
Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!


Chen He responded to netizens matching Lin to update Zhao Liying

In today's live broadcast, Chen He responded to netizens' matching messages about Lin Gengxin and Zhao Liying.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!

He expressed his understanding of everyone's enthusiasm for the series, and called on fans to follow the drama sensibly and not interfere too much in the lives of the actors.


Zhao Liying and Shen Li detonated the ratings frenzy

Zhao Liying's role as Shen Li in the play has been well received, the plot is tense and exciting, coupled with Zhao Liying's superb acting skills, the ratings of the show have been rising.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!

The number of broadcasts of Hunan Satellite TV and Tencent Video also showed a blowout growth.


Chen He became a propaganda spokesperson?

Some netizens ridiculed Chen He as the "publicity spokesperson" of the show, thinking that his response made fans disgusted with the atmosphere.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!

Some people even joked that Chen He wanted to collect his salary quickly, because his publicity made the show unexpectedly popular.


Netizens complained that Chen He responded frequently

Some netizens were dissatisfied with Chen He's frequent response to matchmaking remarks, believing that his remarks once again caused unnecessary controversy.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!

Some people ridiculed Chen He for being a teapot, which pot is not opened.


Netizens debated Chen He's remarks

Chen He's response sparked a heated discussion among netizens, with some believing that Chen He should shut up and stop causing controversy, while others expressed support for his remarks, believing that he was defending the crew and actors.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!


Chen He's response has sparked great controversy on social media, with some people thinking that his response is inappropriate and interfering with the drama fans' experience of watching the show, and on the other hand, some people think that he is justifying the crew and actors. Whether for or against, these controversies have made the drama with Fengxing more eye-catching, and also made fans more enthusiastic about chasing and discussing the drama.

Chen He replied to fans, netizens: Don't be a teapot!

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