
Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

author:Lao Wang loves entertainment

Now the trust between doctors and patients is not very good, but some time ago Xinzheng City, Henan Province, staged a shocking farce. A woman, Xiaojuan, wanted to seek medical advice because she was slightly ill, but in an inconspicuous clinic, she was insulted incredibly. Was this the kind of healing she was hoping for?

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

The doctor of wolf ambitions

Xiaojuan, this lady, walked into that clinic for nothing more than ordinary treatment, her complexion was yellow, and her qi and blood were insufficient, which is a common condition in the eyes of Chinese medicine. The first two courses of Chinese medicine failed to make her feel that her body had improved, and the free acupuncture proposed by the doctor seemed to be a relief in disguise, but she did not know that there was a wolf ambition behind it.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

Forcibly kissed by a doctor

Xiaojuan recalled that during the first acupuncture, the situation was normal, the doctor and his wife were present, and everything was safe and sound. But the second time, she became the target of the doctor's misdeeds. When the doctor proposed to "press her eyes" for her, she didn't think much about it, but unexpectedly, this closed eyes actually plunged her into boundless shock and anger. The doctor directly played hooligan and shamelessly kissed her to the extreme.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

Beasts are inferior doctors

Her shock, anger, panic, and this series of complex emotions are like cold water that has been poured on her, which makes people feel heart-wrenching. How could a doctor in his 50s, who is supposed to be a respectable angel in white, behave like such a beast? What is even more outrageous is that when the doctor's wife rushed to hear the news, not only did she not have the slightest comfort and sympathy, but instead reversed right and wrong and demanded that Xiaojuan apologize, which was simply ridiculous.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

Because you're pretty

Fortunately, Xiaojuan did not flinch, and after calling the police and accessing the surveillance video, the truth jumped on the paper without denial. The 50-year-old doctor did indeed commit a heinous act, and his explanation to himself was even more laughable - "because you are beautiful". Such an absurd reason is simply a second injury to the victim.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

After the police intervened, the doctor was placed in administrative detention for six days for indecent assault and has been dealt with in accordance with the law. But for Xiaojuan's psychological trauma, such a treatment is obviously a drop in the bucket. In terms of civil compensation, the court recommends that it be resolved through litigation or negotiation. Xiaojuan asked for 50,000 yuan in compensation, while the clinic was only willing to pay 25,000, and this difference put the two sides in a stalemate.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

The incident quickly sparked heated discussions online, with netizens slamming the doctor for losing his basic professional ethics, and some even bluntly saying that the doctor should be punished more severely. The anger was palpable, and it was the doctor's actions that triggered it. In people's minds, the profession of doctor should be synonymous with responsibility and saving lives, but Xiaojuan's experience is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the trust of this profession.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

Ignore the victim

The attitude taken by the clinic in the aftermath of the incident is also puzzling. They fired the doctor and closed the clinic, which was supposed to be a sign of responsibility for the incident, but their attitude on the issue of compensation was somewhat perfunctory. Xiaojuan's request for 50,000 yuan in compensation is not excessive, after all, this is not only a physical violation, but also a psychological trauma. However, the clinic is only willing to pay half, and this disparity undoubtedly makes people feel that it is not only a matter of money, but also a kind of disregard for the victims.

After all this, Xiaojuan's psychology may have a big shadow, and her normal life and work may be affected. And such an incident also sounded the alarm for the society - the harmony of the doctor-patient relationship is not only based on treating diseases and saving people, but also needs the support of medical ethics and medical style.

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?

Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky, and any act that violates morality and law will eventually be punished. When we put all this aside, we might as well think deeply about whether people deserve to trust each other. A person, regardless of his or her professional status, should keep the bottom line of humanity. For Xiaojuan's experience, we should not only sympathize, but also learn lessons from it and jointly maintain a healthy and harmonious social environment. Xiaojuan's strength, the police's swift action, and the widespread attention of the society gave this incident a fair reply! What do you think of this matter, welcome to leave a message in the comment area

Oh my God! The reason for seeing a woman in the women's clinic was too beautiful was forcibly kissed by the doctor, and she was asked to apologize by the doctor's wife?