
What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

author:Shushan History Road


The Battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty was a little-known but significant battle in Chinese history. While it may not be widely mentioned in history, its impact is far-reaching and long-lasting. Located at the junction of today's Hebei and Shandong provinces, Yuerhai is geographically critical.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, piracy and maritime trade were hindered as serious problems for the Ming Dynasty. The fishing area was the center of piracy, which posed a serious threat to the maritime security of the Ming Dynasty. So, what exactly made this war so important for the Ming Dynasty?

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

Wang Baobao: The worries and prophecies of famous generals at the end of the Yuan Dynasty

After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, its royal family members did not disappear. On the contrary, they are still wandering the north, ready to make a comeback. In this regard, there is a famous general at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, who has a premonition and worries.

This person is Wang Baobao. As a high-ranking general at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Baobao witnessed the decline of the Yuan Dynasty. He was well aware that the fall of the Yuan Dynasty was not achieved overnight, but was a long and difficult process. In this process, the royal family members of the Yuan Dynasty still existed, and there was a possibility of a comeback at any time.

It was based on this concern that Wang Baobao repeatedly persuaded Emperor Yuan Shun to abandon Yingchang and retreat all the way north to Helin. He was worried that if Emperor Yuan Shun stuck to Yingchang, he would inevitably fall into passivity and eventually escape the fate of destruction.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

However, Emperor Yuan Shun did not heed Wang Baobao's advice. He was still obsessed with the dream of ZTE, trying in vain to rebuild the glory of the Yuan Dynasty. It wasn't until Yingchang was captured by Li Wenzhong that Emperor Yuan Shun fled in a hurry, but it was too late.

Wang Baobao's prophecy was fulfilled. Although the fall of the Yuan Dynasty temporarily prevented its comeback, its royal family still existed and could rise again at any time. This brought huge hidden dangers to the newly established Ming Dynasty.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

Timur (Ertie): The fate of the relics of the Yuan Dynasty

In this contest between the Ming Dynasty and the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty, there is a figure that is particularly eye-catching, that is, the eldest son of Emperor Zhao of the Yuan Dynasty, Tugusi Timur, which is called "Ertie" by later generations.

The fate of the second iron can be described as ups and downs. When Ying Chang was captured, he was one of the captured members of the Yuan Dynasty's royal family. But unexpectedly, the Ming army did not deal with him, but instead made him a marquis.

This may be a strategy of Zhu Yuanzhang. He hoped to ease the relationship with the Northern Yuan Dynasty by giving preferential treatment to the Second Railway, and even make the Second Railway a bridge between the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Yuan. However, Ertie did not buy it and was still hostile to the Ming Dynasty. In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang had to send him back to Beiyuan.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

Since then, the fate of the second iron can be described as ups and downs. He first fled to Helin with the Northern Yuan royal family, but soon Helin was also captured by the Ming army. After that, he wandered with the remnants to the fishing area.

This time, his fate came to an end completely. In the Battle of Yuerhai, Ertetsu's troops were devastated. He himself was killed as well.

The tragic fate of Ertie reflects the helplessness of the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Although they once had a glorious past, they could not escape the fate of destruction in the end. This also shows that the Ming Dynasty is firm in its determination to eliminate the forces of the Yuan Dynasty and will never be soft.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

Blue Jade: The wisdom and courage of the Ming army

In the battle of Yuerhai, the main general of the Ming army, Lan Yu, also contributed an indispensable role. He not only demonstrated outstanding military command ability, but also highlighted the combat effectiveness of the Ming army.

Lan Yu led an army of 150,000 and traveled thousands of miles to reach the fishing sea. In the process, they encountered many difficulties, such as lack of water. But Lan Yu did not back down because of this, but with wisdom and courage, she overcame these obstacles one by one.

The most important thing is that when Lan Yu's army approached the fishing sea, there was no trace of the Northern Yuan army. This left Lan Yu in anxiety and confusion. But he did not give up easily, but carefully analyzed the possible reasons.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

In the end, Lan Yu judged that the Northern Yuan army should have learned of the movements of the Ming army in advance to move so quickly. So, he decided to move forward and sent Wang Bi to investigate. As it turned out, Sapphire's judgment was correct.

Under the leadership of Wang Bi, the Ming army finally found the traces of the Northern Yuan army. And just as the Ming army was preparing to attack, a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky. This gale not only covered the surprise attack of the Ming army, but also dealt a serious blow to the Northern Yuan army.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

In the end, in this stormy battle, the Ming army won a decisive victory. Thousands of Northern Yuan troops were killed, tens of thousands of people and tens of thousands of horses were captured. This victory not only shattered the last glimmer of hope for the Northern Yuan, but also completely eliminated the hidden dangers of the Ming Dynasty.

Lan Yu's wisdom and courage are the key to winning this battle. He not only demonstrated outstanding military command ability, but also highlighted the strong combat effectiveness of the Ming army. This victory not only consolidated the dominance of the Ming Dynasty, but also cleared the last obstacle to its great cause of unification.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

Wang Bi: The suggestion of the founding hero of the Ming army

In the battle of Yuerhai, there is another hero worthy of our attention, that is, Wang Bi. He was not only the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, but also played an important role in this key battle. When Lan Yu's army approached the fishing sea, but could not find any trace of the Northern Yuan army, he fell into confusion and hesitation. At this time, Wang Bi stood up and persuaded Lan Yu to move on.

Wang Bi's reason is simple, but it makes a lot of sense. He said that since the Ming army had already gone deep into Mobei with more than 100,000 troops, if he returned in vain, how would he explain to Zhu Yuanzhang after he returned? These words undoubtedly woke up Lan Yu. He realized that if he retreated, he would not only disappoint Zhu Yuanzhang, but also greatly damage the prestige of the Ming army. So, he decided to follow Wang Bi's advice and move on.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?

As it turned out, Wang Bi's suggestion was correct. Under his leadership, the Ming army finally found the traces of the Northern Yuan army and won a decisive victory. This victory not only shattered the last glimmer of hope of the Northern Yuan, but also completely eliminated the hidden dangers of the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Bi's suggestion reflects his foresight as a founding hero. He was not only able to accurately grasp the trend of the battle situation, but also to make suggestions for the great cause of the reunification of the Ming army. This wisdom and courage made an important contribution to the rise of the Ming Dynasty.

What was the battle of Yuerhai in the early Ming Dynasty? Why was this war so important to the Ming Dynasty?


The stories of these characters undoubtedly outline a magnificent historical picture for us. They either gave advice or killed the enemy bravely, and together they wrote a wonderful chapter in this history.

It was precisely because of the struggle and sacrifice of these figures that the Ming Dynasty was able to achieve victory in this decisive battle and completely eliminate the threat of the Yuan Dynasty's forces. This not only consolidated the dominance of the Ming Dynasty, but also cleared the last obstacle to its unification.

For the Ming Dynasty, the elimination of the Yuan Dynasty forces was undoubtedly its top priority. The Battle of Yuerhai was a key battle for the Ming Dynasty to complete this mission. The victory in this battle not only demonstrated the strong strength of the Ming army, but also paved the way for the future of the Chinese nation.

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