
Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

author:Brother Pin said something

Huawei has been doing a lot this time, and the two black technology patents that have come up with one can make the car understand the lip movements and call the police, and the other can make friends with motion sickness say goodbye to discomfort. These two tricks not only overshadowed the limelight of Xiaomi's car-making, but even Apple had to bow down.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Xiaomi's new car has just been unveiled, and when everyone is still talking about it, Huawei quietly made a big move. They didn't jump directly into the circle of car manufacturing this time, after all, Huawei itself said that it was inexperienced. But that doesn't stop them from making a big splash on another battlefield – automotive components and technical solutions.

Let's talk about the eye-catching lip alarm technology first. If you have an emergency in the car, it may be that you are injured, or that something unexpected happens, or even someone in danger is in the car, but you can't shout for help or make a phone call. At this time, you only need to move your lips, and the car will understand what you mean and call the police for help in time.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Huawei is working with smart car brands to install this technology in cars. The vehicle recognizes the lip speech of the driver and the occupants and converts it into an alarm signal. Even if your voice is as low as a mosquito humming, the car can hear it and help you call for help.

Although Apple has also invested a lot of time and money in the automotive field, we have not seen any real products from them so far. Huawei is good, not only has real technology, but also really runs ahead of Apple.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Let's take a look at Huawei's second patent - anti-motion sickness technology. For those who get dizzy as soon as they get in the car, this is definitely a big boon. Huawei's technology, called "anti-motion sickness method based on visual compensation images", sounds lofty.

The core idea is actually quite simple: install a special display screen in the car to capture the dynamic scene outside the car in real time, so that passengers can see the situation outside the car and reduce the dislocation of visual and physical sensations. Even if you sit in the back seat, you can clearly perceive every movement of the car through this screen, and be mentally prepared in advance so that you will not be stunned by bumps and shakes.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Huawei's patent is not just a theoretical idea, it has been verified in experiments. Huawei's R&D strength is known to the world, and what they make must have undergone a series of rigorous tests. Now that they are ready to commercialize this technology, future car journeys may become safer and more comfortable because of Huawei's two patents.

We often see on the news that someone is in danger while taking an online ride-hailing service, but they can't call the police in time. With this technology, even if you can't make a sound, you can ask for help through lip lips in the event of an emergency. This is especially important for female passengers.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

As for anti-motion sickness technology, its emergence may completely change people's travel experience. This is undoubtedly good news for those who have had to give up their trip because of motion sickness or who have suffered from the pain of traveling. This technology allows them to experience less discomfort while driving and enjoy the journey.

This is not only a technological innovation, but also a profound impact on people's daily lives. Huawei uses their technology to improve the safety of cars and optimize the ride experience, which is an influence that is difficult for other competitors to match.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent this time is indeed a bit fierce. They are not only ten years ahead in technology, but also ahead in humanized care. While pursuing technological innovation, Huawei has not forgotten the original intention of technology to serve people. Through these two patents, Huawei provides new possibilities for safe and comfortable travel in the automotive industry and even in society as a whole.

Huawei's "King Bomb" patent is really a bit fierce, ten years ahead of Apple!

Whether Huawei's two patents can be successfully promoted and widely used in automobiles on the market? But at least it is certain that Huawei's action this time has not only won a round of applause for itself, but also brought hope and expectation to those who care about car safety and riding experience.

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