
My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

author:That's what I said

(Statement: original work, headline debut, rights protection on the whole network, misappropriation must be investigated)

After retiring from military service and returning to the localities, the state encourages other retired servicemen to devote themselves to economic construction, find their own jobs, actively start businesses, promote economic development, ensure social stability, and realize their personal values.

In this regard, countless successful examples of veterans starting a business tell us that veterans can not only do it, but also make a difference. Ren Zhengfei, Liu Chuanzhi, Zhang Ruimin, Wang Shi, Wang Jianlin, etc. are all retired soldiers, and their successful deeds of entrepreneurship are famous in China. Of course, they are tycoon-level.

The unit in which I used to serve has also produced many typical examples of officers and soldiers who have retired from active duty and have successfully started their own businesses after returning to their localities. For example, Mr. Zhang Baoquan, my fellow comrade-in-arms, former information officer and chairman of Jindian Group, and Mr. Wu Huifang, former director of the Political Department and chairman of the board of directors of Jiangsu Yonggang Group Co., Ltd., are all well-known entrepreneurs in the country today.

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

Mr. Wu Yufang, former director of the Political Department of the author's unit

Narrowing it down further, when I joined the war, I worked in the division headquarters, and there were seven people in our department at that time, all of whom retired a few years after the war, and three of them chose to start their own businesses, including me, all of whom were successful. After Gong Yiping's comrade-in-arms retired from the army and returned to his hometown in 1986, he gave up the government's job placement and founded the Gaofeng Pipeline Gas Company, which was a great success and now has assets of more than 100 million yuan.

When his comrade-in-arms Zhao Biao retired from the army with a regular position, he chose to choose his own career and returned to his hometown to establish Shanghai Xiangsheng Baker Bearing Co., Ltd.

My business journey is different from theirs. After I retired from the army in December 1987, I did not choose my own career, but was placed in the county people's armed forces department, and after six years of hard work, I was gradually promoted from a clerk to a section chief.

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

The author was on the Laoshan front in 1985

In January 1992, after Deng Gong's speech on his southern tour, he once again pushed reform and opening up to a new height. In December 1992, the county party committee and the county government issued a circular calling on cadres to take the lead in devoting themselves to economic construction without pay.

I actively applied for the name, and soon got the approval of my superiors, agreeing that I would stay on duty without pay. After I took over the work of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, I first went to a wooden floor decoration company run by a friend in Guangzhou, and worked and studied at the same time, the purpose was to get familiar with the environment, learn to operate, and only accept a small amount of remuneration from my friend.

At that time, my friend's company was in full swing, with business all over the Pearl River Delta, making tens of millions of yuan a year. A year later, I left my friend's company and returned to my hometown to start my own company, mainly dealing in shoes and hats, knitting, and department stores. At that time, many state-owned enterprises and military enterprises were being restructured, and there was a backlog of products that needed to be disposed of.

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

The author was on the construction site of a wooden flooring company

According to the information collected, I went south and north, went to various factories to be restructured to purchase the backlog of goods, and successively went to more than 20 provinces and cities such as Jinjiang in Fujian, Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Jinan in Shandong, Luohe in Henan, and Wenxi in Shanxi.

We negotiate with each factory to buy out all of the factory's backlog at half or one-third of the market price, and then ship it back to our hometown and wholesale it to various stores in the countryside. At the same time, a wholesale department was set up to wholesale these goods to other places.

Although it was very hard, the risk was small, the effect was fast, and the "first pot of gold" was quickly dug up. This kind of business is especially suitable for people like me who have a small amount of capital and like to work short-term. In 1995, when the real estate industry was surging, I felt that it was an opportunity to reduce the scale of the trading company's operations and free up some funds, and on the other hand, to test the waters of real estate.

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

The author was in Shenzhen that year

Several plots of land were purchased through tenders (at that time natural persons could participate in the tendering of plots) in preparation for the development of real estate. However, at this time, the county people's armed forces department, where I used to work, asked me to end my leave without pay and return to work because the policy had changed. And I was told that if I didn't go back to work, I would be automatically dismissed. After discussing with my wife, I chose to return to my original workplace.

I hastily sold a few plots of land to the real estate owner for a bargain. Of course, the land has appreciated a lot in value and made a lot of money. The original trading company was handed over to his wife to take care of. From the suspension of pay to the return to the unit, in the four years before and after, the tax payment of more than 300 yuan can be regarded as a small achievement. If the policy doesn't change, I'll continue to do it and be sure to become a billionaire.

From his own business experience, he can draw the following conclusions: retired servicemen have a lot to do for self-employment and active entrepreneurship. Because veterans have many advantages in starting a business, which are incomparable to others. These advantages are:

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

The author's comrade-in-arms, colleague, entrepreneur Zhao Biao

First, it is bold and colorful, vigorous and resolute. After the tempering of the troops, the retired soldiers are full of courage and strategy, and will not be timid or indecisive, but will do what they say. For example, I went to various parts of the country to buy a backlog of goods, as evidenced by this. Courage and decisiveness are the prerequisites for doing business, and it is impossible for people without courage to make business bigger and stronger.

The second is to bear hardships and stand hard work, tenacity and tenacity. Years of military life have exercised the spirit of retired soldiers who dare to work hard, bear hardships and stand hard work, and provide good willpower and perseverance for entrepreneurship. In many cases, business success depends on persistence.

The third is to have good credit and speak counting. It is easy for ex-servicemen to gain the trust of others and cooperate with them when they do business. For example, I once went to Shandong to ask for a loan, and the money I brought with me was not enough, and the owner of the factory said: "You are a soldier, I am also a soldier, I absolutely believe that when you go back, you will call me in time!" Of course, the balance was also sent back to the factory in time.

Fourth, there is policy support and multi-party support. For example, tax exemptions or incentives, and the care of venues, water and electricity, these supports will reduce the burden of starting a business and increase positive returns. For example, I am a disabled soldier, and in starting a business, I have been exempted from business administration fees (which are no longer charged), and a partial reduction of tax adjustment has increased my positive income.

There are many, many advantages for veterans to start a business, not to mention them one by one.

My business practice with my comrades-in-arms has proved that veterans have many significant advantages in starting a business and can make great achievements

The author lived in a shed when he started his business