
The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

author:Shi said


Cao Cao and Sima Yi of another dynasty? He was a long-lived courtier who had gone through four generations of kings, and even had the power to depose the monarch, and he was the ancestor of the foot-washing industry.

He is a sacrificial foot, and his daughter is the source of the best of the best. He was the first adviser beside the first little overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period.

What's the story behind him?

First Advisor

In ancient times, there were ten major formations, including the Mandarin Duck Formation of the anti-Japanese hero Qi Jiguang, and the Yuli Formation of Zheng Zhuanggong.

Zheng Zhuanggong is the creator of this political and legal system, who created the predecessor of the Zun Wang Yi - the false king ordered to fight Xu, and had Cao Cao's ambition to be a hero in troubled times, but he was not recognized by Confucian scholars, and was not even included in the position of the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Some people say that Zheng Zhuang Gong is another representative of Cao Cao, with the ambition of a hero, and even his own national capital, which is about to be broken by the Song State, can collapse in front of Taishan without changing his expression, this genuine Spring and Autumn period overlord is like Cao Cao in another era.

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

And the sacrificial foot is very similar to Sima Yi of another dynasty, the sacrificial foot is the first adviser under the Duke of Zheng Zhuang, and during the period of the Duke of Zheng Zhuang, the sacrificial foot is a capable minister who can pinch and calculate, and has the talent to manage the middle.

But when it comes to the monarchs of later generations, sacrificing feet has become the first minister of the Spring and Autumn Period who holds great power, and can even abolish the monarch, and the entire Zheng State is the first minister of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the first minister of the whole of China.

Zheng Guo was originally in charge of Zheng Wugong, who married the princess of the Zhou Dynasty, who was a very delicate woman who had a difficult birth when she gave birth to her first child, so she was very disgusted with the first child, and called her sleepy, and this child was the future Zheng Zhuang Gong.

The second child was born naturally, and the princess loved her very much, calling him Uncle Duan.

Next is the story of Zheng Zhuang Gong and Gong Shu Duan, in the period of Zheng Zhuang Gong Ke Gong Shu Duan, as a courtier, the sacrifice of the foot played a great effect.

The princess of the Zhou Dynasty doted on her youngest son, and for the first time asked for the land to be distributed to her younger son, and after the request was not allowed, she proposed to give the capital to the younger son.

Zheng Zhuang Gong allowed it, but Saizu dissuaded him in every way, saying that "the length of the wall cannot exceed 300 zhang, and the length of the largest city cannot exceed 1/3 of the length of the city wall of the mainland capital." ”

He also compares the passage to a spreading weed, and if this weed is not removed, it will grow bigger and bigger, and the consequences will be endless.

But Zheng Zhuanggong said, "If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, let's watch." At this time, Zheng Zhuanggong was like Yongzheng to Nian Qianyao in later generations, and planned to adopt the method of appeasement and adultery to get rid of his younger brother Gongshu Duan.

Zheng Zhuanggong is also the protagonist of Huangquan's mother later, in the face of such a talented, ambitious, and scheming courtier, how to do the sacrifice?

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

After the Duke of Zheng Zhuang decided to divide the capital to the Gongyi Duan, in addition to sacrificing the feet, another royal courtier also raised objections.

However, Zheng Zhuanggong did not take their words to heart, so the courtiers took the initiative to find the sacrificial feet, and said worriedly, "The monarch is soft-hearted and indecisive, what can I do?"

Saizu smiled and said, "Our monarch is not an indecisive person, you have a kinship with the lord, and the lord can't say it clearly in the court, but now you go to him privately, everything will naturally understand." ”

Everything turned out to be as Saizu expected, and Zheng Zhuang Gong made a plan to get rid of Gongshu Duan, which shows that Saizu had understood the true thoughts of the monarch, but he did not reveal it.

Zheng Zhuanggong is the first small overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period, with the ambition of hegemony, not only exchanging protons with the Zhou Dynasty, but also wanting to further test the bottom line of the Zhou Dynasty.

