
The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

author:Ah Hai views the world

Recently, I heard a novel proposal, saying that it was an expert who suggested that foreign women should be introduced to solve the marriage and love problems of our rural older youth. Oops, as soon as this news came out, the Internet really exploded, and all kinds of voices came one after another.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

My first reaction was, "Wow, this expert really dares to think of it!" What kind of trick is this to bring in foreign women? Isn't there enough girls in our country to choose from these older rural youths? But then again, the problem of marriage and love among older rural young people is really a big problem, and this proposal may bring them a glimmer of hope.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

This proposal made me curious, what kind of situation is the current situation of marriage and love in rural areas that the experts came up with such an idea? I wondered that these experts must have seen the problem of the difficulty of finding a partner for older young people in rural areas, and then put forward this bold idea. However, I don't think it's that simple, after all, when it comes to transnational marriage, cultural differences and language communication are big problems.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

However, I have also heard that there are already precedents for transnational marriages in some places, and the small life is not bad. It seems that this proposal is not entirely unfeasible. However, I still can't help but worry, will these foreign daughters-in-law be able to adapt to our rural life here, and will they be willing to live such an ordinary life?

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

When I think about the language barriers and living habits that these foreign daughters-in-law may face, I feel that this matter is a bit suspenseful. However, there are two sides to everything, and perhaps their arrival can bring new vitality and change to our countryside.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

Speaking of cultural differences, I suddenly thought of a question: If these foreign daughters-in-law really came, would our rural culture be impacted? Will they misunderstand or reject our traditional customs? Oh, the more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes, and I feel that my head is bigger.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

But then again, I think it's an interesting proposition. Although there are many problems and challenges, they at least provide us with a new way of thinking. Maybe one day in the future, we can really see a group of foreign daughters-in-law living happily in the countryside, creating a better life with our older rural youth.

The gospel of singles? The introduction of foreign women will "lay" the bride price? Domestic women panicked? Netizens commented

Of course, I know that this proposal is not a panacea. In order to truly solve the problem of marriage and love among older young people in rural areas, we need to start from many aspects. For example, raising the level of education in rural areas, improving the economic situation in rural areas, and so on. Only in this way can more rural young people have the opportunity to find their other half and live a happy life.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, and it involves marriage, family, culture, and other aspects. However, I think that any reform will require courage and wisdom, and as long as we can properly handle the various relationships and problems, I believe that this proposal will definitely have a positive impact.

I am both excited and looking forward to the changes and challenges that this proposal may bring. After all, this is a question of marriage and love for our older young people in rural areas! This is a big problem! I really hope that this proposal will bring about positive changes and make our countryside more vibrant and hopeful.

At the same time, I have reservations about this proposal. After all, there are too many issues involved in this matter, and it needs to be carefully considered. But in any case, I feel that this is a topic that is worth paying attention to and discussing. I also hope that everyone can look at this problem rationally and work together to find a better solution.

Heck, after all that, I'm getting a little thirsty. But I was thrilled to think about the possibilities and challenges that this proposal could bring. Maybe one day in the future, we will really see a new rural face! Let's wait and see!