
Can the elderly still live a "married life"? How often is it good? The doctor gave specific data

author:Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In the traditional Chinese concept, the "conjugal life" of the elderly seems to be a topic of secrecy, like the lake in late autumn, calm and reserved. However, with the progress of society and the renewal of concepts, we have begun to realize that the sex life of the elderly is not only reasonable, but also healthy, just like the spring water, changing with each passing day.

Can the elderly still live a "married life"? How often is it good? The doctor gave specific data

1. The sexual needs of the elderly: nature is like the cycle of the four seasons

Sex, the melody of life, accompanies human beings from youth to twilight, it is like the cycle of the four seasons in nature, it is an irresistible instinctive demand. In many people's minds, sex seems to belong only to young people, however, the sexual needs of the elderly do not disappear with the passage of time, just as the cold of winter cannot stop the pace of spring. Married life, as the basic physiological needs of human beings, is not limited by age, and the elderly also have the right to enjoy the happiness and satisfaction it brings.

The frequency of conjugal life, for the elderly, should be like a clear stream in the mountains, flowing slowly, neither too frequently nor completely dry. The moderate intimacy of elderly couples is like a spring that nourishes the earth, adding vitality and harmony to their old age. Experts recommend that the elderly maintain marital life at least 1 to 2 times a month, such a frequency can not only meet physiological needs, but also avoid unnecessary burdens on the body.

The benefits of married life are coming quietly, like spring rain moisturizing things silently. For the elderly, a regular marital life can not only enhance immunity and prevent cardiovascular diseases, but also improve sleep quality and relieve anxiety and depression. These benefits, like spring rains, silently nourish the lives of the elderly, making their old age healthier and more fulfilling.

Can the elderly still live a "married life"? How often is it good? The doctor gave specific data

In the classic Western medicine book "Kline's Surgery", the importance of sexual health to the quality of human life is also mentioned. It emphasizes that maintaining a moderate sex life is an important part of maintaining good health, both young and old. Sexual health is like a trickle, which is not only related to the rise and fall of physiology, but also involves the harmony of the mind and society.

In real life, it is not difficult for us to find that those elderly people who maintain a moderate sex life tend to be energetic and optimistic. Their lives are full of energy and enthusiasm, and this positive attitude to life has a positive impact on their family and social relationships.

We should also note that the elderly should pay more attention to safety while pursuing sexual well-being. The use of safety measures to avoid unsafe sex is an important means of protecting older people from sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, the elderly should pay attention to communication and understanding in their married life, and respect each other's feelings and needs, so that sex can become a bond to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, rather than a source of conflict.

Can the elderly still live a "married life"? How often is it good? The doctor gave specific data

4. Case Study: Lessons from Life

Example 1: Uncle Wang's mood is difficult

Although Uncle Wang is over 60 years old and in good health, his partner lacks understanding of his sexual needs and even sees them as "abnormal". Unable to find a "partner", Uncle Wang was forced to find an external "partner", and unfortunately, he eventually contracted AIDS, which was like an irreparable tragedy. This case is a reminder that ignoring the sexual needs of older people can have serious consequences, like ignoring the faint tremor of a volcano that can lead to a catastrophic eruption.

Case 2: Aunt Li's change

Aunt Li is a 70-year-old widow who has been living alone since her husband's death. At first, she was shy about married life, but with the encouragement of her children and the advice of her doctors, she began to try to maintain a moderate married life with a suitable partner. Over the past few years, Aunt Li's quality of life has improved significantly, and she feels healthier and happier physically and mentally.

Can the elderly still live a "married life"? How often is it good? The doctor gave specific data

5. Testimony of Western medicine classics

In Klinefelter's Surgery, it is mentioned that a healthy sex life is an important part of human health, and for the elderly, a moderate sex life helps to maintain the normal functioning of physiological functions. In addition, the Kinsey Report on Sexology [no specific literature provided] also emphasizes the prevalence of sexual needs and the importance of maintaining a moderate sexual life among the elderly.

The "husband and wife life" of the elderly is like spring water growing together in the sky, which is natural and beautiful. We should abandon stereotypes, understand and respect the sexual needs of older people, and help them move towards a healthy and happy old age. As stated in Klinefelter Surgery, sexual health is the cornerstone of human health and should not be neglected in both youth and old age. Let's welcome the arrival of every spring with an open mind.

I'm Dr. Want Want, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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