
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

author:World Art Spectacular

There are always places and emotions that are indescribable, but they can be painted. They have passion, bright tones, and a lot of emotion.

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Viktor Bykov works

Today, we introduce you to these ten artists, who are psychedelic singers of nature and specialize in intoxicating the audience with the rich fragrance and pleasant coolness of the forest.

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Viktor Alessandrovich Bykov is a famous painter of Russian landscapes. He is good at singing about the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. His paintings blend realism and childlike vibes. Clean tones, clear air, lightness and freshness have made Viktor Bykov's paintings and private collectors in Russia and abroad very popular.


Margezata Szczechinska

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Polish artist Margezata Szczechinska is a watercolor painter. Her painting style is gentle, and her work is like a celebration of the beauty of nature. She perceives the blend of forests, breezes, green grasses, flowers, light and color, and paints them with a brush.


Pagel Mürke Münsjed

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Päger Mürker Mänsjed is a Danish realist artist and a recognized master of landscape painting. Although he has traveled the world countless times, his paintings mainly depict the off-the-beaten-path landscapes of northern Denmark. His paintings are currently in the collections of Aalborg, Bautzen, Landas and many other private collections.


Michael O'Toole

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Michael O'Toole is from Vancouver, on the western coast of Canada. She has art in her blood, after all, her mother, Nancy O'Tool, is a famous artist. Vivid colors, contrasts, and pure style make it rare for people not to be attracted by his paintings. Michael O'Tool, who works primarily with acrylic paints, boldly and confidently plays with a large number of colors and contrasting colors.


Roland Permeltes

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Born in Brussels, Belgium, Roland Permeltes is a designer and illustrator who also participates in exhibitions. The exhibition was a great success, and Permeltes showed his full talent in painting and teaching, and he wrote a number of textbooks on painting techniques. He is also a member of the Canadian Society of Watercolour Painters, a member of the European Watercolour Society, and previously served as President of the School of Plastic Arts for five years.


Ilya Ibryaev

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Ilya was born in Moscow. He is a member of the Union of Russian Artists. He is a well-known mosaic collage artist, but also specializes in watercolor painting. His creations are gentle and delicate. Many of his works are currently stored in museums in Russia.


Petras Lucosius

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Petras Lukosius is a Lithuanian artist. His works depict the penetration of sunlight on multiple levels, and in the paintings, the sunlight flows in large quantities in his magical forest, and the light is gently attached to each twig. Petras's paintings can be seen in many parts of the world, including Germany, England, Spain and Sweden.


Lin Jingzhe

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Artist Lin Ching-che grew up in Taiwan, China. He creates watercolors, and he is inspired by the gloomy beauty of Taipei's bad weather and drizzle. His paintings are full of melancholy, calm, and the comforting peace of autumn in the woods. The young artist is already a world-recognized painter of watercolors.


Roman Romanoff

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature
Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Roman Ganakivich Romanov is from Kemerovo, Russia. Early career in automotive and industrial design. In the past fifteen years, he has shown an amazing talent in painting. He works in oil and is a member of the Art Professional Association. "I'm just opening a window for the audience to taste the freshness of the winter air, the smell of rotting leaves in autumn, and the noise of the cool forest in summer. So says the painter.


Graeme Gelken

Painting Classics: Enchanting paintings of nature

Graeme Gelken is an Australian artist. He has been creating for 25 years, and in those 25 years he has received numerous medals and awards. He creates vivid and joyful compositions that celebrate the green land and the landscapes of North America. He is fond of painting with oil paint.

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