
Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

author:小biu 妈

Jackie Chan, the screen superstar who once made countless audiences crazy, seems to be aging with the passage of time. In March this year, at a commercial event in Sichuan, he appeared with white hair, which sparked heated discussions among many netizens. However, when everyone sighed that "Jackie Chan is also old", he revealed the truth to us on his 70th birthday on April 7 - it turned out that it was just the styling needs in the movie he was filming.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

Looking back on Jackie Chan's acting career, it can be described as a magnificent epic. Since he stepped into the film industry in 1962, he has brought us more than 200 wonderful films with his excellent martial arts skills and superb acting skills. He not only won a high reputation in China, but also showed the charm of a Chinese movie star on the international stage, becoming the first Chinese to win the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

Unlike many movie stars who came from the grassroots, although Jackie Chan was born in a wealthy mansion, his childhood was not easy. The poverty of his family made him experience the hardships of life early, and he was even almost adopted by a doctor. However, it was these experiences that tempered his will and made him cherish every opportunity to perform.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

In the movie, Jackie Chan conquered the audience with his unique martial arts style and sense of humor. Whether it is the flexible skills in "Serpentine Trickster" or the witty humor in "Drunken Fist", people can see his multi-faceted talent. His film style not only breaks the traditional framework of martial arts films, but also brings a new visual experience to the audience.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

With the passage of time, although Jackie Chan is no longer young, his dream of making a movie has never changed. He still sticks to his film post, using his talent and passion to bring us one masterpiece after another. In this year's new film "Legend", he used AI technology to reproduce the style of his youth, making people feel his charm again.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

Jackie Chan's story teaches us that age is not an excuse to stop us from pursuing our dreams. As long as we have passion, dreams, and unremitting efforts, we can create our own wonderful life. The screen legend has spent his life exemplifying what the true spirit of cinema is – not afraid of the years and only moving forward for the dream.

Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old
Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old
Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old
Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old
Jackie Chan is 70 years old: It's a lucky thing to be old

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