
38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

author:Confident sports

The silver screen is back

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the sensational "hooligan case" that occurred in Shanghai was 38 years ago. The case of that year became a hot topic because it involved many celebrities and powerful backgrounds.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

As the saying goes, "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi", unconsciously, the actress Gong Xue in her prime has also become an eternal nostalgia in the hearts of old fans with the passage of time. Can her story still make waves in the hearts of the audience? and can her choices really make people feel profound?

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Dream of breaking the path of starlight

Back in Shanghai 38 years ago, a social gathering called the "Family Dance Party" became a hotbed of sin. This gathering, planned by Chen Xiaomeng and others, in the name of entertainment, was actually a trap, causing 51 innocent young women to suffer unspeakable pain. When the summer breeze of 1986 blew, the fate of those criminals also came to an end, and they were judged by the severe punishment of the law. But in this turmoil, Gong Xue's name was involved.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Gong Xue, the actress known as the Oriental Audrey Hepburn, is in the prime of her youth and her career is in full swing. However, just as she was about to start climbing to the top of her career, unwarranted rumors were like an invisible hand, choking her forward. Gong Xue was innocently involved in this whirlpool and became the target of everyone. The poison of rumors erodes her reputation, and countless clarifications seem unable to restore her image of purity. In the face of such a predicament, what kind of struggle and suffering did she experience in her heart?

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Gong Xue's family background is full of art. Her parents are both workers in the art world, and Gong Xue's love and pursuit of movies is almost innate. She was once the literary star of the school, and she left a deep mark on the screen with her talent and hard work. Just as she proved herself with her strength and won the double honor of the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award, she also suffered a blow of fate.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Away from the country, away from the stage

Faced with the siege of rumors, Gong Xue finally made a decision, a decision that was regretted by future generations, but had to be moved. She chose to leave the stage that once made her glorious and go to the United States. This decision is undoubtedly extremely difficult for an artist at the peak of his career. For the audience, the loss of a talented movie star was a major turning point in Gong Xue's artistic career.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Gong Xue's story is not only about personal tenacity and choice, it also reflects the face of an era. In that turbulent era, living people were swept into the whirlpool by the giant wheel of fate and had to face the bitter test given by life. Gong Xue, the former goddess of the screen, faced the ruthless blow of public opinion and chose a path different from ordinary people. Her departure has made countless people's hearts ache, and it has also made countless people start to think, when a pure soul is struggling in the sludge, what can we do for her?

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Teacher Zhang Songwen's evaluation

In those difficult years, Gong Xue was not alone. Zhang Songwen, a well-known critic at the time, gave a lot of support and solidarity to Gong Xue's experience. His article, with sharp words, pointed directly to the disadvantages of the times, and complained about Gong Xueming. He once said: "The maturity of a society is not only reflected in how it praises its heroes, but also in how it treats those who are wounded." His words, like a sharp sword, pierced the veil of hypocrisy and exposed the other side of society.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Retired behind the scenes, but impressive

Gong Xue's departure did not leave her name forgotten. On the contrary, she became an indelible memory in the hearts of a generation. In 2013, when the youth drama "8090 Rushing Forward" premiered, it not only attracted young audiences, but also evoked the good memories of those born in the 60s and 70s. Gong Xue's return, although only on the screen, is enough to stir up a wave of retro emotions. Her acting skills and her story have once again attracted public attention and discussion.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

Gong Xue's return

Time can change many things, but it always pays homage to true art and talent. Gong Xue's experience allows us to see the tenacity and dignity of a woman in the face of adversity, and also allows us to see the complex face of an era. Her choice is not only a personal escape, but also a helpless struggle against reality and an infinite vision for the future.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

The stars are gone, and the meaning is still unfinished

Gong Xue's story is like a classic movie, although the story has come to an end, the thinking left for the audience is far from over. Everyone's life is a road of no return, and we may encounter all kinds of difficulties on this road, but the important thing is how we face it. Gong Xue chose to go away, but her story has become a kind of strength, inspiring people to find hope in the face of adversity.

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

When we mention Gong Xue's name again today, can we also find a kind of life force and light in that seemingly unbearable choice? Zhang Songwen's sentence may be exactly what we should ponder: "What can we do when we face a wounded soul?"

38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

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38 years later, looking at the actress Gong Xue who went to the United States by the "hooligan case", Zhang Songwen's words make people think

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