
The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing

author:Afghan army
The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing

Hello friends, today I want to tell you a heart-wrenching story.

The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing

Liu Yue and Zhiao Hong took a group photo

Liu Yue and Zhiao Hong have been in love for many years and are ready to enter the marriage hall. However, fate unexpectedly played tricks on them, and the pair were subjected to cruel tests again and again.

As we all know, serious illness is ruthless, and medical expenses drag people into poverty. In order to give Zhiaohong as much treatment as possible, the two had to owe a high debt of more than 100,000 yuan. In these difficult days, Liu Yue has always been by her boyfriend's side, even if she is unaccompanied.

Do you remember last year? When Zhiaohong's illness worsened, and he sought medical treatment everywhere to no avail, and his life swayed and trembled like a flame that was about to be extinguished. Just when the two were about to give up, a non-profit organization connected in time, allowing Zhiaohong to get the opportunity to be rescued by Beijing Hospital.

So, the two young people from Beipiao came to the capital of the motherland full of hope. Who would have thought that this would be more than a year. Life and death together, relying on each other, they used pure love to complete a long road to seek medical treatment.

The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing

However, the disease is invincible in the end. Just after the Qingming Festival this year, Zhiaohong's illness suddenly rebounded. I'm unconscious, and I don't recognize anyone around me when I wake up occasionally. Seeing that the hope was getting slimmer and slimmer, Liu Yue still didn't give up, and begged the doctor to give her boyfriend another chance to live.

No matter how much she pays, no matter how much she is tortured, she just wants to spend the last part of her life with her boyfriend.

But the reality is always so cruel and ruthless. The doctor told Liu Yue that Zhiaohong's illness had reached the final stage, and any further rescue would only aggravate the pain, so it was better to let him leave safely.

Hearing this, Liu Yue completely lost hope. She understands that her life is about to be decided, and she sees that her beloved is about to leave her. So, she decided to follow Zhiaohong's last wish and let him return to the familiar land of his hometown.

However, they never expected that in the early morning of April 7, Zhiao Hong passed away quietly, and they had no time to say goodbye to her, so they "took the first step" without authorization. Liu Yue was in pain, lying on her boyfriend's chest and crying loudly, choking and saying to him: "Ao Hong, I took you home, but why did you leave first?"

The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing

Along the way, she tightly tugged at Zhiao's cold palm, trying to get a trace of warmth from it. However, the more she struggled, the more sad she became.

When she returned to her hometown of Shangshui, Henan, Liu Yue said to Zhi Aohong's parents: "I'm sorry for you for not being able to bring Ao Hong back completely." In the face of her parents-in-law's repeated comfort, she still felt guilty.

Now, in addition to paying off debts, Liu Yue also plans to take care of his parents for her boyfriend and ask for the wages owed by Zhiao Hong in the company.

"He was so kind to me, but he didn't even leave me a last word in the end. Liu Yue choked up and said, "Although we have never received a certificate, I think we have long been husband and wife." In the next life, I must go to him!"

Yes, life is impermanent! The relationship between Liu Yue and Zhiaohong can be called a realistic version of "the edge of love and death". They have been knocked down by the hardships of life, but they still embrace each other's love.

It's a pity that this deep love is hard to beat the ruthless illness after all. When everything seemed to be getting better, the Grim Reaper mercilessly unleashed its scythe.

This reminds me of the wise saying: All doers die for sentient beings. Love is like that: an instant is eternal, an eternal moment. It gives you all the good and happiness, but it can also take everything away from you at any time.

Isn't this incident between Liu Yue and Zhiaohong a microcosm of the various states of life? Just like the fate of most ordinary people, everyone is in danger in poor days, and family affection is indifferent when they are in trouble, but the relationship between the two is always the same.

Therefore, their love is so distressing! And Liu Yue's inexhaustible heartache makes me sigh at the preciousness and horror of love.

I really wonder how you feel about it, friends, what love means to you, and how can you grasp this precious thing?

May the departed rest in peace, and the living continue to live. Liu Yue said that in the future, she wants to join a non-profit organization to help more seriously ill families like them. I sincerely wish her, and I hope that all those who have love and hope can give encouragement and support, so that Liu Yue can get out of the haze and regain the courage to live!

The death of one person is the heartache of thousands of people! Their love story is so distressing