
There are 35,000 people in the 10-point file of Dongfang Selection, a 😱 new high. Yoyo and Tianquan took over, and the two chatted happily, chatting about the premiere of Tianquan's outfield today, and the number of people continued

author:Glory days
{"info":{"title":{"content":"东方甄选十点档竟然有3.5万人,创新高了啊😱。悠悠和天权交接班,俩人聊得很欢乐,在聊今天天权外场小时达首播的事,人数不断","en":"There are 35,000 people in the 10-point file of Dongfang Selection, a 😱 new high. Yoyo and Tianquan took over, and the two chatted happily, chatting about the premiere of Tianquan's outfield today, and the number of people continued"},"description":{"content":"东方甄选十点档竟然有3.5万人,创新高了啊😱。悠悠和天权交接班,俩人聊得很欢乐,在聊今天天权外场小时达首播的事,人数不断...","en":"There are 35,000 people in the 10-point file of Dongfang Selection, a 😱 new high. Yoyo and Tianquan handed over the shift, the two chatted happily, chatting about today's Tianquan outfield premiere in an hour, and the number of people continued..."}},"items":[]}