
The father and uncle did not speak for 10 years, and when Qingming returned to his hometown, he saw that his uncle was bullied by his son and daughter-in-law, and his father was angry

author:Pretty in Pink

Qingming Festival, a day that makes people think a lot, for many people, is a time of nostalgia and remembrance, and it is also a time for family reunion. But for the Wang family, the annual Qingming Festival is a psychological torment and struggle. The Wang family, an ancient family that has been baptized by time, staged a touching drama on this day.

The Wang family has two brothers, Wang Ming and Wang Qiang, who used to be inseparable brothers, but because of an unexpected dispute, they embarked on different paths. The dispute stemmed from a dispute over family property, and few people know the details of the dispute, except that the two brothers have been strangers ever since.

On this day, the arrival of the Qingming Festival means the annual return to the hometown to sweep, and Wang Ming's family is no exception. Wang Ming is the eldest son in the family, with a bold personality and a straightforward heart. He drove back to his hometown with his wife Xiaoli and son Xiaoming.

In the process of sacrificing and sweeping, Wang Ming's family accidentally met another branch of the Wang family, that is, Wang Qiang's family. Wang Qiang is the second son in the family, engaged in the business industry, and has direct competition with Wang Ming in terms of interests. The scene after the two families met was a little awkward, and their eyes revealed an inexplicable emotion.

Xiaoli noticed that Wang Qiang's wife, Li Li, seemed to be not very friendly to Wang Qiang's father, and treated him with some disrespectful tones and attitudes from time to time. This made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she didn't think much about it, thinking that it might be a family problem of the Wang family, so she didn't want to ask too much.

However, something surprising happened. When everyone was busy with the sacrifice and was about to return, Li Li suddenly said loudly to Wang Qiang's father: "Old man, don't waste time here, go back and talk more!" These words surprised everyone, and Wang Ming's father was even more furious.

"What? How can you talk like that?" Wang Ming's father was furious, his tone full of anger and dissatisfaction. He has given a lot to this family, how can he be treated so rudely by his son's daughter-in-law?

The father and uncle did not speak for 10 years, and when Qingming returned to his hometown, he saw that his uncle was bullied by his son and daughter-in-law, and his father was angry

Wang Ming couldn't help but be angry, he stared at Li Li with angry eyes: "What do you mean by this? The old man worked hard to raise us, how can you treat him like this?"

Li Li obviously didn't expect to cause such a big reaction, and she explained in a bit of a panic: "I...... I didn't...... I just think he's dragging his feet and wasting our time......"

"Time?" Wang Ming's father sneered, "Is time more precious to you? Don't you know that this is the Qingming Festival? This is the day when we come back to worship our ancestors, how can you be so disrespectful?"

Wang Ming's voice was full of anger and reproach, he didn't expect that Li Li would say such things at this time, and he would not tolerate his father.

Seeing that Wang Ming and his father were standing opposite to her, Li Li felt a little regretful and guilty, she didn't expect this sentence to cause such a big dispute. She bowed her head nervously, not daring to say another word.

At this time, Wang Ming's father suddenly walked to Wang Qiang's father's side and patted him lightly on the shoulder: "Brother, don't take it to heart, the children are young and vigorous, sometimes they speak without brains, don't take it to heart." ”

Wang Qiang's father was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile of gratitude and understanding: "Brother Ming, thank you, I know that your family is a good person." ”

The father and uncle did not speak for 10 years, and when Qingming returned to his hometown, he saw that his uncle was bullied by his son and daughter-in-law, and his father was angry

Wang Ming's father nodded and didn't say anything, but his mood was much better. Although he was dissatisfied with Wang Qiang, he also softened his heart when he saw Wang Qiang's father's appearance. After all, they used to be a family, and they should not have ruined their relationship with each other because of such a trivial matter.

On the way home, Wang Ming sat quietly in the car, recalling the scene just now. He suddenly realized that he might have been too agitated and should have handled this kind of thing more calmly. After all, family harmony is the most important thing, and he shouldn't ruin it all because of a moment of anger.

After returning home, Wang Ming said to his wife and son: "I'm sorry, I was a little impulsive just now, we need to learn to be tolerant and understanding, so that our family can be more harmonious." ”

When Xiao Li and Xiao Ming heard this, they also felt a little regretful, they didn't expect that their words would cause such a big dispute. They said, "We'll pay attention to it later, Dad." ”

Wang Ming smiled, his heart full of warmth and gratitude to his family. He knows that family harmony is the most important thing, and that only when everyone is united can we face life's challenges together. And this incident also made him understand this point even more.

So, Wang Ming's family sat together and spent a warm and harmonious Qingming Festival together. Their laughter echoes throughout the house, as if to speak of the strength and warmth of the family.

The father and uncle did not speak for 10 years, and when Qingming returned to his hometown, he saw that his uncle was bullied by his son and daughter-in-law, and his father was angry