
A 7-year-old girl was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and her parents regretted it, and the doctor reprimanded her: she said that she should give her children less food

author:Möngke talks about health
{"info":{"title":{"content":"7岁女童确诊肠癌,父母后悔不已,医生痛斥:说了少给孩子吃这些","en":"A 7-year-old girl was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and her parents regretted it, and the doctor reprimanded her: she said that she should give her children less food"},"description":{"content":"在阅读此文前,诚邀您点击一下“关注”,既方便您进行讨论与分享,又给您分享更多的专业健康知识,为您的健康保驾护航,感谢您的...","en":"Before reading this article, I sincerely invite you to click \"Follow\", which is not only convenient for you to discuss and share, but also to share more professional health knowledge with you, to escort your health, thank you..."}},"items":[]}