
Go forward, look forward, you deserve better

author:Sister Kite

01 It seems that I live too casually, as if I can do anything, and as if I can't do anything.

02 Time is passing, people are changing, every journey has its own wonderful, and the journey of life is like an out-of-print movie that cannot be played back.

Go forward, look forward, you deserve better

03 Changing faces is a variety of situations in the world, how can you and I be exceptional, love from our hearts, no regrets, live up to what we meet, don't talk about debts, things that can be easily lost, and indeed I can't talk about how regretful it is.

04 The sudden temper is probably a grievance that has been accumulated for a long time.

05 Everything is short-lived, and the only one who accompanies you to the end is yourself.

Go forward, look forward, you deserve better

06 I don't know how sweet life is, but bitter is really bitter, and the adjectives that sound may be too pale, and only by experiencing it yourself can you experience the flavors of life.

07 All inopportune encounters are regrettable and painful.

08 Mistaking old vinegar for ink, writing half of his life is sour.

Go forward, look forward, you deserve better

09 The story is not long, clutch is the normal state of life, it is very important to be bearish, tea is cold because you don't drink it, and people don't hesitate to disperse.

10 Disappointment is never overwhelming, but rather accumulating.