
My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

author:Sakura Snow Castle 100

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My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

I am an ordinary office worker working as an accountant for a company. My husband and I met in college, and after many years of dating, we finally came to fruition. Our son Xiao Ming is 18 years old and is a good boy who is lively and cheerful with excellent grades. Since childhood, my husband and I have pinned our greatest hopes on Xiao Ming, hoping that he can get ahead and have a good future in the future.

My best friend Xiaoli and I have known each other since elementary school. Years of friendship have allowed us to build a close relationship that we don't talk about. Xiaoli is a beautiful and generous girl with a lively and cheerful personality and good popularity. I often hope that Xiao Ming can find a virtuous and generous girl like Xiaoli in the future.

Xiaoli's family has not been very wealthy since she was a child, but she has never felt inferior because of this, but has worked harder. Her beautiful appearance, lively and lovely personality, coupled with outstanding academic performance, have made her a little star in the school. My friendship with Xiaoli has always been talked about, and I treat her as my own sister.

It was a normal weekend, my husband was out to take care of some things, and I was home alone. Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside the door, followed by Xiao Ming's voice: "Lili, come in quickly, don't let others see it." "

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

My heart thumped, Xiao Ming took the girl home, and called her "Lili"? A terrible conjecture suddenly appeared in my heart. I tiptoed to the door, looked out through the crack in the door, and saw Xiao Ming holding Xiao Li's hand, and the faces of the two were almost together!

Just when I was dumbfounded, Xiao Ming suddenly turned his head and met my gaze. His face suddenly turned white, and his hand let go of Xiaoli in a panic. Xiaoli also seemed to realize something, and she looked at me in panic, her face full of embarrassment and panic.

I took a deep breath and forced my composure to say, "You two, explain to me what happened just now!"

As she spoke, her eyes welling up with tears. Xiao Ming hurriedly came over and hugged her shoulders, and said comfortingly: "Don't cry, Lili, I'm here, I love you forever." "

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

Seeing this scene, my heart felt as if it was being grabbed by a ruthless giant hand, and it was extremely painful. I couldn't accept it, but what was in front of me was so real and so heart-wrenching. My son and my best friend, how could they fall in love behind my back?

"Enough!" I shouted to stop them, "You guys sober me up! Xiao Ming, you're only 18 years old, how can you fall in love casually? Not to mention that your partner turned out to be my best friend! What the hell are you two messing around?"

Xiaoli and I have a long friendship, we have known each other since elementary school, and we have talked about everything along the way. She was like my own sister, I trusted her so much that I never thought that one day she would be my son's girlfriend. This is so shocking and unacceptable to me!

However, the son and Xiaoli are so sincere and determined. Their eyes and tone made me feel the heat in their hearts. I can see that they didn't make a decision on the spur of the moment, but after careful consideration.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

Faced with such a difficult problem, I decided to ask my family and friends for help first. Maybe they can give me some good advice to help me out of this situation.

"What's going on? How can Xiao Ming hook up with Xiao Li? Your best friend is the child we watched grow up!" The husband said angrily, "We must teach them a hard lesson and make them sober up!"

I hurriedly dissuaded: "Don't be impulsive, son, they seem to be very serious." We cannot arbitrarily try to stop them, lest they backfire. "

Although my husband reluctantly agreed, his tone was very disapproving. I knew it would take a lot of effort to convince my husband.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

"You said that Xiao Ming and Xiao Li are together, isn't that great?" Xiaohong said, "I also know Xiaoli, she is a good girl. Besides, your two families have known each other for a long time, and they may become a family in the future!"

I was shocked by Xiaohong's words, and hurriedly retorted: "How can you say that? How can they be together? And even if they are really together, I can't accept it!"

Xiaohong smiled and said, "What's unacceptable? Isn't it normal for two young people to fall in love with each other? You have to learn to let go and respect their choice." "

In addition to my family and friends, I also told other relatives about it. Some expressed understanding, while others directly opposed. But either way, their words influenced my thinking to varying degrees.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

During this time, Xiao Ming and Xiao Li have been holding on to their love. Whenever I objected, they would convince me with a sincere tone and look.

