
Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".


Before Hou Junji followed Li Shimin, he was a typical ruffian, relying on his own strength, he was making trouble every day, making many people afraid of him, and after a long time, Hou Junji thought that he was a character, and he bragged about how capable he was when he met people.

coincided with troubled times, this kind of fighting is like a fish in water, after taking Li Shimin's express, Hou Junji is even more powerful, with the strength of the desperate San Lang, from a low-level officer to a senior general.

Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".

The change of Xuanwu Gate, Hou Junji, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, actively participated in and planned the incident, it can be said that behind the change of Xuanwu Gate, it is also the process of Hou Junji's ambition expanding.

Because of the merits of supporting the establishment, and at the same time the merits of opening up the territory in the early stage, Hou Junji after Li Shimin ascended the throne, it can be said that he is a very popular minister, and Hou Junji, who has struggled endlessly, has participated in the important battles of destroying the Eastern Turks, Tuyuhun and Gaochangde in the fourth year of Zhenguan and the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, respectively, and has made outstanding achievements.

In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan (639), Bai Hou Junji was the governor of the river marching army, and was one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion.

It stands to reason that Hou Junji at this time is already above 10,000 people under one person, and in the court, I am afraid that the only people who can sit on an equal footing with him are the eldest grandson Wuji and Li Jing, and even the famous Qin Qiong has to have an honorific title for Hou Junji when he meets, and it is already the peak to be a courtier to such a point.

Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".

But just like the truth that when the moon is full, it will be lost, after reaching the peak, it will begin to go downhill, but Hou Junji's downhill road, walking a little fast, basically climbs down with a roll.

The fall of Hou Junji originated from the battle to destroy Gaochangguo.

After destroying the Gaochang Kingdom, Hou Junji returned to the dynasty with the victorious class, and Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, had a large banquet to wash the dust for the returning soldiers, but the day after the end of the celebration, a holy decree arrested Hou Junji, who had made the greatest contribution to the war, and was imprisoned!

The reason for his arrest was because someone impeached him in the first battle to destroy Gaochangguo, Hou Junji privately connived at his soldiers, looted Gaochangguo's treasures and took them for himself.

In the first battle against the Turks in the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), Li Jing ordered people to loot the property of the Turks, but Li Shimin did not punish him, on the contrary, he also rewarded Li Jing heavily.

More importantly, Li Shimin also did such a thing, after defeating Wang Shichong of Luoyang, Li Shimin also put the property in the city into his pocket.

But why did you hold on to Hou Junji this time?

In fact, the reason is very simple, the first battle to destroy the Gaochang Kingdom was the last large-scale foreign battle after the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

The result of the handling was that Hou Junji was imprisoned, and Li Shimin made a gesture to severely punish him, but in fact, he was just putting on a show, and finally under the plea of the Chinese scholar Lang Zhiwen, Li Shimin pushed the boat down the river and acquitted Hou Junji.

But as long as you can grow a little brain, you should understand the purpose and reason why Li Shimin did this, and you should be a man with your tail between your legs and enjoy the glory and wealth in a low-key manner, after all, in the early days of the Tang Dynasty, there was no vulgarity of killing heroes.

However, I met Hou Junji, the master who didn't know whether to live or die.

Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".

After he was released from prison, the more Hou Junji thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, why? Why should he punish me alone? They robbed me all, and I was not the only one, and besides, I was still an adjutant, so why didn't I punish Li Jing?

This person, he doesn't dare to drill the tip of the horns of the bull for anything, once he gets in, it is not easy to come out, Hou Junji is like this, not only does he not come out, but the more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes.

After thinking about it, he thought that this was Li Shimin's unfairness to him, he felt that he was targeting him, plus he could be said to be one of the biggest heroes in the Xuanwumen Change, and Li Shimin did this, obviously deliberately rectifying him.

So, Hou Junji, who couldn't hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart, gradually transformed the dissatisfaction in his heart into dissatisfaction with Li Shimin, and over time, the original kind of awe and loyalty gradually faded, and was replaced by slow disobedience and contempt.

As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs, and Hou Junji, who is full of resentment, was discovered by the prince Li Chengqian with ulterior motives.

As a result, the drama of rebellion during Li Shimin's reign was about to begin, but they forgot that the person sitting on the throne was the ancestor of the rebellion.

Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".

The matter was soon exposed, and the rebel group was wiped out, putting aside how to deal with the crown prince Li Chengqian, just talking about Hou Junji, this rebellion has always been a big crime, the whole family was beheaded, and the nine clans were exterminated, but Li Shimin remembered that Hou Junji had a lot of credit, and in the end he did not kill it all.

Taizong heard that Hou Jun was rebelling in the middle of the night, got up and walked around the bed, and urgently summoned him to surprise him, and said: "The ministers often serve His Majesty's shogunate, and beg the boy." "Emperor Xu Zhi. Leaving his son Lingnan as a slave. ”

It can be said that Li Shimin is quite okay with Hou Junji, at least he left him incense, and did not behead all the doors, but just sent his son to Lingnan.

After Hou Junji was killed, he raided his house as usual, in addition to copying out a large number of gold and silver treasures, he also copied out two different "treasures", and even Li Shimin came to see the rarity!

Hou Junji was both punished, recorded his family, got two beauties, and his appearance was peerless. Taizong asked about the situation and said: "Since you have come, you often eat human milk instead of food." ”

After all, Li Shimin is the master who has seen a big scene, what kind of stunning beauty has not been seen, but he also thinks that these two people are extremely beautiful, so he asked why these two people are so outstanding?

The two said that since they came to the Hou Mansion, they had never eaten, and they used "human milk" to satisfy their hunger on weekdays, which is why they were so beautiful.

This is not their nonsense, in the Sui Dynasty, there was a way to use this thing as maintenance, and there have been a variety of forms of eating and use, people generally believe that eating this thing can make people stay young forever, so what these two people said is true.

So, what happened to these two stunning beauties in the end? There is no explanation in the history books, but it is likely that they were killed by Li Shimin.

Hou Junji was executed, and Li Shimin searched his home for the two stunning beauties who "ate human milk".

Although Li Shimin promised to let Hou Junji's family go, but these two are just Hou Junji's enjoyment, that is, his subordinates, he is very dissatisfied with Hou Junji's rebellion, and his family is thinking of hard work, but when Li Shimin sees these two beauties, he will think of Hou Junji's extremely human minister but greedy for pleasure, and he will definitely be angry, so killing these two stunning beauties is the best choice for Li Shimin to vent his resentment.

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