
Is the 3,000 yuan salary really worth it?

author:Niu Co Lu Zhen Huan duck duck

This is a story about the mutual understanding between security guards and owners, and tonight, a community security guard on night duty was in the limelight. The security guard was caught playing with his mobile phone by a certain owner while at work, which immediately sparked an awkward dispute.

Is the 3,000 yuan salary really worth it?

It is reported that the security guard has been working as a security guard for many years and is responsible for maintaining order and safety in this community. Every day, he has to face duties such as patrolling, checking and surveillance, and dealing with emergencies to ensure that the residents of the community can live and work in peace and contentment. For this job, he only gets a salary of 3,000 yuan a month.

Is the 3,000 yuan salary really worth it?

However, while he was sticking to his post, the security guard was accidentally photographed by an owner playing with his mobile phone. The owner immediately posted the situation on social media and expressed his dissatisfaction and doubts about the security guards. The news quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Subsequently, the community management responded to the incident, saying that they would take it seriously and asked all security staff to maintain a high level of work discipline. At the same time, they also pointed out the dedication and hard work of the security guard, and reminded the owners to be more understanding and supportive of these guardians.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, the security guard expressed his opinion in an interview. He confessed that with a salary of only 3,000 yuan a month, he worked the night shift tirelessly to protect the safety of the community. And in such a situation, he reluctantly admits that he also needs to relax and have fun to ensure that his energy continues.

Is the 3,000 yuan salary really worth it?

The security guard stressed that he is not doing perfunctory work, but wants to provide a better and safer living environment for the owners. He said he was open to criticism, but also hoped that the owners would understand their hard work.

As soon as this matter was exposed, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Many people have expressed their support and understanding for the security guard, who believes that the security guard's monthly salary is relatively low, but he still dutifully guards the safety of the community and deserves a certain amount of rest and recreation.

Of course, there are also some netizens who have different opinions, they say that security guards should strictly abide by their work discipline and should not play with their mobile phones on their posts. For such opinions, the owners put forward a more comprehensive consideration. They believe that management should provide better pay packages and benefits to ensure that security employees are in better working condition.

Is the 3,000 yuan salary really worth it?

In any case, this incident has once again aroused people's attention and thinking about security posts. Security guards are the guardians of the peace of the community, and they are silently dedicated to our safety every day. For us, it is important to care about their working environment and treatment, and to give them understanding and support.

It is hoped that this incident will make the owners pay more attention to the hard work and dedication of the security posts, and also hope that the community management will make the security guards feel that their efforts and dedication have been affirmed by improving the system and increasing the salary.

Security is a profession that requires understanding and respect, and they go to great lengths to keep us safe. Let's pay attention to the safety of the community and give more care and support to the security guards!

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