"Mom, I know you must have a hard time accepting it, but please believe that we truly love each other. Xiao Ming said, "Lili is the love of my life, and we have decided to spend our lives together." "

Xiaoli would also explain to me in a sincere tone: "Auntie, I am sincere to Xiao Ming, please believe me." We are no longer children, and we know the weight of love. "

I looked at their sincere expressions, and my heart was entangled. As a mother, I certainly want my son to be happy. However, I am very reluctant to give up my beloved son and best friend like this!

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

"Mom, I know you must have a hard time accepting it, but please bless us with your heart. Xiao Ming said sincerely, "Our feelings are well thought out, not impulsive. We will spend a lifetime dealing with this relationship. "

Xiaoli also nodded, looking at me with a firm look in her eyes: "Yes Auntie, we are ready." Even in the face of many obstacles, we will be brave enough to pursue our own happiness. "

In those few days, my feelings were painful and tangled like never before. When I go to work during the day, I am always absent-minded, and my work efficiency is greatly reduced. When I got home, I couldn't eat or sleep.

Sometimes, I will subconsciously pick up my phone and open Xiaoli's photo. Looking at her innocent smiling face, my heart will feel like it has been ruthlessly pierced, and my heart will ache.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

So firm. Their eyes and tone made me feel the heat in their hearts. I can see that they didn't make a decision on the spur of the moment, but after careful consideration.

What should I do? Do I respect my son's choice, or stick to my principles? My heart fell into a deep confusion of contradictions and struggles, clearly a love-hate relationship.

"Mom, what are you looking for us?" Xiao Ming asked with some confusion.

I took a deep breath, looked at the two of them levelly, and said solemnly, "Xiao Ming, Lili, I know that you must love each other very much, and you have made up your mind to be together. "

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

"As a mother, of course, I want you to be happy. However, you must understand how hard your decision has hit me. Lili is my best friend and I never thought that one day she would be your girlfriend. "

At this point, my eyes were already filled with tears. Xiao Ming and Xiao Li also showed a look of self-blame, as if they realized the pain in my heart.

"You've all grown up, though, and it's time for you to make your own decisions. I wiped my tears and said firmly, "Although I still can't fully accept it, I have decided to respect your choice and give you a chance." "

Xiao Ming and Xiao Li suddenly showed relieved looks, and seemed to have finally unloaded the burden in their hearts. Xiao Ming stepped forward and gave me a big hug, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Mom! I promise, I will definitely take good care of Lili and let you rest assured!"

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

Xiaoli also burst into tears and thanked me again and again: "Thank you, Auntie, thank you for your understanding! I will definitely spend my life treating this relationship, and I will never disappoint your expectations!"

Looking at their happy appearance, my heart finally let go of the heavy burden. Although they are still a little reluctant, I believe that they will be happy. Moreover, Xiaoli is not an outsider, if she really achieves positive results in the future, won't she and I become a family? Thinking of this, my mood is gradually relieved.

In this way, after my compromise, the relationship between my son and his girlfriend was finally recognized. There's still a long way to go, but at least it's a good start. With the blessing of their families, I believe that their emotional road will be smooth sailing.

Just when I thought everything was going to be beautiful, an incredible fact hit me hard.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

"Hmph, do you think I really love you? I just fell in love with your family's considerable inheritance!" Xiaoli said with a sneer.

"I'm just using you, you stupid boy!" Xiaoli said mercilessly, "As long as I get your family's inheritance, I will dump you and live at the peak of my life from now on!"

"Haha, you'd better be obedient now and give me that inheritance. Otherwise, I'll ruin everything for you!" Xiaoli sneered, her tone full of viciousness and greed.

Hearing this, my body trembled involuntarily. I could never have imagined that my best friend could be such a selfish and greedy person, and that she was using my son in order to get our family's inheritance!

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

"Xiao Ming, I heard your conversation with Xiao Li last night. I said earnestly.

"Yes, I heard it all. I nodded, my eyes full of sadness, "Xiaoli is actually using you, and her goal is our family's inheritance." "

Hearing this, Xiao Ming's eyes instantly turned red. He lowered his head, covered his face in pain, and shrugged his shoulders as if suppressing the urge to cry.

