene. It turned out that there were indeed a large number of silver metal blocks scattered on the road, and after preliminary judgment, these metal blocks turned out to be valuable silver ingots!

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

According to witnesses at the scene, the silver ingots were dropped from a large passenger car with Zhejiang license plates. It turned out that the vehicle was transporting a batch of silver ingots worth 800,000 yuan, and during the drive, some of the silver ingots fell from the compartment onto the highway.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the vehicles that are moving. The silver ingots were sprinkled on the road like a "silver ingot rain", and were accidentally crushed onto the body by passing vehicles, causing great damage to the driver.

Fortunately, there were no casualties in the accident, but the front of Mr. Li's minicar was still there

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

It has been damaged to varying degrees. At the scene of the accident, the police immediately isolated and controlled the scene, and also assisted Mr. Li in handling insurance claims.

However, it is worth noting that when these scattered silver ingots were collected at the scene, the police did not realize their value. After all, these silver ingots are so dirty and old that they don't look like priceless treasures.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

"At that time, we just collected and stored the scattered items at the scene in accordance with the normal traffic accident handling process, and we were not aware of the special features. The police of the Dacheng Brigade of the high-speed traffic police in charge of the case told reporters, "It was not until later that we learned that these silver ingots were originally worth as much as 800,000 yuan!"

The driver anxiously pursued: the loss of the silver ingot was urgent

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

Unlike Mr. Li, the driver of the damaged vehicle, Mr. Zhang, the other party involved in the traffic accident, was obviously more anxious and anxious.

It turned out that the silver ingots that were left on the highway were the goods that Mr. Zhang helped a passenger consign. During the drive, for some reason, some silver ingots fell from the carriage and scattered on the road.

"Mr. Zhang was very anxious at the time and quickly contacted us, hoping to recover the lost silver ingot as soon as possible. "He told us that there were more than 200 kilograms of silver ingots in total, worth as much as 800,000 yuan, and nearly half of them were lost, and he urgently needed to find them as soon as possible." "

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

The loss of such a large amount of priceless property due to an accident is undoubtedly a huge blow to Mr. Zhang. After all, these silver ingots can be the valuable goods he transports for his customers, and if they cannot be delivered in full, they will definitely cause serious financial losses.

Therefore, after Mr. Zhang learned of the accident, he immediately contacted the police, hoping to find the lost silver ingot as soon as possible. He also took the initiative to say that he would actively cooperate with the police in the investigation and bear the compensation for the damage caused to the vehicle.

"Mr. Zhang is very cooperative and supportive of our work. On the one hand, he is worried that the silver ingots will be picked up, but on the other hand, he also hopes that they can be found as soon as possible to avoid financial losses to customers. The police said, "We also know that this is undoubtedly a huge blow to him, so we must solve the case as soon as possible and help him recover his losses." "

staged "chasing silver": the police carefully solved the case

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

In the face of Mr. Zhang's anxious request, the police of the Dacheng Brigade of the high-speed traffic police immediately set up a special team to fully carry out the investigation of the loss of silver ingots.

"First of all, we conducted a careful survey of the accident site and took an inventory of the silver ingots collected at the scene. The police officer in charge of the case said, "It turned out that there was a certain gap between the number of silver ingots collected at the scene and the amount provided by Mr. Zhang, which made us very puzzled." "

Whether the amount provided by Mr. Zhang was inaccurate, or whether the silver ingots were lost elsewhere, or whether someone had secretly picked up some of the silver ingots after the accident, these questions puzzled the police.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

In order to solve the case as soon as possible, the police repeatedly reviewed the whole process of the accident and carefully checked the surveillance video at the scene. Eventually, they spotted a suspicious white pickup truck that had stopped at the scene of the accident after the accident before the police arrived at the scene.

"We speculate that the owner of the white pickup may have taken advantage of the chaos to pick up some of the missing silver ingots. "So we immediately set out to track down the whereabouts of the car." "

After a thorough investigation, the police quickly locked down the owner of the white pickup truck. After getting in touch with the other party, the police patiently explained the situation to him, hoping to get cooperation, and finally returned all the silver ingots to Mr. Loser.

It is gratifying that the owner of the white pickup truck took the initiative to cooperate with the work of the police after learning of the situation. He confessed that he had picked up some of the scattered silver ingots at the scene of the accident and immediately offered to return them all.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

Only 20 hours later, all the 800,000 yuan silver ingots that were originally left on the highway were recovered by the police and handed over to Mr. Zhang in their entirety. For Mr. Zhang, this is undoubtedly a timely rain, allowing him to avoid huge financial losses.

"It's a really touching scene!" Mr. Zhang said excitedly, "If it weren't for the comrades of the traffic police team who intervened in time and helped me recover the lost silver ingot, I am afraid I would have lost 800,000 yuan." Their work efficiency and service attitude are fantastic!"

The police said that the smooth investigation of this case is inseparable from the active cooperation of all parties. First of all, Mr. Li's timely call to the police, so that they could grasp the accident situation at the first time; secondly, Mr. Zhang's active cooperation provided important clues for solving the case; In the end, it was the voluntary confession of the owner of the white pickup truck that made the whole case successfully resolved.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

"We just did our job with due diligence. The police officer in charge of the case said, "We are also very pleased to be able to help Mr. Zhang recover a major economic loss of 800,000 yuan." This is undoubtedly a successful case solved. "

Through an in-depth analysis of this case, it is not difficult for us to find some issues worth thinking about behind it.

The first is the prevention of property loss accidents. As a professional cargo transportation driver, Mr. Zhang actually had some goods fall during transportation, which undoubtedly exposed some potential safety hazards. How to strengthen the supervision of valuable goods and avoid the occurrence of such accidents may be worthy of further improvement of the system by relevant departments.

The second is the issue of public integrity. In this case, we saw someone take the opportunity to secretly pick up silver ingots left on the road. This lack of integrity and responsibility cannot help but make people worry about the moral level of the current society. How to cultivate the public's sense of integrity and enhance everyone's sense of social responsibility is also an issue that needs to be paid attention to.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

Finally, there is the issue of the efficiency of police services. In this case, the police of the Dacheng Brigade of the Highway Traffic Police successfully helped Mr. Zhang recover all the lost silver ingots in just 20 hours after the accident with their excellent work. This efficient work style and high-quality service attitude are undoubtedly worthy of praise.

In general, this seemingly ordinary highway spill accident hides such a twisted and wonderful story behind it. From the loss of the silver ingot to the final recovery, the whole process is full of suspense and twists and turns, which makes people can't help but praise the excellent work of the high-speed traffic police.

Silver fell from the sky The driver dropped 800,000 yuan of silver ingots on the highway without knowing it, and the rear car was hit and called the police

At the same time, this case has also triggered us to think about some social issues, such as property safety management, public integrity awareness, police service quality, etc. I believe that only by paying attention and taking effective measures can we truly create a safer, more honest and better social environment.