
Du Huiliang carried out the on-site office activities of "four grassroots units" in Hangjinqi

author:Warm news
{"info":{"title":{"content":"杜汇良在杭锦旗开展“四下基层”现场办公活动","en":"Du Huiliang carried out the on-site office activities of \"four grassroots units\" in Hangjinqi"},"description":{"content":"4月8日,市委副书记、市长杜汇良在杭锦旗开展“四下基层”现场办公活动。市委常委、副市长苏翠芳参加。杜汇良先后来到蒙能风光...","en":"On April 8, Du Huiliang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, carried out the on-site office activity of \"four grassroots units\" in Hangjinqi. Su Cuifang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, attended. Du Huiliang has come to Mengneng scenery..."}},"items":[]}