
Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions

author:Fence Meltant
Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions
Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions
Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions

On the afternoon of April 8, the county CPPCC members attending the fourth meeting of the 11th Yuanqu County Committee of the CPPCC studied and discussed the important speech of Shi Yujiang, secretary of the county party committee, at the opening meeting of the CPPCC, and deliberated on the work report and proposal work report of the county CPPCC Standing Committee. Li Peng, chairman of the county CPPCC, Xue Zengyuan, Ding Liping, Guo Zhihong, Zhao Wangping, vice chairmen, and Li Junhong, secretary general of the county CPPCC, respectively participated in the discussions from all walks of life.

Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions

While participating in the discussion, Li Peng held that Shi Yujiang, secretary of the county party committee, made an important speech that fully affirmed the important contributions made by the CPPCC organizations at all levels and the vast number of CPPCC members in the county over the past year, and reflected the great importance and concern and support that the Yuanqu county CPC committee attaches to the CPPCC work, and at the same time clearly defines the goals of struggle and key tasks for this year. It is hoped that CPPCC members from all walks of life will conscientiously study and comprehend, do a good job in implementation, closely focus on the central work of the county, plan the layout, accurately select topics, and rely on the advantages of "smart CPPCC" to continue to consolidate and expand the "top ten brands" Results, condense the wisdom to promote high-quality development, gather the power to deepen all-round transformation, transform the unique advantages of the CPPCC into indispensable wisdom and strength for the vigorous development of the cause, provide good ideas in political consultation, make suggestions in democratic supervision, gather wisdom in political participation and discussion, and send out the light and heat of the CPPCC to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization.

The atmosphere of the group discussions was warm, and the CPPCC members spoke enthusiastically and expressed their views. Everyone unanimously agreed that Shi Yujiang, secretary of the county party committee, had a high political position, had a strong ideological and leading nature, and put forward new hopes and requirements for the work of the county CPPCC from five aspects: standing firm in political position, highlighting the responsibility of the CPPCC, insisting on moving forward side by side, practicing the supremacy of the people, and strengthening self-construction, which is very exciting and encouraging. The work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC is pragmatic, accurate, scientific and effective in the future work of the CPPCC, which fully demonstrates the wisdom and responsibility of the county CPPCC in promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Yuanqu. The motions work report comprehensively, objectively, and accurately reflects the achievements of the motions work since the Third Session of the 11 th CPPCC County Committee, and the suggestions for the future motions work are closely related to reality, the measures are effective, and they are very pertinent and instructive. Everyone said that in the future work, they will effectively unify their thoughts and actions to the deployment requirements of the county party committee and county government, strengthen investigation and research, conduct in-depth consultation and discussion of politics, do a good job in "committee homework", answer the "performance answer sheet", and serve high-quality development with high-level performance of duties.

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Yuanqu County CPPCC members held group discussions