Looking at my son's painful appearance, my heart felt as if it had been torn apart by life, and I couldn't bear to die. I stepped forward and gave him a big hug and comforted, "It's okay kid, everything will be fine." You're just too young and too easily deceived. "

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

And the culprit turned out to be my best friend Xiaoli. She is such a selfish and filthy person! Has our friendship come to naught in such an inexplicable way? The thought of this makes my heart ache even more.

After this incident, I finally realized that family affection is far more important than anything else.

Xiaoli's hurt to me and Xiao Ming made me truly appreciate the value of family affection. In the face of her betrayal, I felt a lot of pain in my heart, but more of it was distress and reluctance for Xiao Ming. As a mother, how I wish I could protect my child from any harm!

Family affection is the purest and most selfless emotion in the world. It doesn't count returns, it doesn't ask why, it just comes from the most simple love in the heart. It is this kind of love that makes us innate with the desire to protect those closest to us.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

I'll never forget Xiao Ming's painful appearance. The eyes, which always sparkle like sunshine, are full of tears at the moment; That lively and lovely face was full of pain at the moment. Seeing him like this, my heart felt as if it had been torn apart, and I couldn't help it.

From that moment on, I made up my mind to protect my child no matter what, so that he would not be hurt again. For me, family affection is something above all else, and it is the biggest motivation for me to live.

In addition to family affection, friendship is also an equally important emotion for me.

But you have broken my heart so badly. You have taken advantage of my son and deceived him into his sincerity just to get our family's inheritance. Not only have you hurt my family, but you have betrayed our friendship!

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together

Friendship is so precious that it needs to be cherished and maintained by both parties with sincerity and trust. But you have so wantonly desecrated it, and your friendship has come to naught. From then on, I couldn't trust people easily.

However, although Xiaoli's betrayal devastated me, I did not give up on cherishing my friendship because of it. On the contrary, I am more acutely aware of how precious and precious sincere friendship is. It brings strength and warmth to people, so that they will not be completely lost in the low times of life.

With this lesson, I am determined to cherish and maintain my friendship even more in the future. I will treat my friends with more sincerity and trust, and I will also be cautious about the friendships that others have with me. Friendship needs to be nurtured by both parties, and only in this way can it last forever and never be extinguished.

This incident dealt me a heavy blow, but at the same time, it also gave me valuable life lessons and insights.

From this incident, I realized the importance of my family. Our family is our back, and no matter what difficult situation we are in, they will always support and encourage us. It is precisely because of the support of his family that Xiao Ming was able to slowly get out of the haze and regain the courage and fighting spirit of life.

Friendship needs to be cherished and maintained by both parties with sincerity and trust. It gives strength and warmth so that people don't lose their way when life is at a low point. With this lesson, I am determined to cherish and maintain my friendship more in the future, and treat my friends with more sincerity and trust.

Finally, this incident also made me reflect on the true meaning of love. Xiaoli betrayed love for money, which shows that she doesn't understand the meaning and weight of love at all. True love is built on mutual respect, trust, and commitment. It requires a lifetime of management and care from both parties, not a momentary impulse and greed.

It is precisely because Xiao Ming is too young and innocent that he will be blinded by Xiao Li's lies. However, after this lesson, I believe that he will understand the true meaning of love more in the future and know how to cherish and treat his feelings. After all, people are not genuine, and everyone has times when they are lost, the key is to learn from them and grow into better people.

This incident was a huge blow to me, but I didn't lose my way because of it. On the contrary, I have learned valuable life lessons from it, and I have learned more about the value of family, friendship and love. I believe that as long as we have these riches in life, we will be able to bravely face any setbacks and trials in life.

As the saying goes, "Sharpening is always there, and jade can't be cut without it". Although this ordeal was painful, it made my life more fulfilling and complete. I will keep this lesson firmly in mind, and in the future, I will cherish what I have in front of me even more and live a fulfilling and happy life.

My son took my best friend's hand and pressed me to agree to be together