But it was not good to attack directly, so Zheng Zhuanggong chose a harmless way, he asked the sacrificial foot to go and steal the wheat of the Zhou Dynasty, so as to test whether the Zhou Dynasty was full of trust in him.

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

At that time, the reigning monarch of the Zhou Dynasty was the grandson of King Ping of Zhou, who moved the capital of the Zhou Dynasty to Luoyi in the past.

After the Zhou Dynasty and Zheng Guo exchanged protons, the crown prince of the Zhou Dynasty died in Zheng State, so the grandson of the Zhou Dynasty returned to the Zhou Dynasty to inherit the throne, and since then he has been very resentful of Zheng Zhuang Gong.

The following year, when the Duke of Zheng Zhuang went to Zhou for a pilgrimage, the king of Zhou asked, "How is the wheat harvest in Zheng this year?"

"Good. ”

After hearing this, King Zhou said angrily, "That's good, this year, the wheat in the capital of our Zhou Dynasty can finally be eaten by ourselves." ”

Depose the monarch

Zheng Zhuang Gong was a powerful monarch who not only reformed the domestic affairs politically, but also promoted the development of the land system economically, and at the same time wanted to continue to expand militarily.

Land expansion needs a legitimate reason, at this time it was still the early Spring and Autumn Period, and the authority of the Zhou Dynasty was still relatively large, so Zheng Zhuang Gong thought of an idea of a fake king to kill Xu, and a fake king to kill Song.

It was also the predecessor of the later Emperor Zhengyi, and since then it has also begun to pretend to be the king's order to crusade against other countries.

In the heyday of Zheng Zhuanggong, once the soldiers of the five princes and countries were in the city, he could talk and laugh, and the Song State surrounded his national capital, and he could not change his face.

The Zhou Dynasty led other vassal states to attack Zheng Zhuanggong, and he easily repelled the Zhou Dynasty's soldiers and horses, and also shot the Son of Heaven in the shoulder.

This is also the reason why most Confucian students in the past dynasties did not recognize Zheng Zhuanggong, after shooting Zhou Tianzi in the shoulder, Zheng Zhuanggong also felt that it was a little too much, so he asked the sacrificial foot to go to the camp of the king of Zhou to say hello.

Zheng Zhuang Gong was a very accomplished monarch, before he died, Zheng Zhuang Gong asked Saizu, "My children, who do you think is the most outstanding?" ”

Zheng Zhuanggong sighed and said, "Gongzi Tu is not a person who has lived under people for a long time, if you want to establish Gongzi Su, you can only send Gongzi Tu to send him over." ”

After hearing this, Saizu replied, "Knowing the son, Mo Ruo's father, your plan is naturally right. ”

Zheng Zhuanggong smiled bitterly before he died: "I, Zheng Guo, have had a lot of things since then." ”

In the Spring and Autumn Period, strong marriages were emphasized, and it was important to have a strong maternal family, Gongzi Hu was a humble gentleman and a general with achievements.

He once repelled the barbarian invasion for the monarch of Qi, and the monarch of Qi appreciated him very much and wanted to marry his daughter to him, but the prince suddenly said, "Qi is not a coincidence." ”

This took the princess of the weak country Chen Guo, and after learning about it, she persuaded her, "The lord has many children, if the prince wants to stand out among them, marrying Qi is the best way." ”

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

After Gongzi suddenly ascended the throne, he went to the Song Kingdom, which was also Gongzitu's mother country.

As soon as he arrived in the Song Kingdom, he was arrested, and he shouted, "Why am I guilty of this? Is it because the king's etiquette is not in place, or is the courtiers not fulfilling their duties?"

Song Guochenzi smiled and said, "That's not the case, it's really the current Zheng Guojun, indecisive, too benevolent, not suitable for that position, it is better to make a prince suddenly become the king, and the mainland will also marry you from generation to generation, and the generation will be good." ”

Saizu said, "The prince was suddenly established by the ancestors, how can I change it as a courtier?"

The courtiers of the Song State laughed, "What country does not have the matter of killing the monarch and setting up a new monarch now?" Moreover, Concubine Zheng is favored by the first monarch, and the son is valued by his mother, and the prince is suddenly established as the monarch, why not?

The courtiers of the Song Kingdom smiled and said, "Our monarch also ascended the throne in this way. ”

There was no way to sacrifice the foot, so he agreed to the Song State, and the Song State knew that the sacrifice had a daughter in order to be safe, so he specially chose a courtier named Yongjie and asked him to marry the daughter of the sacrifice.

Yongjie took office in Zheng Guo and was the monarch of the Song State, a nail buried next to the sacrificial foot.

Kill the son-in-law and chase the master

After Gongzi suddenly became the monarch, he was limited by the sacrificial power in the military and political power, and he was unable to show his ambitions, so he was depressed.

Looking at the birds soaring in the air and sighing frequently, Yongjie stepped forward to persuade after seeing it, "Spring and Jingming, why does the monarch sigh?"

Childe suddenly sighed, "Birds can still soar into space, but I am not as good as a caged bird, subject to sacrifice and restrictions everywhere." ”

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

Yongjie smiled and said, "The king is like a father, just like your child, if the father is depressed, then how can I, a courtier, be regarded as filial piety? ”

"Aren't you the son-in-law of the sacrificial foot?"

"The marriage was completely forced by the monarch of the Song Kingdom, who believed in me and sent a sacrificial foot to comfort the people tomorrow.

And I took the opportunity of a feast to treat him leniently, and got rid of him for the king. ”

As soon as Yongjie got home, he saw his wife, not only was her face a little frightened, but her wife felt a little strange in her heart, and asked, "Is there something going on in the court?"


"Husband and wife are the same, no matter how big or small, concubines should know. ”

"What's the matter, it's just that you're going to entertain your father in the suburbs tomorrow. ”

"Why did you go to the countryside to entertain my father?"

The daughter of the foot sacrifice took the opportunity to get drunk, and Yongjie shouted, "You're going to kill my father, aren't you?"

Yongjie still has to hide, and the daughter of the foot sacrifice said with a smile, "Since you marry your husband, how can you give a gift to your father?"

On the second day, the daughter of the foot priest returned to Ning and asked her mother, "Which is more important, husband or father?" ”

The mother said, "Of course, the father is more important, everyone can be a husband, but there is only one father." ”

The daughter of the foot priest told her father the truth.

On the second day, Yongjie really set up a banquet halfway to entertain him, and there was a hidden dagger in his sleeve, but he had already set up an ambush and successfully killed Yongjiao, not only that, but also expelled Gongzi from Zheng Guo to welcome Gongzi Hu back to China.

The genuine first minister is more powerful than Guan Zhong! The ancestor of the foot washing industry is rarely known

After Gongzi suddenly returned to China, he complained about the sacrifice of his feet because of the fact that he was forced to abdicate because of the sacrifice in the past, and the friendship between the two was no longer the original. Gongzi Hu had a dislike with the minister Gao Qumi in the past, and Gao Qumi designed to assassinate Zheng Zihu.

The sacrifice can only support the new monarch, and the new Zheng Guojun has a gap with Qi Xianggong, and Qi Xianggong deceived this Zheng Guojun to Qi Guo and killed him.

There is another theory that Qi Xianggong and Qi Jiang had brother and sister incest, and the people in the court and China were resentful, in order to divert the attention of the people, Qi Xianggong began military expansion, and after killing the monarch of Lu Guojun, he killed Zheng Guojun.

Therefore, the sacrifice can only appoint a fourth king.

He has a very long life, after four monarchs, he has always been deeply relied on, is the first minister, Guan Zhong is also jealous of him, after the death of the sacrificial foot, he dared to send troops to interfere in the internal affairs of Zheng Guo.

Reference: "The First Year of the Hidden Emperor"

Historical Records, Volume 42, Zheng Shijia Twelfth

"The Fifth Year of Huan Gong"

Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

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